School has started! ....sniff....
It's alright, I suppose, but recently I've had a bunch of times when I'll get really really depressed about school...and I really dread going.....
I dunno what's wrong with me!! >.<!
Maybe I'm just pmsing........
On da first day back, we did almost nothing all day! biggrin
...except for in stupid math and history....
Math is crazeh.....we're already doing a bunch of complicated hard scary problems!!
...And history just sucks..... xp
But he's gone for 2 weeks! Mah history teacher's gone for 2 weeks!!
We have a substitute who's Japanese! His name is Mr. Mori! And he said his name means forest! xd He even wrote it in Japanese to show was very simple to write...I still remember how to!!
But we got a big project in histort already....on the first day....sigh.....
We have to do this newpaper/magazine about the 1920s....
And it's due really soon!! Ahh!
Art class is fun though! whee I guess that's just probably cause I like art...
It's weird though, this is the only art class I've ever taken where all the people in the class actually care about art...hey, they even like art!
Cause I got to choose this class!! blaugh ....but that means a lot of people are probably better than me... oh well...
I only know one person in that class....I carpool with her...
And she's really super amazing!!!! I saw her picture and it was sooooo good!!!
.....i feel really sucky in comparison....haha.....
The art room's so bright in the morning....You can hardly see!! ((I have art 1st period, so during the first part of class the sun isn't even up yet! But then it's really bright during the second half of class...))
I also have Tec this semester! teacher's really.............weird..................and insane........
The first day he was like 'Oh this is an IB class....this should be fun." Then next he was randomly like "Wednesday's my birthday, so you're all gonna buy me Starbucks gift cards right?"
.....then he started playing with scissors.... sweatdrop
While he was talking he would suddenly snap the scissors together loudly and look in my direction....O.O
It was rather.....scary......
Then the next day he was in his little office ((which is really a closet))
And there was a substitute. We told the substitute our teacher was here then he left....
The bell rang....and after a while the teacher came out of his office....
The first thing he said was "I'm really pissed off!"
He had gotten into a car wreck that morning cause he was trying to avoid some other driver....then a police officer caught him ((he ran into a sign)) and gave him a ticket for reckless driving...
He was really really mad, and he said he was gonna take it to court....
And he told us "so I'll be gone Jan. 8th cause I'll be in court because of that stupid police officer."
But....the date was Jan. 8 ((it was yesterday))...soo I dunno what he was talking about.... sweatdrop
Hahaha....I guess school's started off very interestingly....
Oh! Oh! Oh!!
I read all of Absolute Boyfriend! And it's really good!! xd So I'm recommending it to you!!

It's so sweet!! And Night's so smexy!! whee But he's also very adorable and naiive!! Like a puppy dog!! ((Oh! Night's main guy character, in case you were wondering. He's the, naked guy on the cover of the first book...))
It really is very good!! Even if it's a little....mature.... wink
It starts off kind of like chobits....but it's Night instead of Chi....
But if you don't like romance....just forget I said anything.....and I guess it's more of a girl's manga.....
It's sooo sad too!!!! And surprising!! And cute!! And touching!!
I really liked it ok?? I think you probably get it...
Okay dats all!! Sorry for the unsually long amount of rambling!!

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