alrighty, the next day was tuesday, and it started like all the others, but this was a special day...... VIP day!!!!! and for those that dont know what that ish, its the day where ppl who donated stuff to the camp or parents who r thinking about sending there kids the next year to camp can come to the camp and look around and meet ppl. the ppl who donate bring in lots of kool cars ((which i know as much about a car as i know brain sergiry (and it seems i cant even spell it >.> lol))) and other stuff like that, well after lunch the kids got to look at all the cars and sit in them and take pictures and all that jazz, but Jeremy's wheel chair ran out of juice and me him and Nick went back to the cabin.... which suited them fine
xp . well we played cards and talked and that kind of stuff until dinner,and i think Jeremy's chair had a brocken battery or something because it deaded on the way back from the dining hall and me and to other conselers had to push him and his 200 pound wheel chair i dont even know how far and up ramps, it sucked to say the least, well after alittle more recharging we went to the evening avent, fair night. each cabin had to make there own little booth and run it and the donaters brought a cottin candy and snow cone makers ((i had about 10 snow cones myself
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)) our cabin did the samething as last year and just had a blackjack table ^_^. and that night i helped watch the cabin agein ((i did every night sence everything else to do at night didnt realy excite me... or i was just to tired to do anything)) and i did, by request, a weird cartoon type drawing for Jeremy, like i did the year before, of darth vadar and yoda battling
blaugh ((i ish a dork
rofl )) but i didnt end it and wrote "till next year beoch!!" at the bottom, he laughed at it. lol the next morning Jeremy was leaving ((sad face->
crying )) to go to KingsIsland ((lucky b*****d
domokun lol)) and wasnt coming back until next year, that day was kinda boring for me and Nick but we maniged ok
sweatdrop and at lunch this day for our cabin cheer ((the days before cheer i forget what it was
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)) was just everyone in our cabin holding up a hand making the sign launguge "7". it was funny but didnt get use to win
rolleyes later that day we didnt do much but go swimming, but Nick didnt like swiming so we stayed at the cabin and talked. that night still watching the cabin, got about hafe way through my book. thats it for now, byes
Community Member
My day was hell... sweatdrop