again today wasnt one of my best i sat around sulking the hours away. i realized that my avi looks just like me. i even hav a red journal that ikeep all my thoughts in. wel anyway tomarrow i should begin my training again. its gonna b really shitty and i should get bak into my magic practices. if only my parents will accept me the way im am and let me do my practices in peace. i cant wait 2 begin my training again tho i wonder wut ill learn, defense, attack, weapontry,...idk. i need to warm up on my magic tho the only thing i seem to be good at is sight, energy movement, and light movement. i can barely do element movement. this work is so hard one of my freinds can already do combustion, im so jelous, but she said i will beable to do it eventually without even trying. it otta b cool...