He used to be a friend, but then started getting on my case about me wanting to be with lord red. So i figured he was Jealous of my lord and told him to leave me alone.
Akira Datenshi
We were good friends, and he said he was there to listen when no one else would. He flipped out on me when I told him I didn't wanna be friends cause his girlfriend wouldn't get the Hell off my case about being friends with him. Just gave me more reasons not to be his friend.
An annoying Noob who constantly begged me for s**t stare
Akira's girlfriend. She seemed to get extremely jealous over me being friends with her boyfriend. I have my own boyfriend. She's just to stupid to realize that Lord Red is so much better than Ben.
Tried their hardest to scam me into clicking a link that would cause me to log out, and have to log back in so they could have my account info.
A retarded noob who thought they could be slick when I asked who they were, they replied with "Me" I laughed and told her off. I hate random friend requests :Stare:
Ze Pepper
Attempted to scam me. Lame a**. xD
He used to be a friend, but then started getting on my case about me wanting to be with lord red. So i figured he was Jealous of my lord and told him to leave me alone.
Akira Datenshi
We were good friends, and he said he was there to listen when no one else would. He flipped out on me when I told him I didn't wanna be friends cause his girlfriend wouldn't get the Hell off my case about being friends with him. Just gave me more reasons not to be his friend.
An annoying Noob who constantly begged me for s**t stare
Akira's girlfriend. She seemed to get extremely jealous over me being friends with her boyfriend. I have my own boyfriend. She's just to stupid to realize that Lord Red is so much better than Ben.
Tried their hardest to scam me into clicking a link that would cause me to log out, and have to log back in so they could have my account info.
A retarded noob who thought they could be slick when I asked who they were, they replied with "Me" I laughed and told her off. I hate random friend requests :Stare:
Ze Pepper
Attempted to scam me. Lame a**. xD