Llawr is about 2500 miles wide with a magnetic north and south pole--but that is all the similarities there are between Llawr and other worlds you will find. The biggest, most noticeable difference seen from space is there are no bodies of water--not even lakes. As you near the planet...it becomes obvious why.
Llawr's continents float one above the other above an exposed magma core.
Each continent, called Shells, is two miles thick and about 275 miles wide. The Core itself is about 300 miles wide. The distance between each Shell or the Core is 275 miles. Like Earth's (which is largely unheard of except for those who live on Shell 4) continents, the citizens of each Shell are unique with their own customs. Each Shell is numbered--Shell 1 being the furthest from the Core and Shell 7 being closest to the core.
SHELL 7: Closest to the Core, the flora and fauna of Shell 7 are the most mutated. All mammals, reptiles, and birds have slowly transformed until they all look exactly alike. Only those from Shell 7 are able to tell one another apart. The plants all look like various brightly colored mushrooms of various height. There are some places on Shell 7 that cannot be accessed by those from the higher Shells as their lungs are not as well adapted to the poisonous fumes given off by the bright neon mushroom bulbs that indicate those areas. Due to the dangerousness of Shell 7, few travel to this layer so do not know what the customs are or what the people are like.
SHELL 6: Those of Shell 6 are mutated, but at least those who visit are able to differentiate between mammals, reptiles, and birds--none of the flora was ever changed. Those of Shell 4 have described the lifestyle of Shell 6 similar to that of a third world country from Earth.
SHELL 5: Shell 5 draws people from all the other shells as it is also occasionally known as the Gambling Shell. With the popularity of games of chance, the entire Shell--edge to edge--has no bare ground like other Shells. Some of the buildings even go so far as wrapping around the shell to the underside and a few of the daring go to the high-risk games of chance that can be found there.
SHELL 4: Shell 4 draws and houses scholars from all Shells. There are thirteen levels of scholarship, each level represented by a different color. The thirteen levels--from lowest to highest--listed by color are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white, black. Those of the Red level have access to very little information--mostly general information about each Shell--while those of the Black level have access to the most restricted information--up to and including the secret to how Llawr was formed the way it is and what would happen if it should be returned to the way other planets are.
SHELL 3: Shell 3 is a well-to-do Shell with all the trading commerce they do with Shell 2 and the lower Shells. Rarely does anyone from Shell 1 stop here.
SHELL 2: Shell 2 is full of Junkers who collect things that Shell 1 toss over the sides of their continent. Because Shell 2 is a desert Shell, they trade the junk thrown from the high Shell for water.
SHELL 1: To simply describe Shell 1, think of it as a world superpower. While they have the most advanced technology and military prowess, those of Shell 1 are also the weakest due to being so far away from the Core.
Wynn grew up on Shell 6. Before she was kidnapped by Lexius Pyra (the brother of Zee Pyra), Wynn had been drawn into a fight for the safety of Llawr. One of the people of Shell 1 was wanting to tap into the Core and set it to implode to draw the other Shells together for, it is was told, that it would grant the powers of a god to the person who could do this.
According to the Black level scholars of Shell 4, if the Shells were combined into a single continent, yes the man or woman to do this would gain the powers of a god but at the same time, everyone and everything would die. Llawr would become nothing more than a wasteland of a planet that would explode in a year's time.
Sadly, Wynn was unable to find out the end of the battle due to Lexius having kidnapped her. If she were to tap into Nerissa's data-banks or ask Dragon, Wynn would have been relieved to have found out that Llawr was saved and each Shell floated one above the other as time before.
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