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The thoughts of a restless mind.
This is kind of what it sounds like it is. It's different little quotes that I think of. Don't call me emo about them because I'm not and if you think that they are then your head is up your a**.
The Bloody Streets of Hell
I'll be taking my leave now
Clothes and their hangers flew about the room.
“What the hell are you doing?” he shouted while the room rained down cloth. A young women pushed pass him and quickly shoved the rain of clothing in a suitcase then made her way to the bathroom and started shoving everything of hers into another bag that was in her hand.
“Answer me Anna!” he put his hands firmly on her shoulder to try and stop her as she walked pass in a rushed pace.
“Let me go,” she protested.
“Not until you answer me.”
She slapped him across the face and continued to pack her things.
“It wont go away!”
“What wont Anna?” he held his hand to his throbbing reddened cheek. With out another word she dragged her stuff to the front door and flung it open.
“Anna! You're talking like a mad man!,” a man yelled as the door slammed. She began to walk at a semi fast speed down the old dirt stained red velvet carpet of the French hotel she had been living in. A few stairs creaked as she walked down them at as she quicken her speed. Her heels gently clicked with each step. Her hand gently sliding down the beaten cherry wood railing, and with each turn to the next set of stairs she would look down from the flight she stood at. Noticing a black smoky figure seeping out from under the floor at the bottom of that flight. As she walked through the figure it would simmer off of her body as if to be the arms of someone pulling at her to come with them. Sitting outside of the glass front doors of the hotel was the out skirts of beautiful Paris. The city seemed so dark and dank as it was pouring rain outside and the sky was blanketed with a gray layer of clouds. A small orange taxi sat out in the rain in front of the hotel. The driver at the wheel honked the horn at her has she quickly jammed her bags into the trunk, shutting it and hop into the backseat. It started to drive off as she leaned her head against the window and sighed catching her breath.
“Moving?” the driver asked to her as he glanced back at her in the slightly smugged rear view mirror.
“Yes,” she answered back softly with a breathless voice, “Anyone in their right mind would from that place.”
Looking out the window she watched the rain fall. She looked up and thought out loud to the driver,“This world never seems to be right. One thing happens after another and I can't ever seem to catch a break.”
“Is that why your leaving him?” the drive guessed with a kind smile. She knocked out of her daze of the falling rain and looked back at him with piercing eyes.
“No... For the presents that comes with him,” she answered back with a now slight tremble in her voice.
He looked harder into the mirror at her, “Hey, Aren't you that girl from the newspapers?” Not paying attention to the road he almost hit someone walking across the street. She just answered back coldly, “You should worry more about the road and less about me.”

You'll only make things worse
“Anna, come away from the window,” a mans voice said as he placed his hands on a young womens shoulders and looked out where we was looking.
Her mind came back to earth and she turned, looking at him with a rather blank stare, “I'm sorry. I was just thinking Mark.”
“What were you thinking of darling?” he continued to look out at where she was looking with controlling worried eyes and a kind yet stern voice, “What were you thinking about?”
“Nothing,” she looked down at her fingers as they twisted at the bottom of her shirt.
“You know those memories only hurt you. Now come on, I said get away from there.” She gently pushed herself off of the chipped creamed colored window seal she had been sitting on. She then walked over to an old beaten up wooden table that sat in the middle of the room. The table was cluttered with books and loose paper. A type writer sat at the end of the desk in front of a pine wood chair that also looked as though it had seen better days. Her pale finger tips ran over a piece of paper as if it were reading it itself.
“When are you going to finish your story Mark? It's been so long since you've worked on it.”
“Don't touch that,” he moved her away from the table with his left hand. A gold wedding band sparkled in the dimmed sun light that pushed its away through the flour thick dust plastered on the window.
“Do you mind if I leave? I need to clear my mind,” she had made her way over to the door way and opened the door.
“You know thinking about him only makes it harder on you Anna,” he yelled back at her as she closed the door behind herself and walked away, the thoughts of the one she had loved troubled her mind. She walked down the hallway of the floor to the staircase. One she had traveled up and down so many times now.
Her feet lead her down to the next floor of the hotel. She looked down the hall and around the corner at all the old dirt colored doors to the left of her. Each door had a faded grimy golden plate with numbers carved into it. Above the gold plate was a scuffed up gold boarded peep hole.
Her eyes scanned over the doors and numbers to them as she slowly and cautiously walked down the hall. She then rested her eyes on the worst beaten door of them all. It was wrapped and closed off with caution tape. She walked up in front of the gray brown door. The color seeming to be running away from the door itself.
