Carson~ Carson is my older brother who is now 25 years old. He is an unpublished author and he's pretty good at it too. But since and unpublished author cant pay the bills he is also an accountant. Boring, I know. But my brother is the opposite of boring. He does everything with me and he lets me do anything too. I can go anywhere I want no questions asked just as long as I am with my friends. Well Carson cant always do everything so I pretty much cook dinner and clean the two story loft. But I dont really care about that. He always helps out as much as possible. Carson is still single but he doesnt mind much. We give each other all the company we need.
If you are wondering about my sister... I havnt talked to her in four years so I dont know anything about her. ^^
Xx_clear_as_ice_xX · Sun Aug 03, 2008 @ 12:11am · 0 Comments |