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And I don't think I have ever seen a soul so in despair, so if you want to talk the night through guess who will be there...
Chatting/Gambling with Shinou-Sama! Longest Thing EVUR!
If you read it all... get a life.

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mizuno_tsuki: What happened?! O__o?!
Ghost of Charlotte: >.>
Ghost of Charlotte: Lost connection
mizuno_tsuki: Ah.
mizuno_tsuki: jeeze... I should be working on my costume. .__. or getting sleep, haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Alright, burned through 1500 tokens already, 9000+tickets
mizuno_tsuki: HATE.
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah getting ready for a con?
mizuno_tsuki: yeah. CONNECTICON, bish! >w<
Ghost of Charlotte: Are you up north then?
Ghost of Charlotte: **********
mizuno_tsuki: Yet, my almost-newfound addiction is keeping me here. xD
Ghost of Charlotte: Hehe
mizuno_tsuki: North? Yes. Halos? I wish, haha
Ghost of Charlotte: East Coast or West?
mizuno_tsuki: Would I really be going to an eastern con if I lived in the west?
Ghost of Charlotte: ~.~ I dunno the diffrence between cons..
mizuno_tsuki: xD <3
Ghost of Charlotte: So it's 3:30 where you are?
mizuno_tsuki: Yeah. I live up in New England. (3:23, actually)
Ghost of Charlotte: WOOT
mizuno_tsuki: I'll be cramming my costumes soon, but I'll wait 'till the last minute on that. Again. xD
mizuno_tsuki: woot?
Ghost of Charlotte: I live way south but it's the same timezone!
mizuno_tsuki: WOOT!
mizuno_tsuki: Florida?
Ghost of Charlotte: Heck yeah.
Ghost of Charlotte: I dun like to go outside right now >.> You drown by breathing to heavily, it's that humid
mizuno_tsuki: xD I was down there this year, actually. (erm.. well.. this school year) Marching in disney, haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Band Geek?
mizuno_tsuki: wow. I like it up here, then, if it's that bad down there xD
mizuno_tsuki: HELL YES!
Ghost of Charlotte: Dork razz
Ghost of Charlotte: Jk
Ghost of Charlotte: I was the youngest conducter in my schools history
mizuno_tsuki: only a sophomore, yet I was the 3rd best flautist in my school. ^-^ Even beat seniors and juniors to the chair
Ghost of Charlotte: Er, my county's
mizuno_tsuki: conducter?!
Ghost of Charlotte: Student >.> Dun get excited
Ghost of Charlotte: Student Conducter.
mizuno_tsuki: Aww...
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: I dont know why I type so 'fill-in-the-blanks'
mizuno_tsuki: You're in college for music, I take it then?
mizuno_tsuki: haha (okay)
Ghost of Charlotte: Oh god now.
mizuno_tsuki: ?
Ghost of Charlotte: I quit bad like a bad habit.
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: band*
Ghost of Charlotte: I was first chair flute for like...6 years! ~.~
Ghost of Charlotte: It was maddness
mizuno_tsuki: wholy shiz- O__o
Ghost of Charlotte: I'm in college as a Biology major.
mizuno_tsuki: I wish I were that good, haha
mizuno_tsuki: Well, at least I'm the only piccolo. ^-^ That's a majour bonus
Ghost of Charlotte: It really is a talent I wish I didn't have -.- I'd rather be naturally good at painting or something
Ghost of Charlotte: <--Paints like Wolfram
Ghost of Charlotte: And I pretty sure none of the other flutes liked me...
mizuno_tsuki: That's awesome, though! Hey, I didn't have a talent for instrumentals before I learned how to play. You've just got to practice. ^-^
Ghost of Charlotte: I never practiced flute. Once I learned the correct key position I saw solid gold.
mizuno_tsuki: (It's always that way in bands. Flutes and Clarinets are enemies. Saxaphones are always hated. Trumets vs. Horns/trombones. Percussion hated almost as much as saxs)
