Okay...in the last week, I've had several requests from random users to be their Gaia girlfriend. The creepy thing (and I mean creepy in the sense that it makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty garden shovel) is that these users are significantly younger than me.
2 users told me that the date in their user profiles were their younger brothers/sister's birthdates. Another user said he had that date because he wanted to fit in with the younger crowd on Gaia.
Do I look like a frickin' idiot?!?! stressed I am NOT going to have a relationship with someone who is underage--that includes a fake online relationship with someone who is underage! Heck, I'm not going to have a fake online relationship with anyone! My avatar is not sexy--it, yes IT, is a combination of pixels! If you find pixels sexy, please keep the freaky pixel fetish to yourself--I do not want to hear anything about it.
Snaptastic · Thu Aug 25, 2005 @ 01:51am · 2 Comments |