When the Benny the Puppy item first came out, it wasn't announced right away. I was lurking in the MP, and I came upon him, and was instantly desperate. A day after, (once I found out where he came from) I went to target to get one. There were no listings for Benny in the MP at that time, so to make some gold off of it, I put it up for 1 mil. (I would wait for the prices to deflate ((once the announcement was made)) and i would buy one for myself for a much lower price).
To my surprise, there were many people who would go to great lengths to get this puppy. Here's only a few PM's I recieved while Benny was in my store...
I came home to about 30-35 PM's asking where I got the Benny, or if I could lower the price.
There were a select few, though, who wouldn't quit without a fight (they were the funniest ones xd )
ANYWAY...This one was sorta funny...I don't remember replying... (sorry...)
Chastler · Sat Mar 01, 2008 @ 04:00am · 4 Comments |