Scanning up and down the hall she noticed that no one was around. She bent down and lifted the old welcome mat at her feet. Under it laid a gold key. She picked it up and stared at it as she slowly stood back up again. She looked back up and down the hall again as she slipped the key into the dead bolt of the door and twisted it, unlocking the door.
Yet again noticing that no one was heading her direction she placed her hand against the door and pushed it slowly open as the hinges made an eerie creaking sound. The sound shuddered in her ears and her eyes widened. An adrenalin rush came over her and she quickly checked the halls one more time to see if someone else had heard the sound. Again no one was there and she slipped into the room, turned around and closed the door quickly and tightly with her back pressed up against it. Her heart racing in her chest.
She looked around at the dust caked on everything in the dark vacant looking room. It was cold from windows being left open of the last person to have set foot in the room. All that sat in the main room was an old velvet olive green couch with wood framing around it. Running her finger tips across the wood she thought of the events and memories that it held to her.

Tell death do us part
It was a clear summer night and everything was claim. This Anna's days as a young women deep in love. She and her husband, Jack had just moved to Paris after their wedding. They had moved to a small outdated weathered Victorian hotel called Vivre Pour Aimer. It wasn't the best places in Paris but the couples love for each other seemed to sugar coat their eyes. Making it seem as though the shady hotel they lived in was a paradise. Jack had just gotten home from work that night and was waiting for Anna to get home from her job. She worked at the small restaurant down the street that matched hand in hand with the hotel.
He walked straight to the kitchen and started to a romantic dinner for the two of them. He turned on the stove and place a pan full of water on top of it. While waiting for the water to boil he stepped outside to have a smoke and relax himself from the busy day he had just encountered. He walked out onto the iron barred balcony and pulled out a cigarette box from out of his pocket. He placed one into his mouth, cupped his hands over it and his mouth as he flicked the lighter causing a small flame in his hand and lit the cigarette. He took in a breath of it then blew the smoke out of his mouth as if he was a dragon.
The door to the home opened as he took another drag of the cigarette.
“Hi honey, I'll be in in a little bit. I know how much you hate being around me when I have my smoke,” he said blowing out the puff and a small chill came over him. The figure that entered the room said nothing in reply to what he had said. It only drew closer to him and was now in the living room peering out at him through the window that out looked the balcony.
“Anna?” he went to turn around but once her name left his lips a gun shot went off followed by a loud thud and a high pitched scream.
“Someone call an ambulance!” a women shrieked. A group of people swarmed around a lifeless body that laid in its own crimson blood.
“What happened?” A girl pushed her way through the crowd to the body laying on the floor. The paramedics had shown up and rolled the body over. They were checking the corpses pulse to see if they were really dead. The girl held her hands up to her jaw dropped mouth. Her eyes filled with huge tears as if they were a damn ready to flood.
“Jack!” she fell to her hands and knees as if a large figure had just pushed her down to the ground. Her hands became covered in blood from the pool that covered the ground she sat on. She lifted them up to her face and her eyes widened from the sight of her trembling blood stained palms. She began to cry hysterically, franticly trying to wipe the blood off.
“Anna, come on. You need to get out of here,” a dark figure creped behind her and lifted her up to her feet again.
“Mark he's dead! What do I do?! He's dead!” she cried into the figures chest, as she hid her eyes from the horrible sight of her husband's corpse. Mark held her close and looked at the corpse for only a second then never looked at it again. He gently petted her a few moments then helped her way out of the cluster of people and back to his place to claim her down.

Nothings gonna harm you...Not while I'm around
She awoke gasping for breath and her heart racing. She looked around the empty room she had fallen asleep in. The cautioned door was the first thing that she laid her eyes on. Her eyes followed around the fading flower and striped wall paper that was slowly peeling off of the wall. She looked at the kitchen with a pot of the stove and dirt covered plates on the counter. Sitting next to the kitchen was the dinning table of the room. The chairs looked as though they hadn't been moved in ages. Besides the dinning room there was a little hallway with a door open at the end of it. The door lead to the bedroom . There was a dark shadow laying on the floor from the pitch black room. After realizing that she was safe and alone she began to try and calm down.
