- except this one had neuko in it, too. and super smash brothers. <span id="test22120849">. . .</span><br/><div id="post22120849" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
the first part of my dream that wasn't interrupted by mom screaming to wake me up was me actually playing a game. it was, in fact, super smash brothers, except without any nintendo characters. it did, however, have mtnn characters, specifically neuro and neuko, who didn't look anything like neuko from the manga. (she looked more like a schoolgirl. e we) and in this game you could have um, i guess you could call them slaves...because that's what they were called in the game. x3~ but you could only have one. so i'd always play neuko with neuro as her little slave, and i'd always spam the hell out of him. x3~ and then mom woke me up and i went back to sleep and started dreaming about it again. then i unlocked a spider from a resident evil game and i'm like "noooo~" because it gave me a nice close up of the spider's face. e we;; i ******** hate spiders. and then i still kicked a** with my neuko/neuro team. yay.
k, next part.
and then i had a dream that was like an anime movie. o uo i was friends with sarah mudou(?) from angel's sanctuary, which i haven't read or watched since fifth grade...six years ago e we...and her brother/boyfriend, setsuna. i don't think they were siblings in my dreams because incest doesn't register with my brain. = w=~ and i had a qt nerdy friend who liked writing, and she was always asking for my input. (rather, my character, hiruko. e we i was hiruko in my dream, woo~) so she was talking about the male characters in her story and how she wasn't sure about their design. so i piped in with my add self, "can one of them have blonde hair?" then there was a black screen for a bit, then a picture of my nerdy writer friend with a thought bubble with neuro's face in it and she said, "yes." all = 3= like. and then she was like, "you should help me think of what they should bring on their little trip." and i'm like wat. and i went, "oh i know!" and then a little thought bubble started to form and then a red loading bar was in the main thought bubble and then there was a sandwich when it finished. "they should bring sandwiches." i said.
then my ******** mother woke me up and threatened to get dad on me if i didn't wake up. but i went back to sleep anyway.
so then i started dreaming about the ******** end of my awesome anime dream. somehow, there was a tiny pixie thing on my head playing drums and another kid to my left, and we were at a shimamiya eiko concert at a high school (wtf). so i'm sort of rocking to the beat of the music and then the focus moves away from me and my mutated friends (the dwarf and small child i mean.) and over to some guy in jeans. ******** neuro in his casual clothes. ; w;~~ oh lord.
and then my dream ended. :3~ i ******** loved it. ; o;~~~~~
and now i'm off to play ragnarok online~~~ byebye. :3
oh, and guess what? my sims game is pretty much ******** over for life. i tried to play my third generation of sims so that i could get her married and get a fourth generation, and lo and behold, she's not there. i went to go play her mom and dad's family (second gen, hurr durr) and they don't even work and crash them game when i tried to play. i'm so mad right now i could kill something. ; w; maybe not that mad, but i'm still pretty irritated. she was such a pretty sim, too...oh well. i guess i can just extract her with simPE. wish me luck. e we