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The Story of My Life Just random things that i feel like sharing with everyone! XD

Community Member
Anarya - Chapter one

“Calma, you and Faroth must take Ered and leave! He will not be safe here”
“I understand” Faroth said, as Calma just nodded her head.
“Take him and raise him as your own, protect him until he can come back to us. On the crossroad right before the forest there will be an inn. We have set it up there for you to have in hiding. Raise him there away from danger; teach him all he needs to know in our ways. I will send Coco and Mel to you when you arrive there, to help in anyway that they can.”
As the full moon shone over the forest of Aësa, the two secretly left the town in the forest trees and went on their way.
“Calma, we will have to live looking like humans so that no one will expect anything”
“I agree. When will we tell Ered what he really is?”
“When he is old enough that he won’t cause havoc to the prophecy.”


“Ered your magic skill has increased excessively! You may even surpass me someday!” Calma said happily to an older Ered.
“I want to become stronger so that I can return and help protect my mother”
“Soon you will be able to, but for now we must stop. I sense that we are going to have guests tonight.” Calma said as two men were walking down the hill towards the inn. “Now use your magic to cover up your ears. Hurry!” She said as she covered up her own ears.
“um le fëa esgal nin lhaw” Ered thought just as the two men opened the front door of the inn.
“Room for two please”
“Right away sir”
“We will be staying just for the night”
“Ered take them to the first room on the left up the stairs”
Ered nodded and told the guests to follow him. While he was upstairs, Faroth came bursting through the door, with Coco and Mel. Calma ran over to the door and looked outside left and right then closed the door.
“What’s wrong with you?
“It is time” Faroth said with a grave face.
That was all that needed to be said, Calma’s eyes widened looking between Coco and Mel, both were nodding sadly.

Chapter One-New Friends

“Anarya, Hurry! You’re taking forever!”
“We’re going to be late for the movies!”
“Okay, hold on I’m coming!” Anarya yelled down to her sisters Estel and Quelle, as she ran down the stairs.
“Sheesh you guys are always rushing me!”
“Anarya, you’re always taking forever!”
“You two stop arguing and lets just go before we’re even later.” Estel said as the three sisters stepped on to the porch of their family’s home. Anarya stopped for a second and took a big breath of the evening air. She could feel something stirring in the wind.
“Anarya, Hurry up! We’re going to leave you.” Anarya shrugged off the feeling and sent a look to Quelle, as she ran down the steps and street to meet up with her sisters.
Walking down the street, and waving at neighbors, they looked at all the new sites to see. This little town of Auburn, Georgia was changing since they first moved there. There were so many new faces to see and things to do now. They even set up a bowling alley not long ago in the town. While Anarya walked down the street she couldn’t get rid of the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach; the feeling that something was going to happen soon.
Seeing her sisters run off towards their friends made Anarya smile. Life had gotten so hard after her mother died. Now it was just Anarya, Quelle, Estel and their father. Their mother had died when Anarya was 10, Quelle, 9 and Estel, 8. They had lived in Nebraska for most of their lifetime. After five horrible years their father decided to leave and try to start a new life in Georgia.
Now three years later, life was finally going better for the Freed family. Anarya, Quelle, and Estel had all made new friends, their father finally had a stable job, and they had a home of their own.
“Anarya! Hello in there!”
“Huh, oh, what is it Estel?”
“Are you okay?”
“Yea, I was just thinking”
“You seem to have been doing that a lot lately.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Anyways…what movie are we going to see?”
“OH! We decided to see Step Up”
Anarya nodded and followed her sisters and friends into the movie theater. After arguing for five minuets, her sisters and friends finally decided what they wanted and made Anarya stand in line to buy the food. “I can’t believe I got stuck as the bus boy, wait, bus girl, again. They always do this to me. Oh well, next time I’ll make sure they don’t trick me into being bus girl again. YES, next time…” Anarya lost her train of thought as she felt a pair of eyes on her. When she looked around she didn’t see anyone looking her way. She shrugged it off, bought the food and went to find everyone else.
Walking out of the movie theater with her two sisters Anarya still felt a pair of eyes on her. Now that she thought about it, realization dawned on her that someone could be following her and her sisters. She started walking faster.
“Anarya! Why are you walking so fast?” Quelle asked.
“Just hurry up and follow me!”
“Just do it!”
Walking as fast and looking as calm as she could, she made eye contact with her sisters. Then, her sisters knew that there was something wrong. They kept talking like there was nothing wrong, but kept up the pace that Anarya set. Turning the corner on to their street, Anarya saw something at the corner of her eye. But, as she turned to look, it was gone.