While she sat straight up on the couch she held her hand on her chest over her heart. Her beat heat started to return back to normal and she closed her eyes as she continues to soften her breathing and calm down. A few moments after she closed her eyes she felt a quick wind whip behind her that had the sounds of whispers in it. She opened her eyes wide and slowly looked around the room again. Just like before she started from the door to the kitchen then the dinning room to the bedroom. Her eyes laid on the bedroom for a minute as she stared down into it, feeling as though something was watching her from inside of its shadows. She stared hard at the shadow tell the whispers started to kick back up again. She felt her heart jump inside her as the shadow began to grow bigger and crawl out of the room into the rest of the hotel. Her hands clenched the wood of the couch and she attempted to scream but the breath and voice was stolen from her. The darkness creped closer to her as she was frozen in fear. The whispers were now loud and almost screams in her head as the darkness reached out a demon like hand trying to grasp her in its clutch. She fell backwards to the floor from the couch and scrambled to her feet. The demonic darkness started to glow bright red piercing eyes and the shadows started to tear open a gaged mouth while it gave out a horrible shriek. Getting to her feet she flew to the door and slammed it shut behind her. Her trembling hands had a death grip on the door knob as she had her foot on the door fame and she pulled with all of her might to keep the door shut while her other hand franticly tried to lock the door back up. Beneath her the dark shadow started to seep from under the door. She could feel the feel the shadow pulling its cold hands around her ankle. The door became locked and she dropped the key and ran for her life up the stairs, down the hall and to her door. She flung open the door and slammed it shut, falling to the floor balling her eyes out to the sound of scrapping finger nails on the back of the door and the shrieks of the demon trying to get to her.

Now I lay me down to sleep...I pray the Lord my soul to keep
That night she tossed and turned about not being able to sleep a wink. All that she could think of was the room and the terrifying demon that she had come face to face with. The room was pitch black and the only sounds were from the busy streets of Paris that sat outside of the bedroom window. The room had a faint glow to it from the city lights that pushed their way through the creamy white clothed curtains that gently blew in the mild breeze. She looked over at the clock and it said the time was 2a.m. Rolling over she rested her head on her forearm and looked at the window. Exhausted from lack of sleep her vision started to fade in and out between the darkness of her eye lids and the window. The room would be normal then darken then back to normal. She felt as though she was bobbing back and forth between an old black & white movie from the 20's to reality. The room would stay the same has she faded into this day time sleep. It would close in black from the outside of her vision as it slowly seeped into the rest of her vision. Her nodded off a few times tell the darkness shifted from how it had been. This time when she opened her eyes again to get the whole vision of the room a dark shadow quickly moved hovering a little below the ceiling. She woke up fully and laid still in bed with her eyes widened and aware.
Soon there was an icy cold presents behind her that started to creep down her shoulder. She looked over at her pale skin and noticed a black smoke billowing off of her and a faint whisper in her ear. The smoke started to crawl up her legs and over her mouth. Her whole body starting to tremble as it was in gulped in darkness except for her right arm. With her free hand she started to try and grab a hold of the shadow at an attempt to pull it off of her. Her hand went straight through the shadow and she caught her left arm, her nails digging into and her causing her to bleed. The tears of fear that were in her eyes to start pouring down her cheeks from the pain that she inflicted on herself. Her arm now stuck next to her body as the darkness started to cover her whole body.
There was a thud outside of the room and she looked at the door with hope that it was someone to save her. The shadow looked up with its red eyes and heard the thud getting closer. Finally the door swung open and the shadow quickly vanished. Mark ran into the room and looked down at her arm as she cried.
“Anna what happened?” he put his arms around her trying to calm her down, “Who did this to you?”
All she could do was sit and shake in horror. The blood slowly dripping down her arm as she cried into her husbands chest.
Curiosity killed the cat
This wasn't the last time the Anna would be visited by this demon of a fog. The hauntings became less dramatic but it still happened on a daily base. She would be doing something around the house and could fell a cold presents over her shoulder or see the shadow in the corner of the room. Every time she would confront Mark about weather or not he could see the demon he would look at her as if she was crazy and try and have her go to sleep. The first few times she would protest and try and fight against him tell finally she gave up and did as he said or simply not ask of it at all.
A few months had pasted since she had gone into the room and that terrifying night. Mark had gone out for the night which he seemed to be doing a lot of ever since she had been talking of the demon. He was convinced that she was loosing her mind. Anna was home alone and was looking through old newspaper articles that Mark held onto. There was stacks of them that sat next to his work. He had told her time and time again to not look through any of his things. She decided to ignore this statement of his. Her fingers flipped through the days of the months that had come and gone. She soon laid her eyes on one with the header of “Man murdered and thrown over balcony.” Under the caption was a picture of a man face down in a pool of blood.
