I know that I posted this next entry REALLY early, but I wanted to get it posted after the conversation that Rose and I had last night. If you haven't seen the post from
13 hours ago, go read it as it will help this entry make more sense.
BaitedOne of the people that Dragon could not see laughed. "You would have only turned it down."
Frowning, Dragon asked after a moment, "Your voice. I know it don't I?" Instead of a reply, Dragon suddenly found herself in free fall as the net about her opened up and dropped her to the ground. Landing squarely on her head, Dragon's body crumpled. Laying very still and face down, Dragon moaned, "Oh.....that hurt."
Suddenly, Dragon was rolled over and someone grabbed the front of her shirt. Lifting Dragon off her feet, the person pulled Dragon in until she was a few inches from their face. "Recognize me now?"
Blinking a bit of blood out of her eyes, Dragon focused her eyes on her captor. "Oh. You're...Luman. Right? Rosie's psychotic uncle?"
Snarling, the man threw Dragon across the room. Slamming off the wall and falling to the ground
[1], Dragon said, "Ayuh. You're Luman
[2]. How's that psycho b***h sister of yours, Uli?
Snarling, Luman stalked over to Dragon. Picking Dragon off the ground, Luman punched Dragon across the face to knock her down again.
Coughing and laughing at the same time, Dragon said, "Now that we've got the niceties out of the way. I'm assuming you need me for something?"
Pulling Dragon to her feet again, Luman smiled. "Yes. You're going to help me restore my status in my family by drawing Rose to me."
Looking back at Luman for a few moments, Dragon laughed. "Me help you get to Rosie? Please, don't make me laugh. I'd no sooner help you than I'd join a Slayer in massacring my own kind."
With a calm look on his face, Luman set Dragon in a chair. Grabbing her arms by the elbows, Luman snapped Dragon's arms as easily as twigs.
The pain of her arms being broken was just a drop in the ocean of pain that was washing through Dragon at the moment. Instead of showing just how much pain she was in--and fighting back the darkness threatening to cloud her vision--Dragon said, "Okay then! I'll take a guess that you're actually going to use me as
bait for Rosie than to get me to talk to her for you."
"Quite right, dear," someone whispered in Dragon's left ear as a pair of female hands crept down over her shoulders.
As pain exploded at the base of her neck, Dragon grunted and passed out.
Community Member
[2] Rose's uncle. Rose seemed to have let him fade off into the darkness of her mind after we ventured to Lia Alit Iil-tia to restore Rose's sanity.
[3] Uli Lavernishka Preak. Rose's aunt. I had to go journal digging today to find that name. Rose never provided a picture for her though from what I could find. Like Luman, Uli has also faded from existence until I decided to poke her with a stick. Though this may be dangerous.