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Book of Secrets The story of my life.

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:10pm
Demons and Love
by, iceskater_1525

There is a great thud as a demon falls forward and hits the ground. A very sharp knife sticks out of his throat. The young man who put it there stands up and stares at two more demons rushing at him. This young man wears a black ninja suit with the mask currently pulled up. A rapier is at his left side. A Kasai Whip Chain is at his right side. There are throwing knives running all the way down to his boots on both legs. On his back he has three swords. Two dragon katanas laying across each other, with the third sword hanging straight down his back. This sword was a gigantic sword. I was about 7 feet long and 3 feet wide.

As the demons rush at him he gets in a fighting stance. When they get close enough he throws a punch that nails the first one in the head and then a kick which hits the other in the heart. Both demons fall down dead. Each with a knife sticking out on the specific spot he was hit.

When the villagers come out of their hiding places they run at him and try to kill him. The young man then runs away and into the forest where he had planned to stay for the rest of the night anyway. He was used to people hating him by now. He however didn't quite understand why they hated him though.

The young man then turns away. "Well thank you for the heads up about the warrior trying to kill humans. I will look out for him." He then runs off. While he's running he looks up at the sky and see that it is dark. So he tries to look for a nice quiet place to meditate. He wonders who the person is that hates both demons and humans.

comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:11pm
As the young man stayed hidden in the forest he heard comotion back in the town...........he was wondering "Are they still looking for me?" So the young man got up and started walking back by the town running from the direction of the town was a young girl............she ran right into him and knocked him down......"Oh i am so sorry are you okay?" the young girl asked as she helped the young man up. "Yes, thank you. So why are you running away from the town?" asked the young man. "There seemed to be demons still lurking the town.......the towns people said a young warrior killed some but he tried to kill us" The young man looked at the young girl.....she had short hair and a long warrior's braide.........she had two swords crossed on her back, she had two guns on her left and right leg and she had a bracelet spear on each arm..........."Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you i am a warrior my name is Yuna." Meanwhile the young man has found a spot to settle down for the night. He sits down and begins to meditate. As he meditates he thinks of his master and how great he was. "Someday my master I will be as great as you." he thinks. After awhile he takes off his mask revealing his black hair and his yellow eyes. He then goes back to meditating still thinking about his master. "I wonder how come people didn't hate my master. They hate me and I was just saving them. I wonder how my master got people to warm up to him. After awhile he stops thinking about his master and just meditates clearing his mind. He continues til morning. Then he gets up and heads for the next town insearch of more demons to kill. "Hmm, i wonder what that young mans name is" said Yuna to herself as she walked away. Yuna looked up to the sky and saw that it was going to rain so she put her swords in their cases and kept on walking. The rain fell down hard......so Yuna decided to find a spot to sleep for the night. Yuna looked around and she found a tree with a hollow inside. As Yuna started to fall asleep she felt something brush against her. "AHHHH!" screamed Yuna. She pulled out her guns and turned around. there sitting behind her was a demon. Yuna ran out of the tree, the demon followed her. Yuna turned around and shot at the demon. The demon dropped dead.

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:15pm
The young man walks into a bar. When he gets in he is surprised to see that it is full of demonslayers. He is happy because now he can get all the hottest rumors of demon activity. Strifer Blader walks over and sees the girl. He recognizes her as the girl who he saw yesterday. He then makes all the rest of the slayers stand back first. Then he puts his hand gently over her wound and slowly let healing energy flow into her wound and through her body as well. Yuna is tired but is not able to sleep it is morning and she is now found herself in a town. Yuna puts a cloak on so nobody can see she is a warrior. "I wonder what that boy is doing now......" Yuna said to herself. She keeps walking alert for demons when she runs into a person wrapped in a black cloak. Yuna looks at the person in the cloak suspically surprise the person in the cloak was a man he looked at Yuna. Yuna swore she saw a demon in his eyes but she wasn't sure. Strifer Blader then sees that her leg is broken and he puts his hand over it and tries to heal it as well. He isn't too happy that he is helping this girl out. He wants to kill demons and this is just slowing it down, but his master said that he should help those in need as well. So he continues trying to heal her. Yuna woke up to find herself in the arms of the young man......."I am confused.........I don't know what happened or where I am......." Yuna said. Yuna got up but fell right back down. A man walked up to her, he tried to help her up but Yuna screamed in pain.......... Someone from the bar yelled "She might have broke her leg". So two men including the young man rushed to find a hostpital........ After the girl left Strifer Blader sat down back at the bar. However he didn't have time to enjoy the drink for he sensed a really power demon near. So he got up and ran out of the village. He soon came across the demon chasing the same girl he just healed. He didn't want to be noticed so he got up in the trees and followed while hoping through the trees. Yuna gets up she is able to walk and run but with a slight limp...... She is upset she is alone on her demon slaying life......... Yuna looks at the young man and walks out..... "Man i really wish I new that young man's name i really like him.....I would like to be demon slayer partners with him but........never mind" Yuna said to herself.

comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:17pm
As Yuna walked back into the forest something came up behind her she pulled out her swords and behind her was the demon master of the demons........Yuna pulled out her guns too and started shooting. But the demon didn't die so Yuna ran but the demon followed........ When he gets close enough Strifer Blader stops and sits on a branch watching the battle closely. He doesn't want to interfere in honorable combat. He looks around every once in awhile to make sure that none of the demons minions try to come to his aid. As Yuna was running she turned around to shoot her gun when she saw someone running between trees she turns her attention to the person in the trees forgetting about the demon.....the demon got a inch close to her and Yuna turned around and shot the demon in the heart....then she stabbed him in the chest. Strifer Blader jumps through the trees heading for the next village wondering if he would find another bar with demonslayers in the next town. He continues jumping through the trees til night fall then he sits down in the middle of the forest and meditates. Yuna stabbed her sword in the demon again and killed the demon....... Yuna walked by all the trees to see if it was a demon or just a person she didn't see anything. Yuna walks away tying a long ribbon all the way around her braide. Yuna walks through the forest in search for a town when she hears breathing behind her she turns around and there was that blacked cloak man again this time he talked to Yuna he said "In grave danger are you" And he dissapeared. Yuna had her guns ready after that. Strifer Blader continues to meditate. Everyonce in a while he thinks of his master, but other than that he sits and meditates waiting til morning. Ever since Yuna heard the news she has been armed and ready for danger. She has also been thinking about that young man still not knowing his name. Yuna paces back and fourth sadly and worried and also wondering if she will ever see the young man again. The next day Strifer Blader continues on to the next village. He then enters the bar and he realizes that what he thought is correct. This area was demonslayer country, so demonslayers will be all around. So he sits down, orders a drink and listens in on the latest rumors.

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:20pm
Yuna walks around limping and hurt. She walks into a town and sees a bar. She heads for it when the blacked cloak man appears he said "In grave danger r u demonslayers" and dissapeared. Yuna realizes this is DemonSlayer Country. She runs into the bar and yelled "WE ALL ARE IN GRAVE DANGER..............THE GREATEST DEMONS ARE AFTER US." All the demonslayers got up with their weapons armed and headed for the door. Yuna saw the young man and stopped him. She said to him "Young Man, I have seen you througout my journey and I would like to tell u....I um well i like u. I am falling in love with you" Strifer Blader looks at her strangely not exactly understanding what she meant by love. "What is this love you speak of, I do not understand. I have never heard that word before. Besides right now we have greater worries like the survival of us demonslayers." He gets ready to go out and find out what to do about the demons after everyone, but then he stops. He is quite curious about what the woman said. He had never heard the word love before and there for didn't know the significance of it. So he goes back to her. " What is love?" "Love is when your heart goes out for someone you like. Love is a feeling for another person. Love well it means I like you more then just a friend. I love you. I would also like to know your name. I am a demon slayer and a warrior. I don't know if you remember my name though." asked Yuna. "I see" he says still not quite understanding but he did feel something different about the girl. He didn't exactly know what. "Could it be this love she talks about." He wouldn't let it bother him about it right now. He had to focus on the problem at hand. If all the demonslayers die the demons would win and his master wouldn't be proud of him. However he felt he should also tell her his name. The name that was given to him by all those who saw his talents. " I am known as Strifer Blader." However he kept his real name to him self. His master, his step brother and step sister were the only ones who ever called him by Quintall Wyndon the second. Paragon gave Strifer Blader Paragon's human name. He remembers what his master said when he named him. "I see a little bit of me in you. You remind me of myself before I found out I was half angel." Paragon had said to the then young Strifer Blader. Strifer Blader, after telling Yuna his name, turns and heads for the door getting ready to face whatever danger faced him and his comrades. He wondered what the problem was and what demons were crazy enough to come after the demonslayers.

comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:22pm
Yuna followed Strifer out the door she pulled out her guns. Then came a giant demon from the under world. Yuna turned to Strifer and said "If i die remeber that i will always love you." Yuna turned back around and started shooting at the demon. All the other demon slayers attacked too. Strifer Blader however doesn't attack the demon right away. He is puzzled by the recent increase in the demon population and decides to contact his master so he stands there and his mind goes blank. His mind is now in a domain where time goes faster than it does in the real world. So he will have time to talk to Paragon and get back fast enough before the demon has time to do any damage. In a matter of seconds Paragon stands infront of him. "Quintall, you wish to speak to me." "Yes my father. I am puzzled by what is going on. The demons they seem to have increased in number. Some are even stronger than before." Paragon looks at him nodding his head. Then he says, "Yes they have there is a new evil and it has to be stopped before Corona is over run with demons. I know this is a bit much to hand Quintall but I know you can handle it." Then Paragon disappears and Strifer Blader comes back to the real world. The demon knocks Yuna down. Her guns drop and she hits the ground hard. Nobody stops to see what happend. Yuna lay on the ground unconsious. Yuna falls into a deep unconsiousness Strifer Blader sees that Yuna is down and a huge rage comes over him. He doesn't exactly know why all he knows is that he hates the demon for hurting her. He then takes the gigantic sword off of his back. As he does it starts to crackle with energy. He lifts the sword above his head, hate in his eyes. Then he brings it down sending a massive wave of white heavenly light a the demon. The demon falls to the ground dead. In that instant Yuna snaps back to life. She picks up her guns. Just then she had a vision that more demons were coming from the underworld. Yuna yelled out "MORE DEMONS ARE COMING" Then she turned to Strifer and said "Each time I look at you i fall more in love with you." When she turned back around 50 more demons came up from the ground. Yuna started shooting at them" Strifer Blader then puts the huge sword back on his back. Then he gets into a fighting stance. When the demons rush at him he starts to punch and kick at them, blades coming out of his sleeves and boots. Demons go down as they are stabbed by the blades. While he is fighting he tries to figure out what love is and if what he feels for her is love.

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:23pm
Yuna puts her guns away and she pulled out her 2 swords. As she slashed away at the demons she wondered if Strifer had a feeling for her or if he still doesn't know what love is......... Yuna turned next to her and looked at Strifer and smiled and turned to him and turned back to the demons and smiled. Strifer Blader soon gets caught up in killing demons. He takes out the Kasai Whip Chain on his right side and swings it around killing many demons at one time. However he can stop thinking of Yuna and this feeling he has. He doesn't quite understand what this feeling is or what love is. This continues to plague him through out the battle. Yuna keeps fighting the demons and she can't stop thinking about Strifer. She put her swords away and she armed her arm spears and she started slashing the demons.......when the last one was killed she turned to Strifer and said. "I can't help my self anymore. My heart is all yours. Everytime I fight I think about you. Everytime I breath I think about you. I just love you" Strifer Blader soon gets caught up in killing demons. He takes out the Kasai Whip Chain on his right side and swings it around killing many demons at one time. However he can stop thinking of Yuna and this feeling he has. He doesn't quite understand what this feeling is or what love is. This continues to plague him through out the battle. Yuna keeps fighting the demons and she can't stop thinking about Strifer. She put her swords away and she armed her arm spears and she started slashing the demons.......when the last one was killed she turned to Strifer and said. "I can't help my self anymore. My heart is all yours. Everytime I fight I think about you. Everytime I breath I think about you. I just love you" Strifer Blader puts away his Kasai Whip Chain. Then he turns to her. "I do not quite understand all this so forgive me if I don't know what you mean or don't have any idea what I'm feeling. All I know is that I feel differently about you than I have felt with anybody else." He hopes that he didn't offend her in anyway seeing as how he doesn't fully understand what is going. He doesn't seem to understand how she would know that so he decides to tread very lightly on the subject. " How could you be so sure, I don't even know what love is. I never have had this kind of thing happen before. I don't even know what people in love do." He then turns away and looks up at the sky. "You have a feeling about me in a diferent way about me then you have done for everyone else? Well do you know what Strifer........that feeling is love." said Yuna "Strifer..........sure you have never had this kind a feeling because you are a demonslayer. Not many demon slayers have this feeling of love...... but even though I am a demonslayer i am also a warrior and warriors get these feelings. People in love like to be with each other they like to work with eachother, they also sometimes get married which is when you love each other for the rest of their lives. I love you and i can't help that" A feeling all of a sudden comes over Strifer Blader. He grabs the girl and his starts to kiss her right on the lips. He doesn't know what he is doing all he knows is that something in his very small heart told him to do it. When they were done kissing Yuna said "Strifer.........that was love. So do you love me? I would love to be with you my rest of my life if you want to be with me." He looks deep into her eyes and then says, "Yes I love you and yes I want to be with you." He then kisses her again. Yuna whispered to herself "YES".............. A few weeks later the 2 demonslayers got married...... They are partners in demon slaying.......... Strifer Blader was happy to be married to the lovely Yuna. His master Paragon attended the wedding and so did his step siblings. He cared for Yuna very much and made a vow to himself to not let anything happen to her. Yuna was happy to finally marry the man she has loved. She made a vow to always love and take care of Strifer..... So one day on Strifer and Yuna's honeymoon, Yuna had a vision of demons attacking their homeland........Yuna told Strifer her vision and they headed back. Strifer Blader is happy to be back into action after few days off duty. He can't wait to kill more demons. When they got back home Yuna got her weapons on and headed out.... Strifer Blader always carried his weapons with him so he went on ahead to scout out the situation. He sees an army of demons mobilizing in the south. Their general seems very strange. He wore the armor of a demon prince. "That makes no since they were killed a year ago." "Strifer didn't all the demon prince's get killed?" asked Yuna. Yuna looked at the general confused but she pulled out her guns and when the demon general saw her pulling out her guns he took out a gun and shot at her. The general takes out his staff and easily knocks the bullet aside. Strifer Blader looks at the general carefully the general looked very very familiar. "He looks very familiar like I've seen him somewear before." Yuna is still on the ground unconsious. The General looks at Strifer Blader. "Well if it isn't Quintall Wyndon the second." Strifer Blader looks at the general then realizes who it is. "Matthew? Wait aren't you the son of Paragon's third wife Kelly. You born before they got married and you died?" Matthew laughs. "Well when I died I got sent down to Grandpa Satan and he taught me to hate everything that was good." Yuna still is unconsious Strifer goes over to see if she is ok. Yuna is still unconsious. Yuna suddenly snaps back to life. He takes her into town and checks them into an inn for the night. When they get to the Inn Yuna wakes up. "I had a dream. One demon Is still left............." To Be Continued.

