22 days til I move-in day! zOMFG i'm soo excited for school to start! I've spent every waking moment of every day this summer thinking about money because my family doesn't have very much and i'm too stupid to get academic scholarships. But once school starts i'll be too busy to think about that and life will change drastically, hopefully for the better. HOPE! That's the name of Tennesee's lottery scholarship. $4,000. YAY it's also the name of a friend's best friend. I hope she's doing okay. confused I met a bunch of people at frosh camp last week so I don't have to worry about not having any friends I just hope my roommate isn't a total douchebag. That would suck cuz then I would have to kill him and I would get arrested and then I couldn't finish school. crying that would be bad. ooh btw i'm single now crying but that's okay cuz I won't have time for a g/f when school starts. Stupid slut. She didn't deserve me anyway.