While she looked at the image she felt the presents of the shadow around her again. She had started to get use to it after so many so called kinder, in her book, visits from it. This time it seemed angry then it had before. The room started to fill with wind and papers flew about the room cutting at her body. The newspaper caught on fire and started to burn quickly in her hands. She dropped it and watched the article burn away but the picture seemed to not be effected. She stood and watches it burn away and it blow slightly in the wind. The fire went out and the picture was left. She quickly picked it up off of the table and stuffed it into her pocket. The floors of the room started to seep out black smoke and in glop the room in darkness. The room started to become more and more black as it crawled over the walls and ceiling. In the dark she could see a smoke figure drip down from the ceiling and walk towards her, the red eyes pierced out of the figure and it's mouth tore open again to give out it's deadly high pitched shriek again. Anna backed up as the figure got closer and closer. Finally she turned around and ran for life into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
The demon disappeared and the room went back to normal. She didn't get a chance to see that the demon was gone though. Once she had gotten into that room she started to tear things off of hangers and throw things around, turning the room upside down. She knew now what see had to do.

The power of the mind
It had been a month since Anna had left her troubles behind in Paris and her legal second husband, Mark. She had moved to New York, New York of the United States. She had come to know this place as a dark dank place and was merely another part of her research. Anna had taken up a job at the library in down town and her one bedroom studio flat was just across the street of it. During her spare time Anna would hide away in a dark corner of the library looking at all documents.
“All of this time and all I have is all of this nonsense and a picture,” she threw down a stack of new and old papers that were paper clipped together. On the top of it was the burned up picture from her last haunting. She sat at an old maple wooded desk and a chair that matched with papers and folders laying on it in stacks. Her elbow sat on the table with her hand holding her end up as it laid on her forehead pushing back some of her hair. She gave another sighed and started to flip though the paper work again after taking a look at the clock, 2:18pm it said.
“I've seen all of these over and over and I'm still not any closer.”
Folders started to drop onto the floor next to her as she fingered through them and tossed down the ones that had no meaning to her at that time. A few of the papers fell out of them and as she turned to toss down another folder she noticed a picture fall out of one. She cocked her head to the side as studied the black and white photo. She got up out of her chair and walked over to the picture and bent down to pick it up. She looked at it harder then dropped it and ran over to some file cabinets. Her left hand was busy at work flipping through the names as she read then while her right hand started to pull open more cabinets. She mumbled some words under her breath as she looked. Her movements quickened as she looked harder to a file pulling the cabinets open fast as she looked at the last man of the first folder and then in last name of the folder in the back. After about the 10th cabinet she pulled out a file and fixed her eyes on the name of it as she walked back over to the table from earlier. She opened the folder slowly and ran her finger tips over the words printed over the papers inside.
The sun started to die outside while she looked through the paper work. When she finally finished she looked up at the clock and it read 4pm. “I've still got time,” She gathered up her new findings and walked off into the library with the folder pressed against her chest in her arms. Looking around the library she saw that no one had noticed her and things seems to be running just fine. She slyly walked out of the corner she was at and pressed her finger tips to her pink rosed lips.
“Where was that criminal records room?” she spoke softly to herself as she wondered around looking at the walls of books that filled the room. Her eyes scanned the room and finally spotted what she had been searching for. She quickened her step to the new file cabinets that she had found. She dropped the folder that was safely in her arms to the floor and she fingered through the folders again as she had done in the room before.
She found what she was looking for and pulled it out. The name matched up to the one from the other folder. She shut the cabinets up so it looked as though no one had been there. Bending down as she walked off she picked up the other folder that laid on the floor and headed to her table at the other end of the library. Her mind was set on a mission.
When she got back to the table of papers the hour hand was on the 5 of the clock and the minutes was on the 45. She flipped open the folder and started to burn the night hours away looking through documents and switching readings from one folder to another, her pale finger tips gently ran over the paper work. A small gold table lamp was clicked on next to her and caused the papers to softly glow a slight yellow. The rest of the room was dark and black along with the library that she sat in.
The sun was just rising and peering in through the giant bay window that sat in the room next to her that was filled with the walls of books. She was up and passing back and forth in the room as she was reading a document and wording with her lips the things that she was reading. Soon her eyes widened as she stood in front of the window, her shadow cased down on the floor from the pink and purple cotton candy sky that laid outside.
“Oh my god!” she said dropping her folder. She ran to the doors of the library and out. The last thing that the library would see from her was an open folder with a picture of her husband Mark paper clipped to it.

