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Book of Secrets The story of my life.

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Please post your story here. less than 1000 words. One entry per person. Do NOT post a link, but just put the story in the comment. I will be taking first 10 posted. I will be checking the length too.

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Radioactive Corpse
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed May 28, 2008 @ 11:57am
Ah. Barton town was a lovely place. Quite too, and there was hardly any disturbances. Ever.

A long howl pierced the air awaking one poor woman from her sleep. “Wha..?” She grunted shooting up into a upright position. It was that dog! That stupid animal that seemed to bark at every single thing! If she concentrated…Corpsie could hear screaming. What was that doing doing? Shoving on some clothes and a dressing gown- it was cold!- she stumbled down her stairs and blinked as she saw her dog.

It was snarling. At the door, and through the rippled glass she could see a person shaking and shouting a panicked “Shoo! Shoo!” Now THAT wasn’t going to work. Not a feeble ‘shoo’ anyway. The only way to get rid of her dog was to throw a brick at it. “RADIOACTIVE! Shut up you stupid mutt!” She screamed, making the man behind the door jump. Heh- I do have a loud voice. Oh how she loved her dog.

Corpsie’s dog was a massive thing! Black with little black eyes and seemed to blend in with the shadows. She couldn’t quite remember what breed he was and to be honest she didn’t care. He was cuddly a good guard dog and her personal Hoover (He literally ate anything off of the floor. Nice one boy!) Pushing him into another room and shutting the door the woman sighed. This was too much at nine in the morning!

Opening the door she was greeted with a postman. Glaring at him for being the main reason why she was woken up and crossing her arms a clipped, “Well? What have you got for me?” came from her lips. It was obvious she wasn’t a morning person.
“Oh um! Here!” And with that a mysterious parcel was shoved into her hands and the man made a mad dash down my driveway screaming about scary old ladies and mad dogs. ”I AM NOT OLD YOU LITTLE BRAT!” I roared shaking my fist into the air. Looking down I noticed that the thing was a box with a small note on it saying, “From a mysterious benefactor!” Giggling she set it down and was about to open it when she noticed another note, it read “Don’t open before 30th May.”

Corpsie snorted. What was the worst that could happen? Shrugging at her own thought the odd girl looked to her calendar. “It’s the 28th! I’m not waiting two days damn it!” And so she set to work ripping the lid off she gazed inside. “Hey there’s nothing in- WOAHH!” A large hand came up and pulled her into the box, making her tumble inside with a small scream.

Next door a man sat in his chair with a victorious smirk. “Heh, I’ve done it! I’ve finally silenced that girl! And now…for the dog.”

By Radioactive Corpse.

comment Commented on: Wed May 28, 2008 @ 11:59am
Once upon a time, for this is how all great stories begin, there was a girl named Ceecee who loved new things., Now one day Ceecee was walking in the woods to pick berries for a pie. As Ceecee was walking she stumbled and fell and hit her head, as she stood up, rubbing her head, and saw somthing on the ground. It was a box about the size of a watermelon, it was black with silver edging too. Not seeing anyone around CeeCee picked up the box to look inside, but the lid wouldnt budge! Disappointed Ceecee but the box under her arm and continued to go pick berries. Later that night when Ceecee was alone she tried to open the box again, she did everything she could think of to open it too! She pulled, knocked, shoved, even used water and oil to loosen the lid, nothing worked! Finally as soon as Ceecee gave up the box opened! Ceecee couldnt help but gasp for inside the box was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was a silver necklace with lacy gold and golden onyx stones. Suddenly from nowhere a fairy was sitting on her bed and told Ceecee that she was chosen to be the godmother of a fairy and she must come quickly. Ceecee knowing it was best to obey fairies no matter what had no choice but to leave. When she was there the baby was born and the fairies looked expectantly at Ceecee who presented the necklace she had just gotten as her gift to the baby, and she heard a small collection of gasps around the room. No mortal EVER gave somthing so precious before to a baby fairy, and they immediatly gave Ceecee a wish for anything she could ever want. Ceecee's only wish though was to grow old with a man she loves, and so it was granted and Ceecee grew up happy and old and though she wasnt rich she knew the fairies would never let her be uncomfortable and it was all thanks to that black and silver box that she still owns to this day, the same box waiting to be lost again to help some other soul, for isnt it the way of mysterious bo xes to always be lost and never truly empty. Of course sadly this tale must end and I can say happily that this story truly is a happy ever after, its just only time before the next persons story to come along, but for now... The End.

