::.:The City Is At War::.:
Chapter 1: Founding Father's Orphanage
Somwhere deep in the north, sometime in the past, a rather large orphanage sat in the middle of a forest on the edge of a city. It's bricks were painted ivory, cracks were the paint chipped could be seen all around the place. The windows were cracked, and the ones that weren't had so many marks it looked worse than the broken ones. The doors that were placed around the sides had marks from younger children's feet. The grass was brown, some small patches of green evident. A sign sat outside the rusty gates that surrounded the run down orphanage. But outside, usually in the afternoon, kids of all sizes were outside playing and laughing, making the best of their dreary surroundings. The boys were playing basketball or football, tackling each other and getting into fights about penalties. The young ladies usually sat in circles, gossiping with their friends excitedly, and some who were lucky enough had jump ropes. but what you must no is that everyone in this orphanage was very smart, sharp, and too good for anybody. This was for kids who were aspiring to be detectives. The top three detectives in the country always came to the school to check on the children, see what their successors are like. The most popular was Kenji Takamaru, a gorgeous man who has solved many cases. When he visited the orphanage he smiled at how everybody got along so well. But in school, when those detectives weren't around, boys would fight, girls would talk about each other, and the teachers would argue about stupid things. But one of the worst cases the headmaster had ever seen was between Eme Joki and Kaya Marty. Both girls were pretty and extremely smart, both fighting for Kenji's title. Kaya never missed a moment to rub something in Eme's face, and Eme never missed a moment to annoy Kaya with silence and strong will.
Eme was a quiet girl, small in size and very pale. She was beautiful and graceful, not very talkative and close-minded. She had long, silky black hair that fell down her back and gentle green eyes that alwys seemed to mock Kaya. Eme had a kind dispostion to authority figures, not matter how mean or rude they are. She had always been the envy of the school, she was smart and pretty, she was number 1 in rank. That was until a certain girl came along. They were fighting for Kenji's title ever since they met. Eme's parents died in a car crash on a slippery winter night, Eme was 5 and had sat in her car seat, giggling as her mom sang christmas carols. It all happened so quickly, Eme herself had barely survived. Her father lost control of the wheel, and slammed into a telephone pole. The car was set on fire, and luckily a passerby came to the rescue. Her mom begged the person to save Eme and so they had. But the car was going to explode and neither parent could save themselves. Eme could still remember the loud boom and the fire that engulfed the Civic. She hadn't talked until she was forced into the orphanage, and met Kenji. Her parents scared faces haunted her dreams, and she wanted to forget the past. So she did. As she turned 13 the memories of her family started to fade, her parents faces no longer appeared in front of her face when she tried to sleep. Soon she had completely forgotton her parents, but the fire was fresh in her mind, now and forever. Eme has been quiet ever since. She doesn't have any friends, and she's usually cold to people around her. She opens up more to Kenji, who understands what she went through. Nobody else understood the pain behind her smile, no one but Kenji...... and Kaya.
Kaya was a much more complicated girl. She was much more than smart. She was daring, thoughtful always finding ways to cause trouble for her enemies. She, too, was a pretty girl with her auburn hair that fell past her shoulders, some hair pulled over her left eye. The hair in the front was much longer than the back, which came to about her shoulders. People rarely see her without her warm smile and haughty attitude. Kaya was more interested in becoming a part of something exciting, life threatening, then becoming Kenji's successor. But she was competitive, so in her mind she must win to prove herself to everyone. But her focused obsession with danger set her apart from Eme, who had her eyes on the prize. Kaya's parents died in a less than suttle way. There had been a shooting outside her house, her aging father had messed around with the Mafia's affairs far to much. And worse, he owed them more money then he could ever dream of having. This would not pass with the Mafia, so they in turn taught him a lesson. Windows had been shattered, the glass fell onto the carpeted floor and the house was ransacked. Everything of interest or value had been taken for their own selfish pleasure. The next morning, when her aunt had come to visit, she found her father with two bullets point blank in his brain. Blood pooled around his body. But Kaya's mother had hidden her in a cubby in her closet. Her mother ran away before she could get hurt, leaving Kaya alone in the dark. Kaya was sent to the orphanage a week later after being questioned and she's always remebered her parents. The fatal day they both slipped way from her. She would never forget them, or the mob members who had taught her an important lesson. Life can change in the blink of an eye.
"Hey, Kaya!" a small blonde girl in a fluffy pink dress with her blonde hair in pigtails stood with her back against the wall as she talked to the brunette girl known as Kaya. The girl's name was Emily, she was crybaby and a big tattle tale. She liked to hang around Kaya to make fun of her. Sometimes Kaya could just punch the little wimp in the face, but that would be rude and it would attract unnessecary attention. Kaya sighed but glanced up at Emily with a smirk.
"Need some help with your homework, crybaby?" Kaya laughed, patting the blonde girl on the head. The latter scowled distastefully, slapping away Kaya's hand. This made Kaya smirk even more, and she crossed her arms over chest. Emily shook her head, straightening out her dress. She gave Kaya an evil look, which she just turned away from. Things like hate didn't faze Kaya anymore.
"No," She snapped in her high pitched voice, "I was just wondering if you saw the results for the math test yet, Did you see it?" Kaya's eyes narrowed in annoyance, her mouth curved into a frown. Emily smiled, knowing she had struck a nerve, which wasn't the best thing for her at the moment. Emily was alone with Kaya, and only the echo of kids voices could be heard. She could easily be taken over and hurt badly. Kaya's left hand drifted towards her side, but her right hand rested on her hip.
"Yes," Kaya pushed some of her brown hair out of her face, "I placed second, what's it to you?" Emily giggled, her nonchalant attitude towards the whole test, how she had just come over to tell Kaya that she wasn't any better than Eme. The brunette's eyes traveled towards the fire place that sat in the corner, crackling away. Emily's tea-colored eyes looked inot Kaya's blue orbs, mocking Kaya silently. A branch scraped against a window, and a cold draft blew into the room. Everything was silent except for the fire and the echo of kids laughter.
"Are you gonna execpt it." It wasn't a question. As soon as the words left Emily's mouth, Kaya glared at her. Her cheeks turned pink in anger. Emily was talking about Eme again. Thinking of the black haired girl made Kaya's skin crawl with anger. The blonde girl teetered backwards in suprise only proving how much of a coward she really was. Kaya's normally calm blue eyes were tinted with anger and pain so intense that fire pretty much surrounded her. Kaya's glare was too intense for Emily, so she ran away from the room, probably to tell the headmaster on her. But now, it didn't matter, she could talk her way out of it. Kaya placed a hand on her heart and smiled as she sat on the soft rug that lay in front of the fire place. She calmed herself down at last, watching the wood in the fireplace shift as it burned away. Kaya glanced at out the window, just noticing how dark it already was. Cold rain fell through a broken window pane, soaking the wooden floor. Fifteen year old Kaya pushed herself of the ground, and stood in front of the window and at the same time Eme stood in front of her books. Unbeknownst to each other in unsion they said something, a vow,
"I will not lose, I will become Kenji's successor, not matter what!"
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