Name: Kira [pronounced like sky but no s lol so kyra]
Age: 18
Status: single
Sex: Female
Race: human/fox demon/angel
Sexuality: straight
Weapon(s): a sword, gun (Para Ordinance Model P14 .45 Cal.)

Home: The forest
Birth Place: unknown
Friends: non yet
Powers: healing, able to control the earth.
Element: earth, healing abilities.
Ablilities: running, jumping, strength and speed.
Weaknesses: her kindness and her ears.
Side: uhhh....depends
Description: She was born into a fox demon pack her whole family hated her because she was a half demon. She is the daughter of the leader of the pack, his name Dirzerk. Her father had hated her exictence the only one stopping them from killing her was her mother.But her mother became very ill, and whit her father's hatred she had been blamed for causing her mothers illness. The day Kira turned two, just days after her mother's death, they planned on killing her, they planned everything. Just as they were about to kill her two Vampires attacked the village and slaughtered her whole family while she sat there and watched. She was the last one alive and they staired at her with a wicked smile, she ran and just before she was going to be killed another vampire stepped in and killed the others, his name was Carlisel. He took her in as one of his own and did not turn her into a vampire like him. She grew up with him he tought her to hunt to fight and to defend herself. She thinks of him as her father. she has, as well, a sister who looks like her but has a different hair color, she doesnt know if she lives or not. Her sisters name is Kiki. To this day she travels with Carlisel and tries to survive.