lol So today I freeked and thought I lost my bank card...><
I found it in the laundry. My ID was with it.
>< Anyway, I'm on spring break and a bit pissy <span id="test19176063">. . .</span><br/><div id="post19176063" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> that I have to babysit my sister all week...Oh well, she gets payback when I go to KC for competition... and I forgot that I get another week away from her too! During Girls State! Yesh! I'm so excited.... But I gotta work for it, and well, working is hard with no music. Yesh...T__T I still haven't become a consoler of the lonely yet... I want their new CD so bad...>>... They were out at Fred Meyer last night and I was totally butt hurt about it too, and thats so out of my nature to be that way...>< I'm sure no one is reading this, but w/e. I'm trying to get people to live my life and see the way I live day to day.... Jackie might read this, but Jessica is more likely to, but IDC. OH! So, I played Genji, (I screwed up and played the second before the first...>< ) Dawn of the Samurai, and fell in love again. I think the second pwns in graphics and player playness, but the first its very entertaining. When you attack the poor fools they spurt blood everywhere... At least I know how NOT to die too, and so I feel amazing as I go through the game and pwn the poor Heishi troops...
Yoshitsune Minamoto never ceases to amaze me, and how they portray him in the games is phenomenal. Like almost orgasmic...>< lol I'm out!</div>