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: My dads a piano prodigy though, so being awesome is a family talent
Ghost of Charlotte: I hated Percussion...
mizuno_tsuki: Lucky! >o<
mizuno_tsuki: (lol, most do)
Ghost of Charlotte: lol, Like I said, I'd rather have a diffrent talent
mizuno_tsuki: I hated guitar. Still do. >:O
Ghost of Charlotte: It sucks having one you dont care for >.O
Ghost of Charlotte: Play that too.
mizuno_tsuki: aww ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: But very very bady
Ghost of Charlotte: Tiny fingers do not a good guitarist made
mizuno_tsuki: xD Sounds like me and the violin.
Ghost of Charlotte: Damn I wanna play the violin soooo bad!
mizuno_tsuki: It's soooooooooo much fun
Ghost of Charlotte: >O b*****d
mizuno_tsuki: difficult, but fun
mizuno_tsuki: :'D
Ghost of Charlotte: My nephew plays. I think that's his niche
Ghost of Charlotte: He's 7 o.o
mizuno_tsuki: haha- woah
mizuno_tsuki: Well.. gotta' start somewhere, I guess. ^^;;;;;
Ghost of Charlotte: Yup... start 'em young. That's my family motto
mizuno_tsuki: erm... even luckier, I say to you
Ghost of Charlotte: Err...
Ghost of Charlotte: I thought...all familes were like that T.T
Ghost of Charlotte: Now mine really looks like freaks.
mizuno_tsuki: Nope. My parents only started my sister and me young at dance. Two different types of dance. That's it. ^^;;
mizuno_tsuki: xD *great big Shinou-huggles*
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah, like ettiquete class?
Ghost of Charlotte: Did those. They suck huh?
mizuno_tsuki: erm... well, my sister did ballet, if that counts as ettiquete...?
Ghost of Charlotte: O.o Oh you mean like DANCE dance classes.
mizuno_tsuki: yeah... xD
Ghost of Charlotte: ******** >.< I can waltz myself right off a cliff because of those classes.
mizuno_tsuki: I'm.. erm... less ettiquete than that, haha..
mizuno_tsuki: I'd love to learn to waltz T__T
Ghost of Charlotte: I burried most of eveything I learned there.
Ghost of Charlotte: But I still have to rearrage silverware >.O
Ghost of Charlotte: I hate when it's misplaced....more then anything else.
mizuno_tsuki: O__o woah. Now I feel very uncultured, haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Oh gawd T.T I feel like a dork...
mizuno_tsuki: no! don't! I think it's awesome! I'd love to have done those things. ^^;;
mizuno_tsuki: because we're poor? I'm sure a lot of other people do those things, too, though...?
Ghost of Charlotte: I wish I had gone to boarding school >D
mizuno_tsuki: why?
mizuno_tsuki: (one halo. damn)
Ghost of Charlotte: Cause it lookes like it would have been fun as hell
Ghost of Charlotte: My kids are gonna go. For sure.
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;; Maybe. I almost went to boarding school, but we coudn't afford it. ^^;; An all girls' boarding school for the rich and privilaged. -__-"
Ghost of Charlotte: I must have moved about 16 times in the last 9 years. I can count the number of friend I still have on one hand
mizuno_tsuki: O__o
Ghost of Charlotte: >.> I'm shy IRL so It takes me a while to warm up to people
mizuno_tsuki: Ah. ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: and by the time I did, it want time to MOVE AGAIN
Ghost of Charlotte: T.T
mizuno_tsuki: *Shinou-huggles*
Ghost of Charlotte: I was a very lonely person, then I got the hell over it
mizuno_tsuki: xD Woot! Go social outcasts! *highfive*
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: ((sun's up in an hour or so xD))
Ghost of Charlotte: Really?
Ghost of Charlotte: I have a streetlight outside my window. It's always damn light out to me
