Wai! Got my AFK *dance* All thanks to Stefie *huggles* I'll miss you hunny, I'll PM you like crazy!
At the moment I'm cleaning my room... whoa! I didn't know that I had a floor .___.
Things to do list: Clean my room (DONE) Go through my closet and clean out everything I don't want/use Go through my second closet downstairs too xp Finish my sweater I've been sewing. Finish sewing my AFK hat irl.
 Ever seen any uglier floor? I'm doing a room makeover soon next week hopefully. Isn't it messy? Can you see that it's a glass table? @__@
 Dust! =O
 Yes folks... And that's JUST the tops, t-shirts and sweaters in ONE closet. I didn't bother taking pictures of the pants. I have about as much as that maby more in my other closet heart
No! I'm not a clothfreak! ninja
 I'll give you 1k if you can spot the garbagecan xd
Mataki · Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 01:22pm · 1 Comments |