Hello Everyone Its Time for my Storie!
Today Story is...
CHAPTER ONE The Dream of Hell
So i was walking through fog.. I kept hearing Pikachu crying my name...
I look behind me ....rain...rain everywhere.....Soon i heard foot steps...
Lurking me.... I asked my self.. Where am i ? Where is Pikachu? Soon i saw pikachu
But why? Pikachu was on a cliff asleep ready to jump off....As soon as Pikachu fell off
i ran toward Pikachu ...But i was'nt getting anywhere... I was on a path of disaster..
Suddently when Pikachu was about to hit the ground...SPAT! i woke up ...
"Ugh.. Just another nightmare"
I looked around my room...It was dark..I could hear the rain hitting towards the ground outside.. I got out of my bed slipped into my shoes with my pjs
i went outside not knowing where i am going following my dream and dissapearing into the mid of night..... Scearching for my friend Pikachu ...
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::!~Kyu-Kiki Kitty NoteBook~!::
Kyu-kiki Kitty NoteBook. Lots of Picture but not really. Likes and dislikes.
And some other stuff like my dream avatar! And other stuff you know.
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