comment Commented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 04:26pm

First Love,
By, Ice ((Aka Iceskater_1525))

I never felt this way before
It's all brand new to me
My Head Is Spinning, I can't breathe.
You're all I see.

I long for you to notice me.
I wish you'd ask me out.
So this is what first love is like,
And what a crush is all about.

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comment Commented on: Fri Jul 22, 2005 @ 04:37pm
Fallen Snow

She sat on the stairs and waited for someone to come. She knew he would come, she knew he would. Her love for him grew by time and she knew his did too. She never doubted his love for her. As Destiny sat and looked at the snow falling from the sky, she began to wonder if he was alright. He was an hour late and that worried her alot. She had done called his house and no answer so she figured he was on his way. She called his friends and they said he wasn't there so she knew he was on his way.

Destiny knew the snow would slow him down a bit so she figured it is just the snow. Only the snow it doesn't stop it just keeps falling. As the snow fell she said to herself "I hope he is alright. I love him so much if something has happened to him, I don't know what I will do." She began to cry, and since it was so cold her tears turned to ice. She tried to stop crying but she couldn't the tears kept falling. She just knew something had gone wrong, because even with the snow he should have been here by now.

comment Commented on: Fri Jul 22, 2005 @ 04:48pm
She sat on the stairs as the snow began to fall faster to the ground. She worried so much for him. Destiny decided she would go look for him since he should have been here by now. She stood up and walked down the stairs. She walked away from her house and down the road, she didn't have a car so she couldn't drive and look around. So Destiny had to walk down the road to see if she could find him anywhere.

She walked seven miles and began to grow tired. She was so cold she knew she would have to get out of the snow soon, because if she didn't she would catch hypothermia. Destiny looked at the houses around her and thought to herself 'I can't go to any of them. They all look as if no one is home, or everyone is sleeping.' She decide she would keep walking since she had to find him. As she continued to walk she looked up at the sky and said "I hope Eric is alright. Please let him be safe." The snow began to fall faster and harder making it harder for her to see. She walked another 5 miles down the road, she was so cold she could feel the hypothermia setting in.