Back with a vengeance
She stepped out of a taxi cab and looked back up at the place of her so called 'old roots', The Vivre Pour Aimer. She looked up at the old building and gave a slight sigh as she made her way up the stairs to the glass doors of the hotel. Her hand gently laid on the cold glass and she closed her eyes and the memories that she had left there flashed back into her mind behind her eyes. She opened them back up then gently pressed on the door and opened it. She looked around for a moment around the room that was the same as when she had left it. The red wine colored dirt stained stairs were still at front of the door and still curved up around the corner and disappeared to the next set of steps. Along the stair case was the old beaten up wood railing that seemed to have a few new carvings in it since she had been there last.
She walked over to the stair case and looked up at the path that she was about to go on. Her eyes looked up at the fading pink walls then placed her foot on the first step and her hand on the railing her mind fixed upon her mission. She started to head up the stair with her hand running against the railing, her heels making a clicking sound again as it did when she had last walked them. She felt a cold chill following her as she walked up in determination knowing that she had a score to settle with the demon that had been haunting her. She passed the first floor, then the second and the third, the fourth until she got to the fifth floor. She turned and looked down at the hall way and saw that no one was there. She walked down the hall to the door that she was looking for. She leaned down and picked up the key that was sitting under the welcome mat and she unlocked the door shutting it tight behind her. She looked around the room that sat empty. She walked into what use to be her kitchen and then walked into the bedroom that was in the back of her old home. She looked and around and found that it was empty as well. She sighed a little in relief then heard the sound of someone entering the room. They was the sound of a mans drunken voice and a womens laughter that was an annoyance to Anna's ears. She looked around and noticed the closet. She quickly yet quietly ran over to it and hid in it.
“I'm just going to go and freshen up a little,” she womens nagging voice said from the other room to the man she was with. Her foot steps started to get louder and louder as she headed into the bed room. Anna looked down at her hand then back at the door of the closet as she heard the closing of the door and the women taking a few more steps. From the sounds of her steps Anna guessed that she was now standing in front of her.
Anna quietly slid open the closet door then quickly put her hand over the womens mouth. From it there came a slight muffled scream.
“Cloe?” The mans voice call from the other room. His foot steps started to get closer to the bedroom as well.
He opened the door and noticed Anna sitting in the bed in the middle of the room. Her back was leaning against the wall that the bed set flush next to. The once all white sheets that covered the bed now had little ruby red spots on it that matched the ones that were covering Anna. Her hands were soaked in crimson red along with the shinning object inside her hands.
“Anna! What the hell are you doing here?! And what are you covered in!” He screamed holding his head with both hands and and shocked look on his face. She looked up from the shinny object that she was using to clean her nails with and gave him a slight evil smirk.
“Anna! Where is Cloe?”
She pointed the object in the direction of the closet that had a new matching crimson hand print on it.
“Anna you didn't!” he flung open the closet door and looked in horror at the girls lifeless body on the closest floor covered in her own crimson blood. His hands covered his open mouth and Anna walked up behind in.
“Just like you didn't kill him?!” she yelled stabbing the bloody knife that she was paying with into is back. She pulled it out and blood sprayed all over her face and clothes. It started to stain his nice button up cobalt blue shirt and drip onto the pink stained carpet of the floor. Her eyes glowed and glittered in excitement of her first strike to him. She licked the blood off of her lips as her wrapped her fingers around his neck and threw him against the closet door. Blood dripped off of a piece of hair the hung in her face and onto her face under her eye making it seem as though she was crying tears of blood.
“Why did you kill him?!” she stabbed the blade into the man again and pulled it out watching more of the his blood drip onto the floor. Her started to tremble as his body went into shock. Blood started to drip down his jaw as he coughed it up from the wounded that she had caused. He finally choked out a weak bloody answer, “Because I wanted you to myself.” He petted her cheek with his shaking bloody hand.
She had heard enough out of him. She flipped the knife in her hand so that the blade was pointing down and the cutting side was facing away from her body. She moved her hand from around his throat and followed the movement and blade slitting across it and causing him to drop to the ground as is neck became a fountain of deep red blood. She tossed the knife and left with just one thing to say to the dead, “I never wanted you.”
