Based on a few conversations, and a few run ins with logic, something which doesn't happen very often..I have concluded that Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise are part squirell.. Now I am no pokemon fanatic, but.. I do play the GBA/DS games, and from time to time I still watch the show on its occasions.. Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise happen to be one of the cooler pokemons of the entire series (Raichu being the best pokemon evers).. Now, I will show my findings through an interpretive dance.. sike...I will start off with squirtle..

Looks like your average blue skinned turtle that can walk,riiight? wrong, I would point your attentions towards his tail.. Despite being awesome, squirtle is not just the cool turtle we make him out to be.. His tail is rather long to be similar to a regular turtle's, and has a swirl on it.. It is a bit squirell-like wouldn't you say?.. Nad just the very name..Squirtle..Sure, Squirt may just be there to resemble his water affinity, but..I think it is also there to reveal his squirrel affinity..Squirrel + Turtle = Squirtle, and the fact that it says squirt in his name may just be to divert me from my findings.. but, I was too smart for that old trick..Now, I will move on to the next stage..Wartortle where I have more decisive evidence..

Now, look upon Wartortle, true yet again he is awesome.. but, let us look past his turtle exterior, to his squirell-like exterior.. Note the rather large pointed ears, and his rather soft and puffy tail, that I can imaging is rather swishy.. True, his tail looks to also resemble a wave, but, then why the ears? Because he is part squirell that's why... His tail is far too squirell-like for it to just be coincidence, and I am mis spelling squirell a lot I am sure, I just don't happen to care..Now let us take further analysis of this phenomena..

Now, look for yourself and compare the two above images.. similar, I know.. it's almost scary isn't it? I will move on to my current conclusion for the topic..

Now for the current conclusion upon this topic... Now we all know Blastoise is one of the most bad a** pokemon EVER!..(Still not as cool as Raichu though..) He is a giant super awesome Turtle, and I happen to think turtles are like the best animal ever, but this is besides the point.. Blastoise may seem to only be part Turtle, Awesome, Gundum, Tank, Firetruck, Awesome, Badass, and Robot, and Cannon.. But I think he is indeed also part squirrel... Now, his tail has regressed and become more turtle-like, and so I am going to direct you to his head.. He does retain small pointed ears.. Some squirrels do indeed have small pointed ears, as well as the fact that his nose region is very uncharacteristic for a turtle, and would make sense more so as that of a squirell.. If Squirtle and Wartortle are part squirrel, would it too not be reasonable for Blastoise to retain some squirrel-like features?..I think so..And so, on that note I conclude this passage withing the halls of the house of mirrors.. I hope you were perplexed, and confused..and finish reading this with a 'WTF' expression on your face...

Looks like your average blue skinned turtle that can walk,riiight? wrong, I would point your attentions towards his tail.. Despite being awesome, squirtle is not just the cool turtle we make him out to be.. His tail is rather long to be similar to a regular turtle's, and has a swirl on it.. It is a bit squirell-like wouldn't you say?.. Nad just the very name..Squirtle..Sure, Squirt may just be there to resemble his water affinity, but..I think it is also there to reveal his squirrel affinity..Squirrel + Turtle = Squirtle, and the fact that it says squirt in his name may just be to divert me from my findings.. but, I was too smart for that old trick..Now, I will move on to the next stage..Wartortle where I have more decisive evidence..

Now, look upon Wartortle, true yet again he is awesome.. but, let us look past his turtle exterior, to his squirell-like exterior.. Note the rather large pointed ears, and his rather soft and puffy tail, that I can imaging is rather swishy.. True, his tail looks to also resemble a wave, but, then why the ears? Because he is part squirell that's why... His tail is far too squirell-like for it to just be coincidence, and I am mis spelling squirell a lot I am sure, I just don't happen to care..Now let us take further analysis of this phenomena..

Now, look for yourself and compare the two above images.. similar, I know.. it's almost scary isn't it? I will move on to my current conclusion for the topic..

Now for the current conclusion upon this topic... Now we all know Blastoise is one of the most bad a** pokemon EVER!..(Still not as cool as Raichu though..) He is a giant super awesome Turtle, and I happen to think turtles are like the best animal ever, but this is besides the point.. Blastoise may seem to only be part Turtle, Awesome, Gundum, Tank, Firetruck, Awesome, Badass, and Robot, and Cannon.. But I think he is indeed also part squirrel... Now, his tail has regressed and become more turtle-like, and so I am going to direct you to his head.. He does retain small pointed ears.. Some squirrels do indeed have small pointed ears, as well as the fact that his nose region is very uncharacteristic for a turtle, and would make sense more so as that of a squirell.. If Squirtle and Wartortle are part squirrel, would it too not be reasonable for Blastoise to retain some squirrel-like features?..I think so..And so, on that note I conclude this passage withing the halls of the house of mirrors.. I hope you were perplexed, and confused..and finish reading this with a 'WTF' expression on your face...

Community Member
Wow you bring up some good points.
Now that I really look at hem, they really do have some squirrel-like features. 3nodding