[Item Information]
Item List:
Red Hibiscus Pajama Pants
Red Heart Face Tattoo
Heart Shaped Box of Sweets
Lovely Genie Pink Embroidered Vest
Aqua Bubbles Tankini Top
Violet PomPom Scarf
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Labu Necklace
MoMo the Monkey
Drop Dead Gorgeous Dusk Heels

[Item Information]
Item List:
Angelic Gloves
Piggy Plush
Heart of Gold
Orphan's Elephant Doll
Red Pawprint Pajama Shirt
Purple-Red Winter Scarf
Buck Teeth
Jingle Me Hat
KoNfUzEd rAiNbOw ToE SoX
Striped Red Pajama Pants
Zorro Mask