The other things were more like 'cuz I'm just a naive girl of 16 (am 16 atm. that changes on 11 July 2009).
Well.. More important, I want to change, or at least try to, in a Gothic Lolita. I love the way of dressing, and I'm very interested in it.
But Gothic & Lolita isn't quite cheap. It's rather expensive. I spared like 40 euros, and for my birthday I got around 170 euros.
In the Netherlands is a Gothic & Lolita shop (the first one in whole Europe), and it ships worldwide, though I think people in Japan don't need it xD (they have shops themselves).
Anyway, I knew this shop was very expensive, and I wanted this (famous??) Rabbit-Bear Bag from the well know label/brand Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. I paid 150 euros for it. I also bought something of (a half-bonnet) Metamorphose. My mother gave me a headband (of the brand "Innocent World" wink , and this scarf with pearls, of Beth Victorian Maiden.
You don't want to know how much it was all together...I don't want to know either...Since we didn't pay together... Though we got discount on the scarf.
But you can guess the price when I say this: you have a custumer card of the shop, for every 100 euros you pay for something you get like this sign, when your card is full you get discount.... you need to have spend like 1000 euros to make the card full.... I got only 3 signs.
But there's this other shop, located in Sapporo, Japan. It sells Gothic & Lolita stuff, kimono's etc. It's actually based on people who want to buy something to dress Visual-Kei. It's all based on Visual-Kei... (YAY). 4laugh And they have this gorgeous dress I want to spare for (it costs 129 euros, and in the Dutch shop you would probably pay 100 to 200 euros more...), and also some other dress with cupcake-print, and a kimono I really like...also some shoes ~ heart
The shop of Japan has these kinds of brands (Visu Sky):
BODYLINE JAPAN, Saucy Fairy ,SexPot ReVeNGe, Lucky Pinky.
While the Dutch shop has these brands:
Vivienne Westwood, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, Heart E, Angelic Pretty, Victorian Maiden, Moi-Même-Moitié, Maxicimam, Metamorphose, Juliette et Justine,, Helena Angelique, Chique Gothique.
The brands from Baby to Chique are well known Japanese brands. For those who like Malice Mizer and Moi Dix Mois.... Moi-Même-Moitié is Mana's brand~!!!!!
For those who don't know Vivienne Westwood... Shame on you~!! xd
When I walked around, all dressed up, with my rabbit-bear bag and my headdress/headband, a lot of people looked at me, some laughed... really weird when people turn around to look at you..
Though I don't look like a real Gothic & Lolita. But if you look at the book Gothic & Lolita, by Masayuki Yoshinaga (photobook), is Gothic & Lolita not just about looking like a Lolita/Victorian style etc. But it's all about being yourself, and having your own unique style.
They say you need a lot of confidence and a good self-esteem to dress up that way, since it draws attention.
To be honest, I'm very inseccure, and have a not very good self-esteem. If I dress that way, I feel like myself, and it rather gave me an ego-boost and more confidence than that I would feel bad. Maybe 'cuz of the attention? xD nah... But I try not to laugh when people turn around or have to laugh... I like it... I mean... how many times (in Europe/America) do you see a Gothic & Lolita? xD 4laugh whee heart
I scanned some pictures of my Gothic & Lolita photobook. heart
It's just to give an idea of it, and of the style.
!!By the way, some other famous/common (?) brands/labels:
-Takuya Angel
-Kikilala Shoten
-Jane Marple
Of some people are made pictures who have their own label, like "Dowakan Mother Goose". It looks nice, and in the book are 2 owners, a guy and a lady. xD 4laugh
I didn't scan those pictures. Maybe I'll do it.. ~ heart ...The owner of "Kikilala Shoten" is also in the book, but also didn't scan it... (same as other, perhaps I'll do it some time)

I scanned 9 pictures, as you see, these are 2 of 9... since they slightly big xD I put the rest in a new entry.
Lots of Luv,
and if you wanna comment/ask questions/discuss you're welcome 4laugh
I'd like to talk about this or about other things about Japan with someone ~ heart
Share my passion xD