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comment Commented on: Fri Jul 22, 2005 @ 04:59pm
As she continued to walk down the road she stepped on something. It felt like it was someone's hand. She sat down and began to dig out what she had stepped on. When she finally got the body uncover she gasped and began to cry. Destiny began to shake the body and scream "ERIC!!! ERIC!!! WAKE UP PLEASE I NEED YOU ERIC!!!" As she cried her tears turned to ice again from the cold. The tears fell on Eric's face. She leaned down and laid on his body and continued to cry. The snow continued to fall and began covering her up.

She was so cold she began to fall asleep. She continued to cry until she was sleeping peacefully on Eric's cold body. She fell into a sleep so peaceful that it would reunite her with her love Eric. The snow continued to fall and covered both of their bodies up.

The next morning a man had come out of his house to go to the store to get some food for his family. He was walking down the road when he stepped on something that felt like a foot. He stopped and looked down and saw that something was in the snow. He dug until he uncovered both Eric and Destiny. He looked at them and said "You two look just like Fallen snow." He began to cry because he could just imagine how much in love they were to go to such lengths for each other. The man looked leaned down and rub their cheeks with his hands. Destiny looked as if she were crying her frozen tears were still on her face, and Eric just looked as if he was peacefully sleeping.

comment Commented on: Fri Jul 22, 2005 @ 05:04pm
The man continued to cry. He just wished the snow had stopped last night instead of this morning. He then picked up both bodies and took them to the local cemetery. He buried Eric and Destiny right next to each other. He then made a headstone for them so people could see they were buried there. On the headstone it said "Two angels who look just like fallen snow." The man left the cemetery, but he would never forget them because to him they were just like fallen snow, and he never forgot fallen snow.

The End.

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Mugiwara Zoro
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comment Commented on: Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 03:48pm
User Image

><;; I hope I resized it small enough.

comment Commented on: Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 07:45am

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comment Commented on: Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 12:33pm
My name is Sarah.
I have two poems to submit in the contest.
Thank you.

God and Lies

Someone, up above us looks down
Controlling us like puppets
The strings is attached to our souls and bodies
Our minds has no clue what is going on

We eat sweets and deserts
Really swallowing crap
What we see is beautiful
Looking at fire buring down our houses

When we sing, we are angels
We sound like a choking elephant
We love a special someone
That special someone is a stranger

Celebrities walk on the red carpet
In reality, they walk on dead reporters
Who is the one controlling the human race?
The one who drew our face

Everything is a reverie
An illusion to our eyes
The one that controls us
Is God telling us lies


Stuck in a coffin
Wrapped in a towel
Kidnapped by a kidnapper
Trapped by the hour
Locked myself in
No keys exist
Breathing in suffocation
No door, no window, no hole
Being trapped, there's no more directions
Nor nowhere to go
Listening to a motor mouth,
I can't hang up the phone!

Sorry, I came back to edit this and I realized I was at the wrong place to submit this. I was suppose to be at the writer's part, I know. I'll post this again over there. I am so sorry!

comment Commented on: Sun Jul 31, 2005 @ 10:08am
you prolly get alot of these...and mine would seem none the different, but seeing as i'm on a quest, i'm open to try anything i need to finish it. it;s a long difficult quest (nitemare scarf), so yea. anyways, WRITER

The sky had opened up and the tears fell into my eyes. the silent scream uttered from my mouth, and no one responded. i knew i was alone, i knew the world had gone, turned it's back to me while i slowly seathed with the pain inside. while i slowly writhed on this rusted blade. i came to my place, seclusion beyond mortal eyes. i looked into the sky and revelled in the beauty, the sky had come crashing down like the news of an intimate suicide. clouds drifte slowly like ghost rich with envy at the young soul in their mercy. the stars became the distant hope that i will never reach. shining brighter in their mockery. the winds blew like the voices of the dead, breaking hearts of those yet to come. freezing the hearts of those who are. my skin ached and ripped away from my body as to escape a worthless purpose. we talked over and over in my mind, through the pain, through the sorrow. your smile as beautiful as an azure sky of the purest summer. your voice like the gentle breeze of the greenest spring. your skin, brighter than the moon in all it's palest glory, a moon of silverst spun metal. but then i awoke. knowing it was all a dream. i awoke to the pain of realit once more.

so there it is. no tittle, but enjoy and thank you for your time

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The Fallen Angel Anarki
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comment Commented on: Mon Aug 08, 2005 @ 11:12am

In the darkness where no one can see,
Souls all belong to me,
Beg for mercy or face my wrath,
For the day shall come for the Dark Sabbath.

