The fanfiction of my hated enemy, Alexandra Spears can be found here
Ok guys, it is time to strike back on Alexandra Spears. ^^ Just scroll down on the site I'm linking to, find her stories and tear into her. She replied to some of my reviews and it is very amusing. For those who have listened to my rants but haven't taken action please do. She has taken to claiming that Jack Chick isn't racist (because claiming that once a Native American accepts Christ they will turn white isn't racist...), that women are less logical than men, that divorce in this country is the fault of women, that feminists spit on all stay at home moms, that NOW (National Organization for Women) is really bad and it is no wonder they have so many lesbians, and so on and so forth.
She has said offensive things towards...
Native Americans
Poor people
Fun huh? And she just said that she thinks I'm jealous. ::giggles:: Oh help me destroy her.
And now, some quotes from the She-Snake (btw, I use the names Illyria, Raven Rogue, and Lil' Red when reviewing so that is the explanation for the names ^^):
"I think Raven Rogue is jealous or something, so I'm going to ignore him/her/whatever.
At any rate--I've never watched the cartoon, but I've read the comics years ago, way back when. The comics are from 20 years ago. And yes, Robin (Nightwing) and Starfire were a hot item in that series, until Starfire was forced to marry a fellow Tamaranean."
"Raven Rogue, you're the one who is hateful. I really hate when people like you sling the word "bigot" around like that means something. If bigotry means the disapproval of perverse BEHAVIOR, then okay, I'm a pretty huge bigot then!
I'm sure John the Baptist may have gotten called a hateful bigot too. There you have it." Yeah, she just compared herself to John the Baptist
"I see Lil Red knows absolutely nothing about Jack Chick, otherwise Lil Red wouldn't be bashing him. Try actually VISITING the site sometime!
BTW I am VERY anti-feminism. It doesn't mean I'm sexist--whatever THAT means anymore. I believe in traditional man/woman roles. A man's role in society is NOT more important than a woman's, and vice-versa. In fact, I enjoy being a stay-at-home mother. Husband and wife are a team, they're supposed to COMPLEMENT each other rather than compete with each other. Why do you think there's so much divorce? I've been married to my son's father for ELEVEN YEARS now, and our son is almost three."
"I see Lil Red has been taking my comments and viewpoints well out of context again. She apparently fails to see that men and women are different. Feminists like there to be no difference between the sexes, hence their support of the perverse homosexual lifestyle. Why do you think NOW has a bunch of lesbians in it? Feminism is the stupid notion that a woman is am man. A woman is a woman because she has the ability to bear children--that's the physical side. Men and women are also different in their emotional make-up. Men are the leaders in general, and they're generally logical. Women tend to be more emotional. The difference is apparent between me and my husband. For example, I am more protective of our son. It's that maternal instinct.
Feminists have a lot to answer for. In their eyes, a woman is a drudge/not giving back to society if she chooses to stay home with the children. Excuse me, National Organization of Wenches, but I would think that raising a child to be a productive citizen is giving back to society, unlike running a corporate rat-race, and daycare centers just aren't qualified for the job!"
And, for your pleasure slightly outdated journal.
And Jack Chick's Chick Tracts, the one's Alexandra told me weren't really racist and that I was wrong. I have linked here the one relating to Native Americans.
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She needs to be beaten. Severely. smile ::joins the cause--even though I've already been in the cause...:: ::JOINS IT HARDER!::
- Trixie-chan