mizuno_tsuki: Well, round up the time to about 4... sun starts rising around 5 or so..
mizuno_tsuki: xD lucky.
Ghost of Charlotte: T.T why you lie so much?
mizuno_tsuki: lie?!
Ghost of Charlotte: I'm about to go to sleep too
Ghost of Charlotte: I think
mizuno_tsuki: what?! *very confused?!*
Ghost of Charlotte: think I just clicked the mouse with my mind >.O I don't rememeber clicking it
Ghost of Charlotte: Can you tell I'm sleep deprived? lol
mizuno_tsuki: If you're tired, then GO TO SLEEP! Before I have to use my majutsu on you!! (sp?)
Ghost of Charlotte: When I got to sleep I want it DARK. This ain't Alaska!
Ghost of Charlotte: I wanna go there... but I teriffied of BEARS
Ghost of Charlotte: Nothing scares me more then damn bears
mizuno_tsuki: really? I'm afraid of sheep and the muppets. o__o
Ghost of Charlotte: What? Those can't EAT YOU
mizuno_tsuki: not kidding, either.
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: -____- Thats weird. I wont lie.
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
Ghost of Charlotte: Have you listed to the Jrock band LMC?
mizuno_tsuki: Yeah, but have you ever dreamed of 2D sheep with blood and guts spewing from their 2D mouths and red eyes chasing you and your BFF down to eat and
mizuno_tsuki: turn you into one of them?!
Ghost of Charlotte: o.o NO
mizuno_tsuki: yeah. It's freaky. *quivers*
Ghost of Charlotte: But I did dream about getting eaten by bears after watching a documentry on National Geographic
Ghost of Charlotte: Timothy Treadwell was a stupid ******** who was asking for it, but it doesn't make it less grusome!
mizuno_tsuki: well.. that's better than dreaming that after watching a puppet show with a sheep-puppet-vampire-thing. xD *blush*
mizuno_tsuki: Don't ask.
mizuno_tsuki: T__T xD
Ghost of Charlotte: o.o
Ghost of Charlotte: *pat pat*
buzzsaw212- enters the chat.
mizuno_tsuki: And... uhm... please don't tell Dooger or Yuuri? OR DAIKENJA. They'll never leave me alone about my one, true weakness!
Ghost of Charlotte: Lol, your strange secret is safe with me
mizuno_tsuki: T__T *grows mushrooms in the corner*
Ghost of Charlotte: Dont mention the bears to them
mizuno_tsuki: yey! I knew I loved you for a reason! *glomp-tackles*
Ghost of Charlotte: Bears are scary bastards. I wont even accept teddy bears from anyone
mizuno_tsuki: wow. that's intense.
Ghost of Charlotte: It's false advertisitng! Bears are NOT CUDDLY *glowers*
mizuno_tsuki: xD
mizuno_tsuki: gah! halo. D:<
Ghost of Charlotte: Damn I gotten like a hundred of those, but one ONE ><
Ghost of Charlotte: at a time*
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;; *hearts*
Ghost of Charlotte: Almost down to 5000 tokens
mizuno_tsuki: erk- 2544 xD
Ghost of Charlotte: My brothers play a few thousand on my mule
mizuno_tsuki: O__o
Ghost of Charlotte: just to speed the process along
mizuno_tsuki: a few thousand?
Ghost of Charlotte: -.- che?
buzzsaw212-: whats a mule on here
mizuno_tsuki: erm.... oh god...
Ghost of Charlotte: I had 3000 before I bought those 8000
mizuno_tsuki: O__o
Ghost of Charlotte: A spare character?
Ghost of Charlotte: I use mine to store items and stuff.
buzzsaw212-: oh
Ghost of Charlotte: Crappy items too, and towns trash
mizuno_tsuki: woot! 3 boxes!!
Ghost of Charlotte: WOO!
buzzsaw212-: nice
mizuno_tsuki: Domo. ^-^
buzzsaw212-: woot w imps
Ghost of Charlotte: Lol we all won!
Ghost of Charlotte: Dont like to tango? Dancing your fandango tonight?
Ghost of Charlotte: BOOM BOOM DOLLAR!
Ghost of Charlotte: -spaz-
mizuno_tsuki: huh?! @__@
Ghost of Charlotte: Yeah... music teim