Cringe in fear, Know your place,
For I am counting your days,
Place of Darkness, Unholy Light,
All will spread my dark blight.

When heaven falls asunder,
The dark lightning falls with thunder,
Sadness, Sorrow, Pain and Agony,
No one hears my sad, sad melody.

All alone in the dark, dark worlds,
No one hears my sorrowful words,
Knowing that nothing is right,
I am all alone in the dark night.

All will see, all will know,
Why I never let my feelings show,
I have never tasted bliss,
As I am falling into this dark abyss...

comment Commented on: Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 07:44am
Will Rhyme 4 Penguin Slippers
By Dark Adriana

Today I came upon a thread,
Of great generosity.
I followed this trail and it lead,
To giving Gaian girl Suki.

I could try to impress her,
Through unrelenting flattery,
But instead I will deliver,
A poem or two or three.

I hope these written words,
Will make her do some flippers,
So that I may pwn the nerds,
With Fuzzy Penguin Slippers.

I see, I seek, I rhyme,
For these footy decorations.
And perhaps in time,
With the proper preparations...

They will warm my toes!
For my feet, they are so cold,
They've very nearly froze,
As my slippers are so old.

They have so many holes,
As if they're going out of style.
Don't get me started on the soles!
They belong in the trash pile!

Now those Fuzzies, on the other hand,
Be still, my beating heart!
They are Gaia's gift upon this land,
A land that's torn apart.

Apart by slippers oh so worn,
And ever so unfluffy!
Filled with holes, old and torn,
With soles no longer puffy!

It hurts to trek a meter,
Or even just an inch,
In those old toesy beaters,
My ankles, they do pinch!

Oh yes, they beat my toes!
Oh yes, they pinch my ankles!
And as the story goes,
Nothing rhymes with ankles!

Despite my lapse in rhyme,
I only speak the truth,
My old slippers are grime,
Sporting them I look uncouth!

So please, oh giving Suki,
Take pity on this Gaian,
When I say this, you must trust me,
Because I am not lyin'!

Those Fuzzy Penguins I do yearn,
As my current slippers suck.
And so this is how I try to earn,
By rhyming for a buck.

And though a buck is good and fine,
I will stop flapping my lippers.
Because I must go make a sign,
"Will rhyme 4 Penguin Slippers".

Pink Rapid
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comment Commented on: Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 05:40pm
Hm.... ... All right... I shalth walk forth.

Here is... a poem if you will... and please ignore the picture, as it is part of the poem. This is from my site in which I am still builiding. If you want to read what I've got so far though of my site Here is my URL: http://www.freewebs.com/teelayoshi/

Here is my poem, in which I have entitles Clashes, which is the picure's title.


You have to understand everything to know what your purpose is, do you not?
But what if there is suddenly an open door on your quest,
and you are sucked inside of it,
left torn away from your friends,
and you wonder if you are torn away from reality.
Is it, or is it not fantasy?

What you are walking into... is my reality,
and you may call it merely a dream,
but I have to ask you what is the difference?
Do you or do you not... know you're dreaming or are you awake?
Where does reality wake up and where does it sleep?

Tell me why I have lost everything in reality,
and only left with a fantasy that has become my reality?
I do know the difference from fantasy and reality,
but at times,
I don't want to believe it...

The night wakes,
and the day breaks,
leaving me beneath the sky,
and endless vow,
like my promises to my fantasy,
or are you telling me my reality is fantasy,
and fantasy is forsaken to death?

comment Commented on: Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 05:41pm
I don't know what it is,
but I look into your eyes,
seeing a memory,
as if I'd known you long ago,
but tell me,
are you my dreams?
Do they lay within you? I
'm not sure of my past,
and at times,
I wish the present wasn't even here!
Do you miss me, my dream,
and why was I forsaken, tossed aside?

I don't even know myself,
but I look into your face,
knowing you had fixed me.
My soul had been broken in reality,
and now I'm dreaming,
my memory wiped,
but you... you.... In reality,
I had fallen,
and you had grabbed my hand,
picked my broken body off the ground,
you had saved me....

And you tell me I saved you,
But I just don't understand how....
But I needn't understand anything.... y
you're here, I'm here, fantasy, reality.... clashes.....
Tell me My memory is yours forever,
tell me I am yours forever,
my sweet clash of dreams that has become my reality.

End of Poem

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comment Commented on: Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 05:42pm
And with that, I shall give you the picture, though it really is nothing worth veiwing.

