Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: Tahki is the Head of the Andante clan is also the Father. Kunat is his first son and the Heir if anything were to happen to Tahki. Tahki can control Air, Water, Earth, Energy, and Fire. Kunat can control Air, Water, and Energy.
Name: Sakor
Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: Can control both ice and energy and mixes the two elements most of the time. He is the craziest of the Andante's.
Sexuality: Bi
His Most Used Saying: "I will freeze and eletricute you at the same time if you continue to embaress me Maevin!"
Name: Ritku
Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: he hates his brothers and wants nothing to do with him, having been considered the odd one in the family where he can control ice fire and energy and almost the whole Andante clan can control only ice and energy, never fire. Has the Andante mark by his left eye.
Name: Zokri
Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: He is the most sane out of his family and doesn't need to rely on drugs to keep his sanity in tact. His elements are water and air.
Sexuality: Pan.
Name: Maevin
Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: he is very very very insane. He uses the Element Energy and likes to try to blow his brothers up when they first meet then acts all happy to see them when he fails on purpose.
Sexuality: Bi
Name: Hinil and Imogene Nighthand [bottom top]
Age: Unkown
Race: Dark Elf / Mai

Bio: Is one of the few female Andante's by birth. She can control Water and Air. Like Ritku, she has the Andante mark by her left eye. she and Imogene have been friends for as long as she could remember. little is known about Imogene.
Sexuality: Bi
Name: Nozak [top] and Nohivuet [bottom]
Age: Unknown
Race: Dark Elf

Bio: They both use the Element Ice. They are the most Sane of the Andante's
Sexuality: Gay