August 30, 2009
Dear Diary,
I had to go to the doctor today. He gave me three shots, one for my Skit-zo-fren-ee-a, like my Ma says. Ma says it means someone who gets nervous, like someone’s in my noggin tellin’ me what to do. I wonder how she knew ‘bout that. Ma also says I have Si-ko-sis. She says it’s spelled: Psychosis. I have no idea what that is. Ma says it’s when I see things that aren’t there. I think she means like when I reached for them cookies in the jar, but then Ma asked why I was reachin’ for Grandma’s Cup o’ Joe. She also says I am sad a lot, and the doctor only helps wit some o’ the sad, but the sy-ki-a-trist helps wit the rest. Don’t know exactly what that means.
Something weird also happened today. When I came back home, Quizno didn’t jump on me like he always does. He just sat in his corner and stared out at us. I brought over his favorite toy, the chewed-up zebra that he would die if it was takin’ away from him. But when I threw it way over to the other side o’ the room, Quizno just stared at it, then at me, then turned around and lay on his side. I am beginnin’ to wonder if Grandma comes teachin’ Quizno her ways when we’re gone from the house. Ma then comes out of the kitchen and I says, ‘Look, Ma! Quizno’s in a corner. He won’t play wit me, and he didn’t go for his little beat-up zebra.’ And I can tell Ma’s worried, ‘cause she know as much as I do that Quizno, however good he was, would bite me if that meant getting’ his toy. Ma takes his temp-er-tur and frowns. When I look at the ther-mom-eter, it says Quiz’s temp-er-ture is 102o. When I ask Ma if this is bad, she’s already at the phone, callin’ the vet. It must be bad.
Tomorrow, Ma’s gonna take me to the store to get some school stuff. She says that school is almost here and I’d better get some stuff ‘fore there’s nothin’ left. I can’t see how there could be nothin’ left. Seems like there’s too much left. Knowin’ Ma, though, she’d probably make it so that everythink in that store was bought. She gave me ‘the look’ when I says that to her. Whoops.
During dinner, I watched Quiz. He didn’t seem fine. Usually he’s so hungry that he could eat the house up if we don’t give him enough. But tonight, he didn’t eat a thing. I’m surprised, and scared. Ma’s too. We’ll take him tomorrow to the vet. I hope Quiz doesn’t get a shot. He hates them almost as much as I do. We’ll see tomorrow.
Tristan Sandstone,
Resident of Montgomery, Alabama
578 Milkway Street, 98302
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