Hm... for some reason, I had orignally posted the picture's URL, but it doesn't seem to be taking me to the right place... no bother. You can either see it on my main page, or I'll give you the Deviant Art URL code for it. Feel free to leave comments for me on Deviantart if you are a member as well, I won't mind...

And with that, I take my leave. I won't be missed by many, but I do hope everyone's journey clashes with mine again someday, being as I have now clahed with yours.

And if any have questions as to my poem, or even my picture, which I will, I guess.... be happy to answer, but from here forth, I probably won't say another word as I walk away quietly, leaving you all to wander, as not many clash with me. We all have our own journey, one we usually must walk alone.... .... Goodbye.

comment Commented on: Sat Sep 03, 2005 @ 04:03am

--`simply me-- -
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comment Commented on: Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 01:48pm
By JB-Bratt

From childhood's hour i have not been
as others were; i have not seen
as others saw; i could not bring
my passions from a common spring.

From the same source i have not taken
my sarrow; i could not awaken
my heart to joy at the same tone;
and all i loved; i loved alone

Then in my childhood in the dawn
of a stormy life-was drawn
from every depth of good and ill
the mysterie which binds me stil:

From the torrent, or the fountian,
from the red cliff of the mountian,
from the sun that round me rolled,
in its autumn lint of gold.

From the lightnig in the sky
as it passed me flying by,
from the thunder and the storm
and the cloud that toke the form

(when the rest of heaven was blue)
of a demon in my view

comment Commented on: Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 04:23pm
ok, the following is a link to my xanga page. On this page you will find my massivly long escaflowne fanfic. Its the best i ever worte and im linking it becuse I'm laze and dont feel like spending the next halfhour transfering it over. [plus when i keep reloading both pages it freezes my computer.]

SO...GO read. and feel the power of ESCAFLOWNE!

My Xanga <-----THIS IS A LINK!

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comment Commented on: Sun Oct 02, 2005 @ 04:47pm

There I was, making fun
Everybody made fun at the circus
Nobody knew what was coming

That was before They came
They where coming from the sky
They Killed everybody
I was the only one who survided

12 O'clock that was the time
Fireworks set and people finally saw
What was coming
The people thought that that was an act....

That was when They came
They where coming from the sky
They Killed everybody
I was the only one who could run away

When the first ones touched the ground They stared

That was when They stared
The where coming from the sky
They killed everybody
I was the only one who escaped

I hided
I didnt move, I didnt make a sound
Slowly I moved away
But one of them saw, They are still hunting me......

comment Commented on: Fri Oct 07, 2005 @ 02:50am
Blood soaked wings, torn and broke
Choke on the mist, choke on thesmoke
Give up the laughterGive up the pain
Give up the smiles, cry in the rain
Broken wimgs, split in two
Lost mysoul and cant pull through
Faded heart eyes cast black
Stolen soul, cant look back
But I cant leave, its notmy time
Been beaten down, a broken spine
Gushing blood, losing breath
Losing life, soon comes death
So I'll shake off my wings, shake off the dirt
Shake off the fear, shake off the hurt
I sweep back my wings and fly away,
I have to live another day

This is something I made up the other day about my friend who only just recently got over her family dieing.......If you dont like it.......cool

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JBs Sarang
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comment Commented on: Sun Oct 09, 2005 @ 02:55pm
i say that being...

i say that being fat or weak is okay.
i say that being short or not smart is great.
i say that being gay or lesbian is fine.
i say that being a rude or cruel person is wrong.
i say that being a person that uses violence, that they need to change their ways.
i say that being a person that lacks self-confidence is horrid.
i say that being an average person is fantastic.
i say that being flawed is being perfect.
i say that being human means to be flawed.
are you like me and say these things too?

i know they don't rhyme, i'm just not a rhymer. sweatdrop

comment Commented on: Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 09:19pm
Different's okay

A short poem

Just because I'm random,
People make fun of me
But I don't care, 'cause part of a crowd
Is something I don't want to be

"Follow trends, be like everyone else"
That's what all my friends say
And then I start to really wonder:
Would real friends treat my individuality that way?

People call me a freak,
Just for having my own style
But when it really comes down to it,
Being myself makes it all worth while

The Sunburned Zebra
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comment Commented on: Mon Nov 14, 2005 @ 10:12am
Winning is Everything

word count: 567

Once apon a time,
there was a lonely little girl who had no friends. This little girl wanted so much to win something, but no matter what she tried, she'd always be second-best. Then, in a near by town, she heard that the Queen of Tacobell was leaving forever and giving away her stuff as a prize. The little girl knew that this was her chance to finally win something, so she set forth to that town.