Finally making it to their porch, Anarya turned around one last time before heading inside, and looked into the darkness. “Dad! We’re home!” the girls yelled before heading upstairs to their separate rooms.
“Anarya, who or what was following us?”
“I don’t know”
“Was something even following us or was it just you being weird?”
“Shut up, Quelle”
“Well, I’m going to bed, I’m tired. Good night!” Estel said shaking her head as she went to her room. Anarya decided to go to sleep also saying good night to Quelle and Estel. Walking into her room and closing the door, Anarya prayed, “Mom, please watch over us and keep us safe”.

“Is that her? Is she one of the ones we’re looking for?”
“I think so.”
“Mel! If you’re wrong this time, I’m going to hurt you so bad, you won’t be able to fly anymore.”
“I would like to see you try before you say anything, Coco”
Coco was so busy chasing Mel that they didn’t notice Anarya had woken up and was listening to them. She opened her eyes seeing two fairies fighting right in front of her face; both the size of her hand, a female flying after a male. The female had long, brown, waist-length hair, one blue eye, and one green eye. The male had red hair with hazel eyes.
“Mel, get back here now!”
“Why don’t you make me?”
“Um…..” Anarya said sitting up.
“Coco you know your too slow!”
“Um…excuse me…”
Both fairies stopped what they were doing and looked over at Anarya. There was a moment of silence and blinking, then so fast Anarya didn’t even know what was happening, the fairies flew behind Anarya’s lamp. Anarya then sat there and listened to them whispering.
“Mel….how come she can see us??”
“I told you she was the one.”
“Oh my gosh, Ered is going to go crazy. We weren’t supposed to let her see us.”
“Oh wells, she already did.” Mel said moving from behind the lamp.
“MEL!” Chocolate said following Caramel.
Anarya watched as the two fairies came out from behind the lamp and started to circle her. Every once and a while they would stop and look at each other nodding.
“Um…what are you two doing?”
“We are inspecting you”
“Um…why are you inspecting me?”
“Mel’s just being stupid, by the way I’m Chocolate, Coco for short and this is Caramel, you can just call him Mel, we’re fairies from Asëa”
“You weren’t supposed to tell her that” Mel whispered.
“Well isn’t it a little late for that now? She’s already seen us so what?”
“What’s Aësa?”
“It’s a place in a different time. It needs your help. We need your help.” Coco replied.
“Why does it need my help? Why do you guys need my help?”
“Not just your help but your sister’s help too. Since your one of the people that we were looking for your sister’s must be the other two people”
“So, why us?”
“Well you better get comfortable, after you get Coco started there’s no going back…sigh”
“Be quiet Mel, now Anarya I’m going to tell you a story and maybe all your answers will be answered…A long time ago, or maybe just a couple of minutes, the Kingdom of Aësa a place far beyond your dreams, across the many galaxies and dimensions of time. A peaceful place ruled by all the living beings there, elves, dwarfs, fairies, everyone…”
“Coco, hurry up! You’re taking forever!”
“Then one day we were attacked, by them.” Coco continued giving Mel a look. “Those dreadful horrible monsters, it was impossible for us to defend ourselves.”
“Why was that? Couldn’t you all have just bonded together and fight them”
“It’s kind of impossible when all of us were in different areas of Aësa.” Mel chipped in.
“Different areas?”
“Wow, she’s more brainless than I thought. This is hopeless”
“Mel, shut up. Anarya doesn’t even know about Asëa. It’s not her fault.” Coco said turning to Anarya. “Asëa is rather big and we don’t all live with each other. It would be impossible if dwarfs lived above land and elves under it.” Coco said drawing a mini map of Aësa in the air. “Elves and fairies live here in the northern woods. Dwarfs live down here at ------ Mountains. Centaurs, unicorns, and wood nymphs live here in the southern woods. All the sea creatures live in the ------ Sea, and so forth. We were all so far away from each other, and they had attacked all of us at the same time.”
“SO you want me and my sisters to save Aësa?”
“Didn’t we already say that?” Mel said smirking.
This time both Anarya and Coco gave him a look.
“What?” He simply said.
“Why us?” Anarya asked turning back to Coco.
“We don’t exactly know, they tell us what to do and we do it.” Mel replied.
“Right now we need to go find Ered” Coco said heading towards the window”
“Right now? I can’t, if my dad finds out I’m dead meat!” Anarya exclaimed
“Come on! Where’s the adventure in you?” Mel teased.
“Fine let’s go then” Anarya replied grabbing her jacket.
The two fairies flew out the window with Anarya right behind them.