mizuno_tsuki: haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Babblebabblebitchbitchrebelrebelpartyparty
mizuno_tsuki: xD Shinou is somewhat hungry, so he's going to go get breakfast. xD (somehow, it feels disturbingly natural to refer to myself as a guy) >w<
mizuno_tsuki: so... brb
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
buzzsaw212-: grrr 2 wings almost 3
mizuno_tsuki: xD mmm, coco puffs
Ghost of Charlotte: XP
Ghost of Charlotte: I hate cereal
Ghost of Charlotte: Oatmeal FTW
mizuno_tsuki: haha, I usually do, too, since I don't drink milk
Ghost of Charlotte: Same here.
mizuno_tsuki: yes! *glomp-tackles*
Ghost of Charlotte: Woot! 3 wings
buzzsaw212-: lucky
mizuno_tsuki: nice!
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: I got that once. ONCE.
Ghost of Charlotte: My 4th time tonight
mizuno_tsuki: not today, though- what?!
mizuno_tsuki: FOURTH?!
Ghost of Charlotte: yeah lol
Ghost of Charlotte: I'm all about slots
mizuno_tsuki: *starts growing mushrooms again*
buzzsaw212-: dang
Ghost of Charlotte: I told you, the items sell for way more then you'll pay for tickets
mizuno_tsuki: so... +3000 again?
Ghost of Charlotte: Yup
mizuno_tsuki: touché
mizuno_tsuki: well, good for you. ^-^
mizuno_tsuki: Hope my petty contribution will help later on haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Selling a Spartan Clock for 900k is gonna feel awesome
mizuno_tsuki leaves the chat.
Ghost of Charlotte: NOOO my shinou T.T
mizuno_tsuki enters the chat.
Ghost of Charlotte: Welcome back
mizuno_tsuki: thanks. ^-^;;;;
mizuno_tsuki: server disconnected
Ghost of Charlotte: As I was saying. Investing 9-10k in tokens will be a drop in the ocean compared to 900k
Ghost of Charlotte: And consideredin the the choices you have a very good odds of getting the amount of tickets for it.
mizuno_tsuki: haha, true, I suppose
Ghost of Charlotte: I found a thread where they did the math for it once ^^;
Ghost of Charlotte: <--closed math nerd
mizuno_tsuki: heh.. ^-^
Ghost of Charlotte: Three wings again
Ghost of Charlotte: Look at that suckers razz
mizuno_tsuki: GOSHDARNIT!
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: Shinou mad! Shinou smash!!
Ghost of Charlotte: I'mma build a bird with all these wings!
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: awwwwwwkard
mizuno_tsuki: same result at the same time xD
Ghost of Charlotte: hehe
Ghost of Charlotte: haha!
mizuno_tsuki: TuT
mizuno_tsuki: Aww, my kitten wants to eat coco puffs xD
Ghost of Charlotte: Aww I want a kitten T.T
Ghost of Charlotte: I think if I 'find' one I'll be able to keep it
mizuno_tsuki: >w< She's so cute!! When I find the cord to my camera, I'll upload a picture for you all to see. ^-^ (<--photography = yes)
Ghost of Charlotte: My dads a sucker for cute animals
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: ^-^
Ghost of Charlotte: Ever heard of a singer called Mika?
mizuno_tsuki: erm... no? *hides behind a cardboard-cutout of Murata Ken*
Ghost of Charlotte: Remind me so much of Prince
Ghost of Charlotte: This is okay to not know.
mizuno_tsuki: the singer prince?
Ghost of Charlotte: Yeah...
Ghost of Charlotte: Guys with a high pitched voice.
mizuno_tsuki: xD
mizuno_tsuki: YEY!! 3 boxes again!!
Ghost of Charlotte: WOO
Ghost of Charlotte: http://www.imeem.com/people/DYQFT8/music/msGHIIvU/mika_love_today/
Ghost of Charlotte: Listen to it
Ghost of Charlotte: I command you
mizuno_tsuki: haha okay ^-^
Ghost of Charlotte: brb
Ghost of Charlotte: back
Ghost of Charlotte: Love love me razz
mizuno_tsuki: erk.. *still typing in the address*
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
Ghost of Charlotte: Cant copy?
mizuno_tsuki: nope