Zombie Kebab
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comment Commented on: Wed May 28, 2008 @ 02:47pm
There was a man sitting in his usual spot. His dirty blonde hair was carefully groomed and he was sipping something from a mug. A boy with raven black hair and copper eyes was staring at the man and asked, “Who the heck are you?”
The man looked up from his drink and smiled. “Ah. You must be Bleig.”
“Braig,” corrected the boy in a mumbled tone. He hated when people mispronounced his name.
“Of course it is, Bleig,” said the young man. “My name’s Even, and I’m here to keep an eye on you while you’re on vacation.”
“Who sent you?” asked Braig. “Was it my father?”
“Who else? It seems he’s getting suspicious on what it is you actually do in your spare time. So, he’s left me in charge while he’s away.”
“All he needs to know is that I go to the beach and do odd jobs. That’s it.”
Even picked up the folder that was sitting in his lap and took out a piece of paper.
“Well, this is the list of what your father expects you to do on your vacation. Let’s go over it.”
Braig said, “I’m not in the mood,” and turned to go back upstairs into his room.
Even grabbed his arm and dragged him into a chair. “Yes, you are,” he said. “You’re to sit there and listen to what’s on this list. First is your summer reading.”
“I already read it.”
“What a responsible boy you are. Did you like the book?”
“No,” said Braig instantly. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.
Even shook his head and sighed. “Second is your independent study.”
“I already did that, too.”
“On what, may I ask?”
“Marine biology. Now let me go. I have work to do.”
“So you’re a boy who likes the sea? Interesting. I didn’t see anything like that when I was in your room…”
“You are in my room?!” accused Braig with a frustrated tone.
“For a short while. I must say you snore loudly.”
“You’re psychotic! What gives you the right to invade my privacy?”
“Your father told me I could look in your room. Someone your age could be doing dangerous things in there.” Even stood up, rinsed the mug in the sink, and asked Braig, “So, how old are you?”
“Sixteen. You’re, what, thirty?”
“I’m twenty-five.” Even smiled and added, “I have the feeling we’re going get along just fine.” His hand slipped and dropped the mug, which shattered on the floor. He laughed nervously and said, “I’ll go get a broom…”
Braig only scoffed and left the room.
- - -
“You’re late,” said the manager.
“It’s not my fault,” said Braig. “I woke up to find a Jacques Clouseau in my kitchen. If you had to blame anyone, blame him.”
The manager sighed and said, “Braig, I know you’ve been having a little trouble at home, but don’t bring your problems to me when you’re on your shift. Now, I want you to work in the stand today. Sell drinks and beach supplies if anyone needs them. Afterwards, we can talk about what’s bugging you if you want.”
The manager looked over her shoulder and said, “Looks like our regular’s here. Please remember to treat him kindly.”
Braig sat behind the counter and glared at the young man. He had strawberry blonde hair that looked somewhat uncombed and was in his face. His deep blue eyes always gave a far-off look, and he had a very unusual disposition.
“What can I get you today, Corky?” asked Braig.
Corky cocked his head to the side and said, “Braig? Why are you working the stand?”
“The manager feels that I should practice my people skills today of all days.”
“Do you need help getting customers? I could make some signs...”
“No, but what can I get you?”
The odd boy scratched his head before saying, “Can I borrow some money?”
“Corky, this is a store—not a bank. If you want something, you have to buy it.”
Corky then said in a frightened voice, “Oh shizz. Does that mean I have to pay for visiting?”
Braig chuckled. “Is there anything besides a loan that I can get you?”
Corky stared off into space until he said, “…A soda.”
“I can give you that.” Braig reached into the cooler and gave a soda to Corky, who gulped it down thirstily. After the drink, he said, “Have you been good this summer?”
“Corky, I’m older than you. I should be asking you that.”
“Don’t ruin my vibe, mate. My grades are good, and the girls are better. Have you even laid eyes on a girl this summer? It’s unhealthy for a boy your age to not be thinking about girls.”
Braig remained silent.
“Okay, so you’re not into any of the girls at school. What about the tourists? Or could it be you’re the kind of man who’s into men?”
He gave Corky a cold stare before saying, “I have work to do. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. I’ll see you later, Braig.”
Corky turned around to leave, but tripped on a shoelace and fell flat on his face. He started to laugh hysterically as he always did when he did something awkward.
Well, that’s Corky for you…

comment Commented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 08:54am
It was a quiet night, but the air fealt heavy with anticipation. In a silent village most people were asleep, except for one girl. It was her 10th birthday the next day, as hard as she tried she could not sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, until she suddenly fell off the edge of the bed and onto the floor!