“Man, I should have chosen the room on the first floor” Anarya thought as she climbed down the tree that was out side her window.
“So, do you two have any idea were this Ered is?”
“He’s in this town but no the last time we had contact was when we split up a couple of days ago to start searching for you and your sisters.” Mel replied not looking back.
“Great, I just agreed to go trampling around with two fairies by the names of Caramel and Chocolate, in the middle of the night, that no one else can see, to find someone they don’t even know where to find” Anarya sighed, “So where are we looking first?”
“Mel, what do you think?”
“Let’s go back to where we last saw Ered, maybe we can track him from…” Mel stopped talking, noticing that Anarya had stopped walking. Both fairies turned around to find Anarya with her eyes closed facing the moon, with a dark bluish glow emitting from her. She started lifting into the air, hovering, arms opened with palms up as if receiving something from the moon.
“Wow, can you feel the power coming from her?”
“Yes, it proves that I was right. She’s the one. I wonder if her sisters are this strong.” Mel said with a smirk on his face.
Coco and Mel continued to watch Anarya with awed looks on their faces, until a moment later; she floated back down to the ground. Anarya opened her eyes looking around, confused and dazed.
“What just happened?”
“Something amazing, you’ve just received your summoning.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s pretty simple, you were glowing dark blue with your eyes closed, and then you floated into the air, then back down again. That about sums it.”
Anarya just stared at the two fairies wide eyed. It was impossible, she couldn’t believe it. None of this could really be happening to her. It was all just a dream and she would get up next morning with everything how it was before. “Right?” Anarya thought to herself.
“We have to get moving, now!” Mel said out of no where.
“Why? Anarya and Coco asked in unison
“Coco, don’t you feel it? It’s one of them. I believe they were drawn to the power and sent one of them here.”
“What are you talking about? Who’s coming towards us?”
“Let’s go Anarya! They’re getting closer” Coco said as she and Mel pulled Anarya by her arms.
“Run! They’re almost here; Mel and I will try to hold them off as long as we can.”
“No buts missy! Have you forgotten that Coco and I are fairies? We can fly away and out of reach if we need to, but you can’t. Hurry! Run and find some place to hide!”
Anarya nodded, heeding their words, and started to run. Running down the streets of the little town, she looked for someplace that she could hide. Looking around frantically she thought of the library. “It’s small, but it’s the closest right now,” Anarya thought as she kept running. Turning the corner to go to the library, Anarya ran head on into someone that was also running, but in her direction. Right before she could hit the ground, the stranger caught her hand and pulled her to him. The impact of the forced he used to pull her up was too strong, and instead of just standing back up she toppled on to him. They both fell to the ground, him on bottom and Anarya on top. Closing her eyes Anarya waited for the ruff impact of the fall. With her eyes closed Anarya didn’t see the stranger smile and whisper an incantation, which made him land softly on the ground behind him, with Anarya lightly placed on him. Rather confused that she didn’t get the wind knocked out of her, Anarya opened her eyes and look up at the stranger. As soon as she saw them, she was captivated by the deep blue eyes.
“Like what you see?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
“WHAT…no,” Anarya said quickly getting up and turning around so that he couldn’t see her cheeks had turned a light shade of cherry. She was shocked that he had said that, but she had to admit, she loved the colors of his eyes. They were a special color of blue, the bluest of skies, with a hint of sea blue in them. His voice wasn’t bad either. It had warmth to it that was strong and soothing. She felt rather safe after hearing him talk, even if he was making fun of her.
“You know, I can hear everything your thinking.”
“No you can’t,” Anarya exclaimed, turning around and looking at him. “You don’t even know what I was thinking.”
“Actually, I can, and actually I do, you were thinking about moi.” He thought to her smirking.
(don’t make sense) Anarya seeing that the smirk on his lips didn’t change, and yet she could still hear him, clear and loud, was quite surprised.
“No, he’s lying, that’s not possible”
“To tell the truth, it’s quite possible and no I’m not lying” he thought smirk still on his face.
Turning around yet once again to hide her cherry cheeks from his sight, “Oh my gosh! That must mean that everything earlier…” Anarya turned a slightly darker shade of red in the cheeks. “Yes, I know what you were thinking about earlier, and thank you, I quite like my eyes and my voice myself.” Getting rather mad now, Anarya started walking away from him. “I’m leaving! I don’t even know who you are or what your name is so…” Anarya didn’t even get to finish before his two arms snaked around her middle and pulled her towards his chest. Surprised Anarya stiffened. “Moru” Anarya herd him whisper, feeling her skin start to tingle. It was as if her arms were falling asleep. She started panicking, thinking he was trying to kidnap her and tried to struggle out of his hold on her.
