an american experience...
imagine waking a 1000x to a baseball bat in the face, or a life time full of forgetting.
i've worked the past 25 years in this community. i watched it grow. i tried to do my part to improve things for me and for others that live here. i obeyed the laws, payed my bills, watched the news, even voted regularly.
i've payed insurance at every job since i was 18 even though i had good health. i understand it's a pool, i pay when i'm well so others are covered on the chance some day i may get sick. i watched the media scare on public
health care. i saw the media playing the stories of people who bought the idea of government medicine would be left waiting in lines like people in the ussr. our health care is now comareable to cuba, 2x the price for 1/2 the quality,
37th in the list of civilized nations.
i watched the news as the new conservitive presidents gutted the costly public services while they touted the benifets of a cheaper cleaner government so the people could prosper as the saving were funneled to the top. money would rain down as the rich were free to invest in american proserity and jobs. i watched as unions were busted so buisness could flourish, as my government gave buisness tax breaks to build in communist countrys so they could pass the savings made on forien materials and cheap labor, unfettered by ecoterrorists, to the american people.
recently on cspan i saw the fda testify if they had to inspect the sources we import food from with the current system it would take them 1900 years. there is over $100 billion in fraud being prosecuted or investagated in just iraq. halaberton, vice pres. chennys last employer, got a $40 billion contract with out a single bid. on the 23rd of jan. pres. bush made another "signing statement" to make it illegal to investagate fraud in war time. this brings president bushs laws ignoring congress to over 1100.
i tried to vote last november. i'm homeless and on some of the paperwork i received there was a voter reg application. i sent it in but the government lost it. that happens a lot. if it were just a matter of working to earn a living i'd be ok but i've been sick for years.
i lost my job and my insurance. i tried to get help from my government but they said they had ran out of funds, try back next year. over the next year i kept getting sicker, my family died, i lost my house and eventualy ended up in the hospital. the doctors didn't know if i was going to live. after months in a care center unable to walk i was dumped at the homeless shelter.
i was sicker than i'd ever been, medicated with powerful antisizure medication and a dozen others to counter act side effects of the 1st. i passed out in conversations, woke up in strange places. i was so sick from being wherehoused
with people from every where that even after a month and a half wait to see a doctor they said there is so many diseases even medicine couldn't help. for months i caught bug after bug as i woke in the middle of the nite after nite drowning in my own mucus, watching people being hauled out in ambulances by the dozens.
i couldn't believe not only was my government allowing this to happen but the same media that now brags about the $2.5 billion they will make off our elections was ignoring this as well.
i remember pres. bushs 1st few actions was to promise amnisty to illegals, i watched as the population doubled almost over nite. i watched president bush take what was left of the public support system after years of being
gutted and pass it to the churches.
bush gave familys with $100 billion in value a $30 billion tax break through estate taxes. cspan2 bernie sanders i-vt 2-4-08
utah, one of the poorest states in the nation, overwhelming voted for bush. the man who they turned down is now traveling the world pleading for them to a blind society that race around in 10mpg suvs dumping tons of poison at $3 a gallon while the president kills people in their homes over a resource that isn't ours as he spends trillions from our future.
the media fixates on falling stars as our nation is raped and pillaged, it's citizens die by the thousands from 3rd world diseases and are crushed by corperations.
it's difficult to face after 25 years of the government 1st in line with it's hand in my pocket wanting not only nearly half of every penny i earn but then an additional percentage of every penny spent only to have them forget my name the moment i need a step up, treated like cattle, judged for value and left to rot with the list of choices to starve, die
from exposure, die from illness or leave town while sent through a governmental grinder for years to test if my meat is worthy.
i still hear the chants lamenting the days of reagan and conservitive government as people are fooled into believing their 3rd mortgage and fifteen thousand in credit card debt are wealth.
36 years ago car manufacturing was the largest employer, average wages were $32k a year. today walmart is the largest employer and wages average $29k a year. cspan2 bernie sanders i-vt 2-4-08
if americans call for justice they are met by a wall of entrenched bureaucrats accountable only to the corperations the president appointed them to protect, then deemed unworthy as news by the corperations who
control them.
the media has become corperate controlled infotainment, obscuration and propaganda used to divide and control the american consumer.
american blacks die at ages compaired with 3rd world nations.
unemployment is reported at 5% when in reality it is near 50% in many, many citys.
our infant mortitalitly rate is compairable to 3rd world nations.
bush has 600 commissions run mostly by ceos & insiders making policy decisions daily with virtualy no oversight or covereage by the media. buzenberg cspan 1-27
white prohibition lasted 12 years and created heros and millionaires,
black prohibition has lasted almost 40 years and created a police state, the largest prison population in the civilized world, poverty and death.
when you're friends are fat there are no see-saws, only catipults.