Whould You
Kiss me:
Hug me:
Date me:
Get tipsy with me:
Kill me:
Love me:
Hate me:
Hold me:
Lie to me:
Hurt me:
Sing with me:
Dance with me:
Grind with me:
Touch me:
Stare at me:
Cuddle with me:
Let me make a move on you:
Have sex with me:
Make a move on me:
Play with me:
Watch a movie with me:
Get me a B-day gift?:
Let me borrow your car:
Let me see you naked:
Be there for me:
Buy me a drink:
Take a shower with me:
Bring me around your friends:
Give me a massage:
Take me to the club:
Ask me out:
like me:
Drink kool-aid with me:
Look if i was naked:
Take advantage of me:
Let me take advantage of u:
Hangout with me:
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:
Hold hands with me:
Do something incredibly sweet for me:
Give me a lap dance:
Tell me you love me:
say you love me and really mean it:
respect me:
What would you do if you woke up next to me:
Will you repost this so i can do the same for u:

YOU KNOW WHAT'S ANNOYING??! THAT I CANT GET RID OF THIS F@#%ING AQUARIUM FROM MY SIGNATURE!(usually shows up when im commenting in forums)
Community Member
Kiss me:yes
Hug me:yes
Date me:yush XD
Get tipsy with me:Sure XD
Kill me:NEVER!
Love me:i do :3
Hate me:NO
Hold me:sure >w>
Lie to me:never ._.
Hurt me:NO
Dance with me:yes :3 do you meen lap dance now? XD
Grind with me:sure. u gotta teach me :3
Touch me:yes >w<
Stare at me: hehehehe
Cuddle with me:yes :3 *cuddels*
Let me make a move on you:sure X3
Have sex with me surprised ne day maybe >w<
Make a move on me surprised k XD
Play with me:HIDE AND SEAK 8D
Watch a movie with me: forrest gump :3
Get me a B-day gift?:yes :3
Let me borrow your car:ALL MINE IS YOURS :3 it is actually true lolz
Let me see you naked: *laughts*
Be there for me:yes :3 i will always be.
Buy me a drink:sure :3
Take a shower with me:yes >w>
Bring me around your friends:i already do XD
Give me a massage:sure :3
Take me to the club surprised ki :3
Ask me out:yes :3
like me:I DO
Drink kool-aid with me:dunno what it is but sure XD
Look if i was naked: *laughts* yes XD
Take advantage of me:sure
Let me take advantage of u:sure :3
Hangout with me:yes :3
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: POOR YOU *HUGZ* *takes care about you so well i can*
Hold hands with me: i always do in my dreams >w>
Do something incredibly sweet for me:yes :3
Give me a lap dance:OF COURCE XD
Tell me you love me:I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU
say you love me and really mean it:i did :3
respect me:yes
What would you do if you woke up next to me: ask my self where am i and how did i comed here. and stare at you XD
Will you repost this so i can do the same for u: i was first:3