I'm sssssssssssssssooooooooo BORED
wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
*yawn* whateva! *sleeping* zzzzzzzz bored!!!! and yet again my bro is bein a retard..... ok so im so bored i will tell u what i learned today,
these are the constellations:
Latin name english name
Andromeda : the chained lady
Aquila : the eagle
Aries* : the ram
Auriga: the charioteer
Bootes : the herdsman
camelopardalis : the girrafe
cancer* : the crab
canes venatici : the hunting dogs
canis minor : the lesser dog
cassiopeia : the lady in the chair
cephus : cassiopeia's consort
coma berenices : bernce's hair
corona borealis : the northern cross
cygnus : the swan
delphinus : the dolphin
draco : the dragon
equuleus : the lesser horse
gemini* : the twins
hercules : hercules
lacerta : the lizard
leo* : the lion
leo minor : the lesser lion
lynx : the lynx
lyra : the lyre
ophiuchus : the serpent holder
orion : the hunter
pegasus : the winged horse
perseus : the persons
pisces* : the fishes
sagitta : the arrow
serpens : the serpent
taurus* : the bull
triangulum : the triangle
ursa major : the great bear (the big dipper)
ursa minor : the little bear (the little dipper)
virgo* : the virigin
vulpecula : the fox
*located in the zodiac
ok,ok i do confess i havent memerized them all but i am using the book i have so, anyway, vulpecula is my fav and the pisces
anyways i g2g byas!!! cool
MercilessSiren Community Member |