YAAAR!! Viv-chan will be gone for 8 days starting Friday. ^^;;Heading to Vancouver, British Columbia (YAY FOR CANADA!! heart ) and then going to Banff in Alberta. I probably won't be active on the boards as much, but when I do get my hands on the computer...>=D
Another note, I think I've discovered some sort of anxiety thing that I'd have to put on my list. T.T The factor? Awkward silences. I know it's nothing, but o.o err they scare me a lot. You have no idea what the pressure feels like. sweatdrop
Viv is broke again! Well, if my gold goes under 2k I consider myself poor. XD So yeah, donations are always welcome!
Ita-chan, sorry about the delay about the note...^^;;
With love and care,
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