My time on Gaia will be reduced over the next few months. The Air Force has decided to "Force Shape" me out of the service because they were cutting 70% of my job and commissioning year group because some dumbass decided that there were too many of us. (what they really are doing is cutting out so many officers that they are shooting the career field in the foot)
So, I'll be busting my butt to get some air traffic control ratings to help beef up my resume, as well as continue to run a flight with 80+ people and all of the issues surrounding them. Not to mention I will still be doing all of the additional duties that I've been tasked with over the years here. I'm looking at probably exceeding my 12+ hour work days to make it happen until I can start shifting my duties to the others in the office.
The plan is to get hired with the FAA, where I will only have to work 8-10 hour days with a fraction of the bullshit I deal with on a daily basis.
Granted, I'm really going to miss some of the guys that I'm working with because they are the best people I have had the honor of working with, but I'm sure this won't be the last I see of them.
Wish me luck as I start hunting for a job and making the transition. (I'll definitly have to move too...Columbus, Mississippi freakin' sucks)
Snaptastic · Thu May 11, 2006 @ 03:48am · 5 Comments |