Well... today kinda sucked...
Tutor return, classes, study... all that shtick...
Mom today had a serious, SERIOUS talk to me; although it's not something I like to publicly share, I have been QUITE woman for a while; and she decided to tell me it was time to act like one
I miss being a little thwo year old and splashing about in the mud topless ;_;
We should get a big rally and burn all our bras and stuff or something, they just seem to mean something really horrible to me
I know sometimes I act like I'm much older; some people say I'm like 19 or stuff when I'm really 14, but still; I just WANT to be younger
So to beat off frustration, I'm smacking the heck outta someone in a duel just now lol; whoo fiends
And I do have happier news ^^
Tokyo Godfathers rocked, especially Miss Hana; s/he made the film just perfect with such an awful, horrible idea XD
Miyuki wash cool too :3
AND! ^^ A special present for my friend Jesse was complete...
CAPTION: "You know, when you mentioned a commission for Jasmine involving a fuku, this wasn't what I had in mind..."
That be Gerrard, his Gazimon rp charrie X3
Love ya Jesse!
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Jasmine's Scrapbook
Now, all I need to put all my pictures and words for all to see ^_^
Jasmine, your friendly neighbourhood Albino Foxgirl!
Officially first Gaian to glomp John Cena!
Jasmine, your friendly neighbourhood Albino Foxgirl!
Officially first Gaian to glomp John Cena!