Ghost of Charlotte: Not even with ctrl+c?
mizuno_tsuki: that's my first attempt ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
Ghost of Charlotte: It's funny cause I just pasted it -.- We call that a one-way street
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: Got it yet?
buzzsaw212-: woot 3 presents
Ghost of Charlotte: WOO
mizuno_tsuki: Reminds me of my friend Gabe's voice. He can go that high. <#
Ghost of Charlotte: What's your total up to?
buzzsaw212-: woot 3 imps
Ghost of Charlotte: Yay
mizuno_tsuki: erm.. total tickets or total faliure?
Ghost of Charlotte: hehe tickets
buzzsaw212-: umm mine is 746
mizuno_tsuki: lemme find out
mizuno_tsuki: 543
mizuno_tsuki: T__T
Ghost of Charlotte: hehe... 100230
mizuno_tsuki: HATE.
buzzsaw212-: lucky
Ghost of Charlotte: It's over the last week though
mizuno_tsuki: Freaking addict. ¬__¬
buzzsaw212-: oh
Ghost of Charlotte: Lawl
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: Hooker, what a looker, WALK AWAY
mizuno_tsuki: Why do I have the feeling you typed that in just for me?
Ghost of Charlotte: haha, i did
mizuno_tsuki: -__-" *thunder in the distance*
Ghost of Charlotte: razz Hennachoko
mizuno_tsuki: HEINACHOKO JANAI!
Ghost of Charlotte: haha
mizuno_tsuki: Don't make me call out KG on you
Ghost of Charlotte: Denial - not a river in egypt.
mizuno_tsuki: -___-""
mizuno_tsuki: I am most definitely NOT in denial!
Ghost of Charlotte: oh so you admit your a cheater?
Ghost of Charlotte: Gosh, match after match after match. It's boring being this awesome
Ghost of Charlotte: Hah
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: You admited you not denying your a cheater
mizuno_tsuki: No, I never admitted not denying that I'm a cheater, but that I did admit to denying that I'm not in denial.
Ghost of Charlotte: Aww 7 matches in a row...that way my high score.
mizuno_tsuki: ^__~
buzzsaw212- leaves the chat.
Ghost of Charlotte: @.@ Eh...
Ghost of Charlotte: Yay razz
mizuno_tsuki: I can play words, too, Ghost-chan. >:'D
Ghost of Charlotte: I hate non-friends
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;; Aww
Ghost of Charlotte: Lol, I mean, I know
mizuno_tsuki: wait- i said that wrong
Ghost of Charlotte: Holy crap, the only thing I hate about playing the MP is all the n00bs asking for the items
mizuno_tsuki: I DID admit to denying BEING in denial
mizuno_tsuki: better
Ghost of Charlotte: What about your status as a cheater?
mizuno_tsuki: erm...
Ghost of Charlotte: Did you have sexual relations with that woman?!?
mizuno_tsuki: NO!! I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!! (LITERALLY roflmao right now)
Ghost of Charlotte: Haha aren't we all
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: I've been loling since you got in here
mizuno_tsuki: really? hahaha
Ghost of Charlotte: I wanna get all toned and strong and go to a con as a spartan
Ghost of Charlotte: Bet lots of people wanna take pictures with me
Ghost of Charlotte: '<---Random
mizuno_tsuki: O__o That'd be pretty awesome, actually!!
Ghost of Charlotte: I know right?
Ghost of Charlotte: My thing is I hate being sweaty
mizuno_tsuki: My friends want me to go as Rose Tyler from Dr. Who, and as Toby from Sweeney Todd
mizuno_tsuki: (uhg, same)
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
Ghost of Charlotte: If I ever meet David Ten I'm gonna jump him
mizuno_tsuki: AH!! T__T me too haha
Ghost of Charlotte: No lie. I'll go to jail for raep >D but it will be worth it
Ghost of Charlotte: haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Did you watch the season 4 finale?
mizuno_tsuki: I think i did..?
Ghost of Charlotte: With the genocide of ****
