okay so I had an awsome time last night at an awsome party.. I got to hang out with my friends, go on a trampoline, on a zipline, play bochie-ball (not sure if I spelled that right), dance, hang out with my boyfriend Andrew, and then I got to kiss Andrew as well... last night seemed pretty much perfect and it was truely awsome, probably the best party of the year, and then I got to look forward to graduating, having more parties, the festival, the graduation dance, and then a party the day after graduation, yeah this all seems pretty awsome and I think that this was one hell of a year, everyone that is/was in my class I'm really gonna miss all of them, but the good thing is that I get to hang out with alot of them next year, and I get to hang out Andrew for quiet alot of time to come this up-coming summer.. so that's all I wanted to say and that I might be changing my look somewhat soon so I wanted to give you a sneak preview of what it might look like:

so yes this is the look that I might be going with, I just need some donations they are always welcome, and if you don't feel like helping me out then that's cool to, you do whatever you need to do, but thanks for reading all of this and I love Andrew!!.. man that felt good to say
Community Member
Wish I could've been there whee
Bocchie ball reminds of the bloodbath game of broomball on ice.