Killing Vampires
Killing a vampire can be difficult. Some can be killed by sun light. Others actually hunt during the day between noon and midnight. One species of Chinese vampire can only be killed by lightning. Many believe that staking a vampire is the best way to kill it. Some Vampires, however, need to be killed by shooting the vampire while in the grave. other times, The vampire needs to be decapitated and the head buried separate from the body. Burning is another way to kill a vampire. Cremation is the most universal way to kill a vampire. On other species of vampire can be killed by throwing the left sock into a river. The strangest way to kill a vampire is to submerge the vampire in running water. Holy symbols including crosses, crucifixes, and communion wafers are another way to kill vampires. sertain wood or silver are thought to also be harmful to a vampire. Whether any of these are correct of not is up to a vampire.
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