.:|/ Life of a Hellsing Addict (25) |:.
So this weekend I bought the fourth and fifth Hellsing comics. I'm very happy for that. My little cousin was born on friday, and I got to go meet him. I dressed up like a man, and pretended to be gay wandering the mall on saturday (My name was Damien and I was a very smexy gay man thank you very much XD). I went to the prom store yesterday and tried on a couple dresses, one of them didn't fit cause I've gained a couple pounds since sophomore year, the others cause my boobs are too f-ing big! It was kind of sad. I did talk to one girl in that store for a while, and she told us about a girl who walked into Prom the store, a girl from my school even and said "Hey, I need a dress with easy acess cause I'm gonna lose my virginity that night." So the person telling the story just kind of nodded and asked, "umm... greeeeeat, who you goin' with?" The dress hunter said, "I don't know that yet..." OMG that is the best story ever! lol I bet it was a freshmeat too, but it deffinetly sounds like someone from my school, preppy and sex driven XP