As she slowly picked herself up off the floor she noticed how warm it was. It was never this warm in her house. Then as she turned to climb back into her bed she
felt a gentle breeze ruffle her hair. She looked around her room, her window was not open and neither was the door. Then she saw it a small hole under her bed leading downwards. She crept closer and peered over the edge of the hole. Suddenly she felt herself slowly tipping and without a word she tumbled over the edge and down into the darkness below.

As she fell she could feel warm air billowing around her, cushioning her. When she finally reach the bottom she slowly stood up and looked around. She could see a light glimmering from further away to her left. Carefully she stood up an dbegan to wander in the direction of the light. As she walked the light never seemed to come nearer, it was always the same distance away. Until suddenly she found herself in a glowing cavern.

She blinked from the sudden change in light and stood still until she could see properly. What she saw then shocked her so much that until her dying day that sight was imprinted in her mind. All around the walls were tiny sprites, watching her in silence except for the muffled sound of their wings moving. As she gazed around the cavern, she was drawn to look in the centre where the light was brightest. There in the very middle on a small pedestal, was a perfectly wrapped present. Attached to one of the ribbons, that seemed to change colours as she looked, there was a small label.

Slowly she edged towards the present as if she was being pulled by a golden string. She reached the box and cautiously turned the label so she could read what was written. In flowing handwriting she saw these words "To Bridget, for your tenth birthday. Never forget this night." she stretched her hand towards the present and picked it up. Then she turned and stumbled back into the darkness, towards the tunnel. As soon as she was out of the light she ran back followng the warm current of air to the bottom of the hole. As she stopped to look up she felt the air gathering behind her and slowly lifting her up. Snuggled up in a bed of air she started drifting off to sleep. When she owke up the next morning on her tenth birthday, she thought she had been dreaming until she glanced down at her left hand and saw a carefully wrapped parcel. Slowly she sat up and started to tug at one on the ribbons...............

squeeky mouse
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comment Commented on: Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 10:40am
A small boy sat alone atop a makeshift platform. It stood at least thirty feet high in the air. All the other children below stared up hungry and miserable. Their contempt for their classmate vividly shown upon their faces. The lone boy did not eat however, he felt that if his classmates suffered so should he.

Every night after training the students could eat dinner only if they could jump to the top of the platform. The meaning of this training meant failure was death and it was not lost on the students. It was raised further up everyday. The only student that could make it successfully had been eating dinner alone the past month. During day training the other students mocked and ridiculed him constantly. This isolation from the others just made him strive harder in his trainings.

A sudden movement brought the lone boy to his feet. He went about throwing all the plates of food down to his classmates. The rest of the class grabbed the food like it was raining gold upon them. They cheered his name for a bit while they ate happily. Off to the side the masters watched in silence and shook their heads. The hero sat silently still not eating. Silent streaks of tears fell from his downcast brown eyes.

The next morning would be the beginning of the hardest training the students would ever encounter. It was called the gauntlet. This part of the program was so rigorous that even student death was to be expected. Again the next night the boy sat alone atop the raised platform not eating dinner. During this time he finally came up with a plan. A plan to succeed even further than the rest had.

That night he silently sneaked out of the dormitory. Creeping like a shadow into one of the training buildings. Until he came inside a storage closet did he finally find what he was looking for. Taking several supplies from here and carrying them back to the barracks where they all slept.

The next morning everyone in the village had woken up to a loud explosion. One of the training masters had come in early to awaken the students only to fall for the trap. The bomb had nearly killed the master, but due to its lethality it killed all the students but one. The last student was eventually found by another master to be taken in front of the council of masters.

The lone boy sat with downcast eyes towards the floor surrounded by the five masters. Master Book, Master Cloak, Master Foot, Master Mask, and Master Hand. The last one was covered in several bandages and an eye patch. All of them were hooded so as to hide their true identity. The only identifying mark on them was a brooch, each symbolizing their mastery with a veneer of gold, holding their cloaks.

Master Hand spoke first gesturing with his bandaged hands, "The gauntlet is made that the last surviving student is considered a graduate and he is the last one."

Master Mask nodded in acquiescence with Master Hand. The other three were livid in their actions. Bold gestures, pointing fingers, and stiff backs gave off the impression that they thought otherwise.

