Lacey left the doctors office only to run straight into Terrence, who was standing in the door way. She looked up at him to see him waiting expectantly.
"Where've you been for the past week?"
"What does it matter? It was torture being locked up in there. All I did was go swimming, the water was cold, I got stuck, and woke up on the beach. I didn't need to be there for that long." She said as she continued walking.
"Lacey, I swear, sometimes you are so indifferent about important things!"
"Relax. Really, nothing happened. Doctors are just so uptight about little scrapes."
"Fine," He said giving her a not-to-light punch on the shoulder.
She glared and smiled at him, kicked him, and continued walking.
"I know, but you looked terrible!"
"M'am, I was fine. I didn't need to be imprisoned for a week. It only took about a half hour to make me feel better. I apraicate the kindness, but I was fine."
"Lacey, sugar, You looked like you were going to die. I panicked. But I'm sure that it was best for your health to be in there. Hm. You're a very restless girl, dear.C'mon, sweetie, we need to finish cleaning."
Lacey quietly closed and locked the door to the bakery.When she got back to her house, she kicked off her boots and put her feet in the water. She was shocked to find it. . . surpisingly warm. It felt just like warm bathwater. She climbed up onto her tree and gazed longingly at the moon. It was so full. . . shining so brightly.
"Whatcha doin' up there?"
Lacey practilly fell out of the tree, but caught herself on one of the lower branches.
"Well, let's see, I'm dangling from a branch cause some idiot caught me by surprise."
She dropped out of the tree and walked onto the beach. The water was so comforting, so pleasant. She ran back up to the tree.
"Hey. . . what are you do- Dangit, Lacey!" he said, laughing.
Terence shielded his face with his hands as water splashed onto them. "What are you doing?"
She treaded water and laughed."Taking a swim, of course!" She walked back up to the shore, clothes dripping wet, hair soaked, with a smile on her face. She stood right next to Terence. Just smiling at him.
". . .What? What's with the face?"
"Oh. . . nothing. It's just. . . YOUR TURN!!!" She screamed gleefully as she pushed him straight into the water.
He glared daggers at her as she doubled-over laughing. A smile tugged at his face.
"Alright, Now you get to do it again!" He yelled as he ran over to her and yanked her in.
Lacey hung her clothes over the fire to dry. She shivered as she pulled on her nightgown. Sleeping with dripping wet hair would not be fun. Oh well. She had enjoyed tonight. Lacey had even won a few swimming races. Another swim in the lake, and it had been not the least bit disasturous.
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Current Story: Surprises (Aka: Lacey's Story)
Sorry for my supa short entries, I get writers block super fast, and I have a REALLY busy schedule right now. Please, please, please comment!!! And enjoy!
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Sora x Kairi - My twisted reality
I have a secret I'm afraid to tell. . .
. . . because I won't lose you as well.