Seriously, I'm at a loss of what to do at the moment as Solia Online is down for a bit whilst the database is being copied to the new server. I'm pretty addicted to that place. It's like a tiny little Gaia egg. It has so much potential, and the story hasn't even started, I can be around to witness every single update to it!
The avatars are pretty different from Gaia's though, I know that's good but I'm just so used to my stubby little chibi up there.
Honestly, it feels like I've discovered Gaia a month or two after it was created. Gaia has changed, I know everything has to change but I just feel so alienated lately. I want to stay, I really do, I've not gone more than a week these past three years without getting on. I will stay, of course. Main reason why? The main, main reason is the plot. Above everything else. Absolutely everything. Obviously I wouldn't stay if avatars weren't here, because my avatar is my character in the story. All my friends could leave; I'd still be here. Half the items could disappear; I'd still be here. Gaia could get sponsorships from Neopets, McDonalds, all the commercial evil there is in the world; I'd still be here.
The plot stops and Gaia is no longer a world but a social networking doll dress up site; I'm out of here. Well maybe I'd stick around for my RP guild and we'll forge our own story, but what would the point of staying be if my story is gone? We could have the most amazing items, totally glitch-less systems, the best damn community in the world, but with no plot, no world, there's no heart.
I don't see that happening any time soon, if ever, that's just how much I care for the plot.
I've always been like this... like with video games, I care more about the story than gameplay. I'd grab the instruction manual and just read the little blurb at the start about what's going on with all the characters. A game I really love is The Bouncer, the gameplay is pretty simple, it's mostly just fighting, maybe doing a bit of running around once in a while. I didn't care about my stats, I was just hooked on the story. Soul Calibur II, I was more interested in the characters and their stories than actually kicking their arses. Back when I first had the internet I would spend hours on the Sonic Stadium Message Board discussing the Sonic storyline rather than going and playing the games.
I like plot! ^-^
And I've just had that grand realisation now that I can... sort of move on with my Gaia life. The past year or more I've just been in the GCD, why? Yes, I like popularity on forums. Shoot Shtoo me. I love discussing things about Gaia, but lately there hasn't been much to discuss, yet I've been hanging on to see if maybe there's something I can chip in with even though I don't really care.
Anyway... I need to get back to tending to my guild. Building character, having fun with the plot I so dearly love. I'm going to stop chasing popularity and get down to what matters with me.
Solia, are you back yet? I'm going to get popularity on you instead for now. Damn, thirty to forty minutes longer...
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Theo's Notebook
Life in Gaia.
Here; have a boring aquarium. <3
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