Name: Yuki
Age: Unknown, appears to be 18.
Race: Vampire
Weapons: None.
Abilities: Unknown.
Appearance: Yuki
Yuki again
Personality: Yuki is as cold as his name implies. He rarely speaks and when he does it sounds harsh, cold and often gives people chills. Surrounding him is an aura of solitude and loneliness.
Sexual orientation: Straight.
Brief biography: Little is known about Yuki, and he doesn't seem willing to talk about himself let alone talk about anything at all. All that is known is that his family was all pure blooded vampires who settled in Japan once it was open to foreigners. Now he is the only one left because they either kiled each other of of they committed suicide.
Age: Unknown, appears to be 18.
Race: Vampire
Weapons: None.
Abilities: Unknown.
Appearance: Yuki
Yuki again
Personality: Yuki is as cold as his name implies. He rarely speaks and when he does it sounds harsh, cold and often gives people chills. Surrounding him is an aura of solitude and loneliness.
Sexual orientation: Straight.
Brief biography: Little is known about Yuki, and he doesn't seem willing to talk about himself let alone talk about anything at all. All that is known is that his family was all pure blooded vampires who settled in Japan once it was open to foreigners. Now he is the only one left because they either kiled each other of of they committed suicide.