Ghost of Charlotte: Dont wanna spoil it...
mizuno_tsuki: go ahead, it's okay ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: Yeah, The doctors (there are two razz CLONE) kill all the daleks
mizuno_tsuki: I think I might have seen it. Dunno. Maybe?
mizuno_tsuki: I'm more of a torchwood fanatic, actually ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: Rose gets one, and Donna gets her memory wiped 'cause she had half the docters brain
Ghost of Charlotte: Never got into Torchwood
mizuno_tsuki: erm.. yeah, missed that one.
Ghost of Charlotte: O.o
mizuno_tsuki: T__T
Ghost of Charlotte: I didn't spoil it for youz
mizuno_tsuki: haha It's okay
mizuno_tsuki: But...
mizuno_tsuki: who's better:
Ghost of Charlotte: ?
mizuno_tsuki: David Ten., or Tom Baker?
Ghost of Charlotte: DAVID TEN
mizuno_tsuki: rawr!! TOM BAKER!!
Ghost of Charlotte: Hands down. Hottest geek ever
mizuno_tsuki: hottest geek aside; I mean as the doctor
Ghost of Charlotte: Eeh...
Ghost of Charlotte: Tie
mizuno_tsuki: (if we're going by looks, though, I totally agree haha)
Ghost of Charlotte: David just makes some of the greatest faces in history...
Ghost of Charlotte: It's why we love him so
mizuno_tsuki: xD true
Ghost of Charlotte: Best villian?
mizuno_tsuki: hmm...
mizuno_tsuki: in the doctor who series?
Ghost of Charlotte: yeah
mizuno_tsuki: hmm.......
mizuno_tsuki: dalleks. probably. ^^;;
Ghost of Charlotte: No wai...
Ghost of Charlotte: No one ever looks really terrified of the daleks
mizuno_tsuki: THEY NEVER DIED!! >:O Until, apparently, season 4 finale
Ghost of Charlotte: It's like 'This salt shaker is trying to kill me with a plunger oh noz'
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: Yeah, boom, all of them kaput
Ghost of Charlotte: Weeping Angels
mizuno_tsuki: They killed off all of the Doctor's race (cept him, though)
Ghost of Charlotte: Liked to have pisses myself. And destroyed my statue of Venus DeMile
mizuno_tsuki: who?
Ghost of Charlotte: Milo* Yeah... I still never thought they were a good villian
Ghost of Charlotte: Venus DeMilo?
mizuno_tsuki: Remember: Shinou is terrible with names
Ghost of Charlotte: Dammit *thows an ART history book at you*
mizuno_tsuki: Ow! *bleeds maryoku again*
Ghost of Charlotte: Names are all I got lol
mizuno_tsuki: haha xD
Ghost of Charlotte: So yeah Weeping Angels
Ghost of Charlotte: Oooh we get more Cybermen!
mizuno_tsuki: what?!
Ghost of Charlotte: This Xmas actually!
mizuno_tsuki: (that was my second choice, actually)
mizuno_tsuki: really?! What a bummer
Ghost of Charlotte: And Ten will be sticicking around till 09 I think
mizuno_tsuki: YES!!
Ghost of Charlotte: Yeah, their my 2nd as well
mizuno_tsuki: haha
Ghost of Charlotte: Then daleks
mizuno_tsuki: pssh. If my dad wern't asleep, I'd ask him. He's been a Dr. Who fan long before even you were born. (like... when since before he was our age)
Ghost of Charlotte: Cool razz
mizuno_tsuki: xD I'll ask him tomorrow
mizuno_tsuki: erk- today, rather
mizuno_tsuki: much later today
Ghost of Charlotte: I don't know when my dad started watching it
Ghost of Charlotte: Oh ask him if he knows who the Greatest American Hero is
mizuno_tsuki: YES!
Ghost of Charlotte: omg
mizuno_tsuki: I even know who that is!! (love)
Ghost of Charlotte: OMG
mizuno_tsuki: freaking pajama-like supersuit
Ghost of Charlotte: You like the first person under 30 whose known!'
mizuno_tsuki: xD awesome
Ghost of Charlotte: I've met/talked to?
Ghost of Charlotte: They are going to have some webepisodes sometime this year I think
mizuno_tsuki: O__O ZHOMFG
Ghost of Charlotte: Their gonna suck though, they made the main character a girl.
