i got 9 stitches in my foot because i sliced it open on a peice of glass and had the stitches in for a week and got them out on Friday and now my foot is healing really good!! and i feel a whole lot better!! so have you ever gotten stitches or has had stitches or ever got hurt or whatever you can come here and talk about it and i also got stitches when i waz like 2 or 3 and got 3 stitches on my forhead becaus ei waz loking 4 crikets at night with my big brother and i smashed my eyebrow/head and it waz really painful. and then when the stitches were out of myeyebrow/head i had a little y on my eyebrow/head and i still have it. i have the y on my eyebrow but your eyebrow is on your head/face so ya and life goes on. comment back if you want to. thanks bye.
getting biggrin hermes' moon biggrin and heart langer dragon heart , mochi the puppy, and some other stuff
biggrin =bought
heart =donated
heart langer dragon donated by SMOKINRAMBO cool person, saints hairbow donated by RL FOCUS also cool person