as i lie asleep at night
i think of you, hold the blade tight
i wonder if this night is my last
if my chance at true love is passed
the blood it spreads in a deep red pool
itry to think, this is me being cruel
im stealing myself away from you
because i doubted that this was true
i see myself clearly, as the lights fade
i feel it, this mistake i made
in a moment of selfishness i lost all thought
of this thing called love, the thing you taught
to me
so as i lie, cuts running deep,
i whisper quietly, beg you my heart to keep
i wish you were here, saving me still
saving me from my demon's will
it is not my time, im not meant to go
i wish you were here, i need you so...
but its too late, im gone, i love you
my angel my savior
my love