Ghost of Charlotte: >.>
mizuno_tsuki: what?!
Ghost of Charlotte: I hate when they do that...
Ghost of Charlotte: let me find the link
mizuno_tsuki: Killed battlestar galactica
mizuno_tsuki: pm me the link, though. I can copy it that way and save it for later xD
Ghost of Charlotte: k
mizuno_tsuki: ^-^
mizuno_tsuki: ever see tv series of The Flash?
Ghost of Charlotte: Nope
mizuno_tsuki: *majour geekdome*
mizuno_tsuki: HOMG I feel bad for you. You're missing out
mizuno_tsuki: hmm.. gatimon?
Ghost of Charlotte: nope
mizuno_tsuki: *gatamon?
mizuno_tsuki: darn
mizuno_tsuki: uhm.....
mizuno_tsuki: Okay, you have to at least have heard of it:
mizuno_tsuki: the original tv batman series?
Ghost of Charlotte: Duh
mizuno_tsuki: with robin still in hotpants?
mizuno_tsuki: xD YES
Ghost of Charlotte: Yup
Ghost of Charlotte: biggrin
mizuno_tsuki: >u<
mizuno_tsuki: I'm totally cosplaying with my friends when the dark night comes to theatres.
mizuno_tsuki: I mean... cosplaying TO SEE the film xD
Ghost of Charlotte: Haha yeah
mizuno_tsuki: I'll cry if you haven't seen it, though:
Ghost of Charlotte: Although I wont go see dark night...it's...scary looking *tremble*
mizuno_tsuki: Star Ship Troopers?
Ghost of Charlotte: Hell yeah
mizuno_tsuki: I love the first movie, so I'm psyched that they're bringing back several of the original actors for the third film
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah
Ghost of Charlotte: I never... liked batmat >.>
Ghost of Charlotte: man*
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;; reasonable
Ghost of Charlotte: It's SCARY T.T It's so dark.
Ghost of Charlotte: Poor man, NOTHING good happens to him
mizuno_tsuki: I agree... but the first tv series makes me giggle
mizuno_tsuki: ^^:;
Ghost of Charlotte: Yesh, I love that
Ghost of Charlotte: Its the movies X.x
mizuno_tsuki: *nods solemnly*
mizuno_tsuki: I love geek-talks >u<
Ghost of Charlotte: hehe
mizuno_tsuki: o__o sun's gonna start rising soon. Up here, anyways.
mizuno_tsuki: ^^;;;
Ghost of Charlotte: "Greatest American Hero fans will rejoice to hear that Disney is moving forward with this project to create a feature film."
mizuno_tsuki: O___________________O
Ghost of Charlotte: I for one will NOT be rejoicing... >.<
mizuno_tsuki: not rejoicing for disney making it, but HOMG
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: they need to bring back their 2D animators. They're already regretting it because Enchanted was such a hit
Ghost of Charlotte: Yup
Ghost of Charlotte: 2D was so much better T.T
mizuno_tsuki: agreed
mizuno_tsuki: favourite 2d disney film?
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah... Hard to say. Lion King probably. And Fox and the Hound
mizuno_tsuki: aww, I forgot about those films xD
Ghost of Charlotte: lol, what wwere you gonna say?
mizuno_tsuki: I'd have to say it's a tie between anastasia and beauty and the beast for me
mizuno_tsuki: *musical freak*
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah those are pretty high on my list too.
mizuno_tsuki: ^-^
mizuno_tsuki: I'm probably leaning more towards anasasia, though
Ghost of Charlotte: I dont think I'll ever forget that Dancing Bears lullaby from anastasia
Ghost of Charlotte: dancing bears, painted wings
mizuno_tsuki: Aww, that song makes me cry
mizuno_tsuki: things I almost remember
mizuno_tsuki: and a song someone sings
mizuno_tsuki: once upon a december
Ghost of Charlotte: lol
mizuno_tsuki: OMG now I want to make a kkm musical
Ghost of Charlotte: couldn't type fast enought razz
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: ZOMFGYES
Ghost of Charlotte: sent you the link