Continuing in his argument for the last student, "He has excelled beyond even those of us at his current stage of training. Even his father could not jump that high. He practices his kendo against the rest of his classmates when they were alive. He always won against them. Did you not tell me that he has already mastered your first technique Master Cloak?" Master Hand's last point was to draw in the so named Master in to agreement.

The boy continued listening raptly but not showing any emotion as the discussion went further on. He knew that his life was on the line here. Even with Master Hand giving praise about his inability to fail in his tasks given to him.

Looking with his last eye with a stern glare at Master Book he delivered his final gambit for the boy. "None of the other students could even read your study books. He memorized it with a single glance and quoted it back to you on the first day! None of the other students showed any aptitude nor ability to grasp your mystics. By third week he was able to move among the shadows like a master. He even used your materials that were guarded by your magics and gotten past them! Yes, our law dictates that any of our members killed by one of us is considered a traitor, yet he had not graduated. Therefore he is not considered a member of our clan at that point. Nor were any of the students. Thus making him exempt from that law." Master Hand's voice dropped even lower as if to put more emphasis on his opening counterpoint. "Survival from the gauntlet means graduation and death otherwise. We do not accept failure. He was giving his classmates due justice. Rather to have them fail in the gauntlet than in an important role we may give them later."

The other masters had grown silent as Master Hand ended his rebuke. At the final counterpoint they finally saw reasoning and relented to his judgment. Master Cloak felt the mood had lighten among the masters. Reaching inside his own cloak he brought forth a blue silk covered oblong object and placed it before the youth.

The boy could only stare at it. He already knew what it was. The meaning behind it was not lost to him. He instantly brought his head to the floor. So fast and so loud was the thump it made. This shocked the masters briefly. The boy could only claim he was not worthy and that he should be beheaded now. Stammering out that he did not have the honor enough to open up his own belly.

A few of the hoods of the masters bobbed up and down as they silently chuckled to themselves. It was Master Cloak that spoke after clearing his throat,"You are mistaken boy. Or should I say man? That is your father's sword. It is now your duty to take it up and join our ranks. We hope to see you soon as a fellow master." He reached out to pull away the silken cover to reveal an ancient katana.

The sword looked plain enough. Its saya and handle made of bamboo. No markings on it could betray its heritage. One small gold hoop at the end of the handle made for either peace strings or a tassle. There was no tsuba adorned with it. He would get one if he ever became a master like the men surrounding him. Or when the clan went to war with another clan.

He reached out slowly, apprehension marked his face, to grasp the cool bamboo handle. Once there he felt as if it reached back at him. A small connection had been made. He would not know it now, but later he will. He drew the sword only an inch. Every master present fought the urge to draw their own from instinct. Even at old age their training still served them well.

Wonderment crossed his brown eyes as the youth, now a man in his gempukku, stared at one point was once his father's sword. Now it belonged to him and he earned it. Taking a deep breath he answered the master's silent question, "Agame. Shosuro Agame of clan Scorpion. That is what I shall henceforth be called." His voice strained from years of neglect. Students were not allowed to talk during training except to each other. Since he was often left alone to his own devices. He rarely needed to speak.

The masters approved with a final silent nod. One by one they all left except for Master Hand. Stopping at the door to give their new clan member one final piece of advice.

"Next time, challenge me to a dual, do not be a coward." He chuckled a bit before leaving, "I will be waiting for it!" The Master's voice could be heard as he walked away laughing.


Agame woke up from his deep meditation. A small smile crept up to his face. Despite it being hidden behind his veil that masked his visage. That memory had been six years ago to this day. He knew that such a crossroads like that one shall happen again today. He patted his invisible sword at his side. Then pulled out the book he had stolen from a mayor in a previous task.

He gave the book a thoughtful look, as he stood up to leave, before setting it back to its hidden place inside his cloak. Traveling in the night through the dark to give the book to the person who had hired his services to retrieve it. He never met his employers, his orders were given to him by the masters, as decreed by clan law. This time the masters wanted him to deliver it personally.

He knew that the masters had a hidden agenda if he was to meet the customer. At what game they were playing. He could not fathom it, yet. Long did he still ponder that thought as he traveled until he came to a small farm. He was to wait for the customer there. So he hid in the shadows waiting unseen to any observer. Constantly alert due to his paranoia, thinking about the changes in the future, and waiting.

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