The man in white
Anna walked out of the hotel room wiping the blood off of her hands onto a rag as she walked over to the stair case and started to make her way down to the next flight. Once all of the blood was off of her she threw the rag over her shoulder and it fell onto the floor. Her heels clicked a little on the stairs as they had before. She finally made it the the forth floor. Looking down it there was nothing there but a slight shadow at the end of the hallway. She knew that it was normal shadow and that it was the demon that she had come to know far to well. She walked down the fall with her eyes fixed on the shadow. As she walked down to the caution taped door the shadow disappeared from down the hall and slipped in under the door into the room. She tried the knob but it was jammed shut.
Examining the door she finally gave up and was going to go to whatever measures it was going to take to get into the room. She stood back and kicked the door down. Dust flew up into the air and she stood staring at it waiting for it to clear. Once it cleared from the air she walked into the dark room and looked around trying to find the shadow.
The door that laid on the floor lifted up quickly and covered up and doorway as if she hadn't kicked it down. The shadow started to leek into the room as it had done before in the past. She stood still as the room was now fully filled with the darkness and the figure stood in front of her. Anna pulled out two pieces of paper out of her pocket and looked down at them as she unfolded them. She threw the two paper down at the shadow and spoke to it, “I know what you are now.”
She walked a step towards and laid her hand on it. Her eye's flashed a bright white and she was take back to the night of the murder. She stood in the kitchen. Her eyes wondered over to the balcony and noticed the yellow flame of his lighter followed by the red ember of his cigarette.
“Jack! Jack you're ok,” she yelled to him and ran out to the balcony and went to hug him. He stood there still smoking.
“Jack?” she waved her hand across his face and there was still no response.
“I wonder,” she walked through him sending him a slight chill. She looked down at her hands, “I'm a ghost.” She heard the door open to the main room. She walked back in and noticed Mark walk into the room with a gun in his hand that laid at his side. She looked back over at Jack and heard his last words leave his lips as she looked back over at Mark and saw him lift the gun up to shoot.
“Mark no!” she ran in front of the gun and the bullet went straight through her and into Jack. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched his body fall off of the balcony.
Her hand left the demon and she looked at it with tear filled eyes. She looked down at the pictures that laid on the floor with her blurred vision from the tears. One was the picture for the newspaper and the other of Mark.
“I found out that he was the one that did this to you,” she looked up at the dark smoking figure.,“I didn't kill you and I know that was the reason as to why you had haunted me.”
She placed her hand on the figure again and it glowed a soft white and formed to the figure of the man she loved.
“Jack I killed the man that had done this to you and I'm sorry that I had married him.” a tear fell down her cheek as she gave a short laugh and a smile to the figure before her. It's smoking white hand placed it's hand on hers that was gently holding the man's cheek.
The figure leaned over to her and whispered softly into her ear, “I love you Anna,” then disappeared and the room went back to normal.

After shock
“Oh my goodness I can't begin to tell you how much of a fan I am,” a young women jumped up and down as she handed the black book with lime green swirled writing over the cover to the women sitting at a table with a stack of the same books next to her. The women looked up and gave the young girl a smile.
“So who might I be making this out to?” she looked up at the girl.
“The name is Sally.”
“To: Sally with love, Anna,” the women wrote into the book on the first page then closed it up and handed it to her.
“I loved you're book. The fact that you used those two different murders was amazing!” the girl giggled as she took the book back from Anna's hands when she was done signing it.
“Thank you every much.”
“So have you ever been in the real room? In the Vivre Pour Aimer? The one on the fourth floor?” her eyes widened as she held the book close to her chest.
Anna looked behind her and saw that she was the last person for her book signing then looked back up at the girl.
“Sally would you like to come back to my house for some coffee and we can talk?” She quickly shook her head yes and watched with glittering eyes at Anna as she stood up and walked towards the door.
The two of them shortly stood in front of a door and Anna unlocked it. She opened the door and let Sally be the first to walk into the room.
“It's wonderful,” she said spinning around and looking around the elegant home.
“I guess you could say that,” Anna said setting her keys down on the counter and started to make some coffee. Once it was done she poured some into two coffee cups then walked over with them in her hands to Sally who was sitting at a dinning room table next to the kitchen. She set one of the coffee cups down onto the table and handed the other one to Sally as she pulled out her chair to join her.
“So about that question earlier about being to the hotel of the murders,” Sally said trying to brush the topic back up, “Have you been to either room?”
Anna was in the middle of a sip of her coffee. She looked at the girl and held the cup in her hand as she answered back to her question, “Well yes my dear I've been in both,” she took another sip then gave the girl a smile, “You're sitting in one of them right now,” her eyes glanced over at the balcony.

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