mizuno_tsuki: yuuri can sing a song titled "only a king like me" - I'd write it out, too
mizuno_tsuki: kk, thankies ^-^
Ghost of Charlotte: I really hate when series are remade and the leading males become girls *battlestar galatica*
mizuno_tsuki: AARRGGHH!! Don't even get me started on battlestar galactica!! >o<
Ghost of Charlotte: lawl
mizuno_tsuki: that pisses me off almost as much as scientology, and that's hard to compete with
Ghost of Charlotte: I hate girl!starbuck so much it's sickening
Ghost of Charlotte: ohmygod great comparasion!
Ghost of Charlotte: AND my brothers middle name IS starbuck so now its like...stupid
Ghost of Charlotte: Oh yeah, parents are sci-fi buffs, got married at a starwars conventions
mizuno_tsuki: really, there are PLENTY of men who auditioned for the part, but NOOOOOOOOOOO they HAD to give it to a CHICK!
Ghost of Charlotte: thing...
mizuno_tsuki: T__T lucky parents
Ghost of Charlotte: A wookie was the best man.
mizuno_tsuki: WOAH. that's even better than what I wanted for a marriage ceremony
Ghost of Charlotte: Geeky parents! lol
Ghost of Charlotte: I'm gonna elope somewher exotic. razz
mizuno_tsuki: xD
mizuno_tsuki: I originally wanted to get married at ConnectiCon or Otakon or something
mizuno_tsuki: (Vic Mignogna held a Sunday Mass at CTcon lat year haha)
Ghost of Charlotte: Ah hehe, cute.
Ghost of Charlotte: lawl
mizuno_tsuki: but now I want it to be a star wars wedding. Maybe. We'll see. It's up there on my list beneath a KKM wedding
Ghost of Charlotte: Oh another favorite disney movie: The Aristocats!
mizuno_tsuki: YES!
mizuno_tsuki: love that film
Ghost of Charlotte: I love Harrison Ford.
mizuno_tsuki: haha
mizuno_tsuki: (offtopic): avenue q?
Ghost of Charlotte: If they ever remade starwars, and someone else was choosen to play Han, I go ballistic
Ghost of Charlotte: ?
Ghost of Charlotte: What?
mizuno_tsuki: >x< NOONE can play han but han
Ghost of Charlotte: Yup
mizuno_tsuki: *angerangstanger*
Ghost of Charlotte: I WOULD riot then.
mizuno_tsuki: I'd get out my sniping riffle (that I don't own) and KEEL them dead!
Ghost of Charlotte: Another favorite: The Emperor's New Groove. Lol, so funny...
Ghost of Charlotte: Hehe Vote From The Rooftops!
mizuno_tsuki: oh, man. hillarious
mizuno_tsuki: haha, or a tree. If it's in a tree, I'll use a bow and arrow
Ghost of Charlotte: Haha
mizuno_tsuki: xD
Ghost of Charlotte: You should check out the link I sent you
Ghost of Charlotte: Video
Ghost of Charlotte: only a short teaser, but I need you opinino
mizuno_tsuki: I'll probably do that after I sleep. (videos/mp3s before sleep =/= yes)
Ghost of Charlotte: need it
mizuno_tsuki: erm... okay... ^^;;
mizuno_tsuki: hold a sec then
Ghost of Charlotte: heh
Ghost of Charlotte: k
goodboy0358 enters the chat.

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Thu Jul 10, 2008 @ 04:49pm

Lol! Looks like you guys had fun! I've got to get my internet fixed! crying
What'd you do when someone else entered the room? Leave, invite him into conversation or bash him for interrupting? wink

Caged Little Fairy
Community Member

Fri Jul 11, 2008 @ 05:00am

We had that happen a couple of times, they mostly stayed quiet so I didn't feel the need to bash razz

The First King
Community Member

Sat Jul 12, 2008 @ 03:39am

OMG you kept the chat?! [xD]

You're my hero, haha.

Caged Little Fairy
Community Member

Sun Jul 13, 2008 @ 03:12am

A simple Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V and we've forever in the history books.
Unlike the book twilight, our stuffs interesting XD

I've been such a hater lately lol.

User Comments: [4]
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