Of Men and Gods.
First, Zeus made men from gold. they live for a long time in peace and comfort. Then came the men made of silver. they live lives of privilege with only a few conflicts. then cam the men of bronze and than our ancestors, the men of Iron. the men of iron were doomed to lives of toil. Pandora is part of an alternate creation story. she is the source of evil in the world, but I don't believe it. And now, of Gods. Zeus was the sky god. Hephaestus was the god of fire and blacksmiths. Posidon was god of water and the sea. Hera was the goddess of marriage. Hades was god of the underworld. Ares was the war god. Apollo was the sun god. Arimis was the moon goddess, Demeter was the goddess of fertility, and Hecete was the goddess of magic or all three combined. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, Hermies was the god of trade and travel. and Athena was the goddess of protection. These are only some of the gods. tomorrow, I will tell a story.
Tying together Music, Genius, and Insanity
 Not Quite Fire