Raven is a mysterious child of a sorceress for the king, and has grown up all her life in a small, dungeon like cell that she calls her room, learning magic and speaking with the birds that drop by her window. Never really having any physical contact with anyone, she rarely gets visits from her mother, and thus has turned her hard over the years. She doesn't know what its like to cry, considering herself incapable to do so, and she feels no emotions except when one of her feathered friends dies. Although frail, her fighting skills are uncanning, as she has practiced with just about everything in her room, learning to do things people deemed "impossible". Her magical abilities consist of mostly dark arts, but she's a very good wind bender as well, and at the age of 14 she escaped her cell using her powers, disappearing into the night and out of her mothers life forever. Though she seems lonely, she is actually very happy with the company she does have, a small black fox and a raven which purches on her shoulder and helps her hunt throughout the woods. Though she lives in dangerous woods, she keeps her looks in check, and is very clean with how she does everything, even killing the stray traveler. All in all, she's a very dangerous girl who loves dark magic and spends most of her time trying to learn as much as she can.