Untote AM – Chaotic Good
 Name: Okita Sogou
Age: Died at 19, resurrected at 56, looks 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 165 lbs.
Build: Average
Alignment: Chaotic Good, Will work with others but will try to injure the officer above him to move up in rank.
Class: Samurai
Occupation: Guard
Hair: Short, brown
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Okita is a good guy, but is sadistic and not above injuring a higher official to move up in rank. He dabbles with explosives and explosive magics and certain alchemic reactions. Although he is known for attempting to injure his higher official he does not do it in front of his target and will work with him most of the time.
Element: Death
Skills: Pick Lock, Set Trap
Feat: Combat Reflexes
Flaws: Cruel, Daredevil, Reputation (bad)
Starting Equipment: Katana, Journal
Deathmaster8000 · Thu May 22, 2008 @ 11:15pm · 0 Comments |