“Stop moving, it’s here, you have to stay still so it can’t hear us” He thought to her making her stop immediately, automatically knowing that he was talking about what had been chasing her and the fairies.
“If it doesn’t hear us it’s going to see us” Anarya thought back.
“I just cast a glimmer spell; we’re invisible to the eye”
“Great, I’m stuck here in the arms of some stranger who thinks he can do magic, but then again after talking to Mel and Coco, it seems that anything can happen…” Anarya thought sighing “Wait! How do you know that I was being chased?”
“So, you’ve met them? Well just like Mel and Coco, I can sense those things when they’re close by”
“That must mean that you’re that ‘Ered’ guy that we were looking for, right?”
Their conversation was cut short when the creature walked right by them. It was so black that it was even darker than the night. It gave off a cold chill that Anarya could feel even though she was many feet away. Anarya’s heart was beating so hard and loud, she thought she was going to give away that they were hiding there, though she didn’t know if her heart was beating hard because she was afraid or because she was in the arms of Ered. For some reason she was having a really hard time putting her finger on it, but it couldn’t be that she was starting to like Ered, he was a pompous conceited jerk.
“It’s gone now.” Ered said letting Anarya out of his arms.
“Thank you” Anarya said.
“You’re welcome, so, if you’ve met Mel and Coco, then you must be the one that we’ve been looking for.”
“That’s what they told me too.”
“You haven’t given me your name yet.”
“Oh, um, I’m Anarya.” Anarya said holding her hand out.
“Ered” Ered said looking her hand weirdly but took it in his own.
When their hands met, lightning shot through both their arms, going up to their shoulders, and then through out their bodies, leaving a tingling sensation, making them both emit glows, Anarya blue and Ered white. They started to float up into the air, looking into each other’s eyes.
“Ered, where are you?” Mel yelled as he came around the corner seeing Ered and Anarya in midair. “Whoa! What’s going on here?” His eyes were wide open with shock and amazement as he looked from Ered to Anarya. In shock from Mel yelling, Ered and Anarya jerked their hands away from each other making them fall on to the ground.
“Owe, that hurt!” Anarya yelled at Mel with her face twisted in pain.
“What, sorry, but people do usually thinks it’s weird when you round a corner to find two totally different people holding hands, floating in mid air, and glowing two different colors. Caramel said in a matter of fact voice as Chocolate finally flew around the same corner.
“Mel! What did you do now? Anarya are you okay?” Coco said flying over to Anarya.
“Yea, I think I’m okay. It really hurts though. I think it’s broken” Anarya said with her face still twisted in pain while holding her ankle.
“Here let me check.” Ered said moving next to Anarya. He gently moved her hand away and put his own on her ankle. He asked, “does this hurt more?”
“No but what are you doing?” Anarya asked as the area around her ankle started to glow white.
“I’m using magic to check if you really did break it or not and it’s not broken only badly sprained.” Ered replied getting up. “It looks like it’s already starting to swell.”
“Don’t you guys have some kind of healing magic to help fix it?”
Turning red Ered turned around, “I’m going to see if it’s still here”
“Wait! I’m in pain and you’re just going to leave!” Anarya yelled at Ered’s retreating back.
Watching until Ered was out of earshot Coco turned to Anarya and said, “Ered’s not strong in healing magic. He’s tried hard to learn it but if he does try to use healing magic…”
“He’ll pass out for at least two days!” Mel said laughing.
“It’s not funny” Coco said smacking Mel on the head. “I think we’re just going to have to have Ered carry you back to your house before he can try to use healing magic, so if he does faint we’ll be safe for a couple of days.”
Anarya just nodded.
“I’m back. I walked out towards those buildings over there and I didn’t sense anything so it must be gone by now.” Ered said walking up to Anarya.
“Ered you carry Anarya and we’ll go back to her house. We can stay there for a couple of days, until we find another portal” Coco told Ered.
Simply just nodding Ered bent down and picked up Anarya bridal style.
“I’m surprised you didn’t make a smart comment.”
“I usually listen to Coco. She knows what she’s talking about and she actually thinks before she talks unlike Mel.”
Laughing Anarya thought back “Wow, we’re actually having a civilized conversation”
“Did I tell you how heavy you are yet?”
“Never mind I spoke too soon”
“I was just kidding; I guess I can get along with you”
“Well then I guess I can get along with you too. Truce?”
“Truce” Anarya smiled.
Leaning against him Anarya thought of everything that had happened in the past hour, she couldn’t imagine that all this was happening to her. Her sisters wouldn’t believe it either when she told them tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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