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Jasmine's Scrapbook
Now, all I need to put all my pictures and words for all to see ^_^
We have SO much to catch up on lol...
Hiyo boys and girls! ^^

Miss me? Well; Halloween was WAY too good to pass up...

Ya shee; not ONLY did I get my mummy suit; we got labcoats!! X3 Both me AND My friend dt got the items we wanted made the most of all!!


My Raffle is starting slowly; I really need those funds o_o And THEN I'll have to see about getting more funds to buy my supply of letters for the month ^^; I'd use IRL money; but... oh!! biggrin I probbaly SHOULD get to that; shouldn't I?


Okie; so; dad was all pessimistic lol... what good is a 1000 these days; yada yadda....

But she gave me 100 to go shopping with her!!! XD

OMG, I loved that X3


-1st Edition Monster Rancher CCG box (::Shrug:: 1 buck lol)
-Shonen Jump Issue 23 (I HATE how I have to wait so long for issues here ;_; )
-Sentinel Graphic Novel V2
-.hack//sign V4
-Kino's Journey I
-Cowboy Bebop the Movie
-Escaflowne V6

And the rest I squandered mindlessly on cards, junk food; accessories and stuff lol ^^ I loved it... ::Sigh::

I've only managed to peek at Kino's Journey; which I'd long promised to look at ever since Megatokyo's Seraphim herself seemingly endorsed it to me ^_^

And THEN I saw a trailer for it on my Angelic Layer DVD!

Oh it's so pretty!!! It's like some mysterious blend of shoujo/shonen...

Kino; a traveller and Hermes; a talking bike who travel the lands, staying in countries for only 3 days before moving along; learning all they can of their surroundings...

Kino is a mystery alone lol; no one seems to know if he/she is a boy or girl; including Seraphim XD

Although in the third episode; a villager DOES say Kino's a she X3 Which would make it even cooller

Kino has been given a VERY ambiguous VA; which makes you wonder which gender he/she is; and I really like that ambiguity; making Kino SO much more mysterious...

The first episode was really the introduction and all; tossed right into Kino's journey; and a touching story of how people come together and break apart just as soon...

But the second I loved; when Kino comes across a band of starving traders and helps them; finding her/himself in a mysterious conflict over the killing of wildlife to eat when it's for them and not him/herself eating it - wondering why he must choose between two lives like this; and if he has an obligation or reason to do so

And then in the end... well; you'll have to see what shatters the entire picture...

SUCH a pretty opening and song ^_^ I thoroughly recommend this...

Cowboy and the other shall shine later ~_^

Asides from cash; I BARELY managed to get the Jacked set lol; had to scrape some gold from my own profits so far on the NM Headband raffle to buy the last two items I needed x.o

I got the Labcoat; and managed to give another 2 I got to my friends ^_^

And I managed to stay alive to the end of the Zombie battle lol! WHoo!!! SURVIVOR!!! ::So needs to commish something for the occasion...::

I can't seem to remember much lol... weird all of a sudden...

Oh yeah; I smushed my hand with a vaccuum plug; knowing me I probably broke it... it hurts; but I'm REALLY crossing fingers it isn't; I'm going back to the chicken peck type I had to do last time I had an arm in a cast >.>; If it doesn't stop hurting soon; I'm gonna get found out and get dragged to hospital again...

Reminds me of the time I wore a cast but the arm WASN'T broken lol; my friends nominated me to have a fake one put on for a charity thing so we could donate to the waiting room of our local hospital :3

^^; Then we realised we had no plan how to get the cast OFF...

So... the back up plan came to a rather large hammer...

And; I ended up needing a real cast; where the money used up all of our charity money X_x;

Lol; it IS kinda funny to look back on it now though ^_^ I think I'm gonna be telling my kids or grandkids that one if I manage to stop breaking bones one day XD

Webcomics today... they kinda brought a sad memory to light...

In Better Days, it was funny... but the character suddenly popped in called Ryan made me remember my brother...

I haven't really spoken about him; to my other friends or on Gaia or in this journal...

He isn't dead - he's in prison. For attacking me.

He's going to be held at least another 8 years; possibly more if he doesn't 'improve'...

I haven't seen him almost in forever it seems; but I want to; I don't want to remember what he did to me; but I don't want to forget him either; it's strange; how he can do so many things to me; but I still want to love him; and let him know that

Does that make me gullible? I have to wonder really on that one; since it makes me run cold if he'd try and stab me in the back for all my trust

GOD I sound like an angst monger lol...

Let's get some happier news :3 I'ma waiting on a commish from Haru; hopefully to come soon; some other artists; and have to work on repaying my debts; dun forget to visit my raffle! ~_^

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And we end with random friend quote of the day...

"and yes gambino is evil! he reminds me of bowser in someway xp " ~ Raiun

(Iunno why that's funny to me; it just is in my book; and let's face it X3 This IS my book lol... )

EDIT- AND on Gambino blowing up his own mansion!! o_O Wow!!!



Seriously; I really wanna know if he's okay x.o Cindy rocks btw...

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 01:53am
*Dances around* W00tness! i got quoted! and first coment xd


yea it is funny you always have the best journal entrys...i laugh whenever i read them because you say funny stuff lol....

hope you have fun reading your manga and such!

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 02:07am
First off; I loved Cowboy Bebop the Movie ^^ wish I could watch the entire seris sometime, but meh if it happens it happens (In other words, movie rocks, enjoy it lol)

Secondly; I don't want to bring up any bad memories, so I'll just say that I'm glad your alot stronger inside then I could have imagined to go through that and still be who you are

Best wishes and all as always 3nodding

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 10:57am
Thanks Kos; I don't think I'm as strong as you may say; but; thanks ^_^

I can be thankful for things; like I'm alright now and all; no lasting damage or stuff; and he's locked away lol...

But I think I will enjoy Bebop ^^ I've NEVER seen the series; but; the trailer looked REALLY cool on the special features of Tokyo Godfathers X3

And Raiun XD You nearly ALWAYS get first comment lol!

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