On the way there, the little girl met up with a little faerie that was been picked on by a couple of toads.
"Hey, stop that!" yelled the little girl.
"Mind your own business, Missy! croaked one of the toads.
"Leave the faerie alone!" screamed the little girl.
"You want her? Then'll you have to beat me in Daju'lartarl," said a toad.
Terribly frightened, the little girl ask, "Daju'lartarl? What the heck is that?"
"Oh sorry, my throat was stuck, I meant Rock Paper Scissors. explained the toad.
"Fine! Your on." said the little girl.
"Rock Paper Scissors," said them both.
They tossed their hand of choice and easily enough, the little girl won.
"Ha! Paper covers rock, now let her go! exclaimed the little girl.
"Fine, go! I didn't want to bother the faerie anymore anyway."
And with that, the toads left.
"Thank you little girl, for helping me, I shall stick by you until the end," said the faerie.
"Great! You can help me win something for once. I'm going to the nearby town to win the Queen of Tacobell's stuff," explained the little girl.
"Sure, I'll help you!" promised the faerie.
With that, they left for the near by town to meet up with the Queen of Tacobell.

comment Commented on: Mon Nov 14, 2005 @ 10:14am
Near the enterance to Tacobell was posted a sign.
The sign read, "To all those who wish to own my stuff, must write for me a short story or poem and such."
"A story! Why that'll be easy," said the little girl.
"Of course it will, because I can help you!" explained the faerie.
And so they wrote their story together and turned it in.

An hour after, the Queen of Tacobell stood on the roof of Tacobell.
"I have read all of your stories and poems and I have finally reached my decision." exclaimed the Queen of Tacobell.
"This is it! I know I won for sure!" said the little girl.
"And the winner is..."
The sounds of drumrolls echoed through the town. Everyone in the village eagerly awaited the results. The silence screamed like the wind.
"...THE LITTLE...."
"It's me it's me it's me it's me it's me." prayed the little girl.
"BOY FROM ACROSS THE RIVER!" said the Queen of Tacobell.
"NUUUUUUUU!!!!!" yelled the little girl.

"Aw, I'm sorry little girl, I guess i wasn't as much help as I thought I was." said the faerie.
The little girl stood there for a few minutes. Then took a deep breathe, put on a big smile and said, "That's alright, I didn't need to win that."
"What do you mean? asked the faerie.
"Well, I just realized that I already won something." said the girl.
"What's that? asked the faerie.
"I won YOU, silly!" exclaimed the little girl. "Don't you remember, I beat those stupid toads to save you!"
The two of them cracked up laughing and became best friends there after.


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Tartarus Styx
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comment Commented on: Fri Dec 02, 2005 @ 04:46am
kill me

stab me
shoot me
Strangle me
slit my wrists
choke my heart
Drown my soul in tears
But for the love of God
don’t leave me here alone

I got the blues
I got the dead-angel blues
Wings hang limp and broken
Skin as pale as death
Silver hair with blood is soaken
Forced to wait till nothing is left
I got the knocked down, dead angel blues

I got the blues
I got the soul-less eyes blues
Blinded by pain and hellfire power
Screaming my resistance into the skies
Destined to lie here till the Twilight hours
Chained to the ground so far from your lies
I got the un-seen, soul-less eyes blues

I got the blues
I got the stolen-innocence blues
Threw my purity, raw and bleeding
Into the cold wet dirt
Never knew that I’d be needing someone like you
To hold me tight in long hours night
I got the tainted polluted stolen-innocence blues

Dictionary War

death without reason
mortal trying to play God
Dictionary war

Heart beat
heart beat
steady and strong as the rain slipping down
Streaking tears on the face of the sky
erratic and furious, screaming against ribs
bleeding agony into my veins
silence pounding over eardrums
Blood dripping from tear-filled eyes

comment Commented on: Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 04:35am
Poem Title: Rememberance

The distant waters of our childhood
are still, waiting to be rediscovered
as I am not sure
if I ever was.
like a child, immature

As I gave at your smiling face
I see the memories
of pain and struggle.
And there is one
of you
and light dances around you
on a warm summers day.

I take your hand in mine
wondering if our love existed
in the infinite portal of time.
Is it insignifigant to others
or it may be all time has.

And as life goes on
nothing changes except
what can be seen
our love though
has grown from a child
to passion
has spread its wings.

Please don't copy or plagurize. 3nodding

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