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Soulless Affections Chapter 7
Okay. Here is Chapter 7. Enjoy!

Soulless Affections Chapter 7

I looked around the room, keeping my guard up.
A gust of wind came blowing on my face.
Hayate stood there, looking out a huge window.
I looked around the room once more. Oh my god this room is huge.
Well, it should be natural for him to have a room this big since this is a 3-story mansion that’s infested with SuperNatural Creatures.
He turned to me, looking at me with piercing goldish yellow eyes.
His hair flowed gently as the wind blew around the room.
I looked back at him. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans but . . . . . But he was shirtless.
I looked down, blushing madly because of his abs and all that muscle.
“Y-You wanted to speak to me privately, Hayate?”
Just then a hand came and cupped my chin between his fingers. He pulled my chin up so that I could look him in the eyes.
“Do you know what I am?” he asked.
“A-A werewolf.”
“You’re very clever. You do seem different then all the other humans we’ve encountered. You may seem different then the rest but that doesn’t mean you can rest easily. As you know, we are creatures that are not of this world. The person you saw that destroyed your town is one of our powerful enemies. You are a helpless human. I am not angry with Hikaru for bringing you. He’s informed me that you seemed to have an affection for us creatures and you know what happens when you expose us to the world, am I correct?”
“You seem to be the only survivor of that town so we will take responsibility in taking care of you until you or we find you a new home besides this place. We will protect you but only temporarily. Do you understand?”
“Yeah. I understand.”
He let go of my chin and walked back to his place by the big window.
“Um, Can I ask you a question?”
“Yes. You may.”
I hesitated a bit. “What will you do if we were attacked and still haven’t found a home for me yet?”
“Like I said, we will protect you.”
“You phase into your wolf form in battle, right?”
He nods. “But at most times, I will be using my katana.” He turned to me and looked me in the eyes His bright goldish yellow eyes glowing in the night. “As you should know, we are all male creatures. We each have a kind of dark form. Will you be afraid?”
“Maybe. Even if all of you do look frightening, I know that you will always be the same creatures that saved me that day.”
In a blink of an eye, I found myself lying on a bed with Hayate hovering over me, his hands on my wrist, holding me down.
“You should be very very afraid. We are creatures that are not of this world. Right now, I can just easily break you. You’re a weak human.”
“I may be weak physically but I’m strong mentally.”
He just kept looking at me so I continued.
“I’ve dealt with many things in my life to. I should be used to something scary.”
“Used to something scary?”
“I keep having dreams of someone coming to kill me.”
“Well this isn’t like your dreams. This is reality. It’s happening right there before your eyes. What is it that you’re truly afraid of?”
“Death. But I will not abandon a dear friend if they are in danger. I’d hate to sit on the side lines and watch all of you fight; but I know that there’s no helping it this time.” I turned my head to the right to look out the window. It was raining. “I hate to be useless. Oh and I have another question for you.”
“What is it?”
I turned back to look at him. “What if over time at my stay here, all of us become attached to each other?”
“Like we don’t want to leave you or you don’t want to leave us?”
“Yeah. Like that.”
“I swear that won’t happen.”
“Yeah. That’s what they all say.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Just like the time in my freshman year of high school, I swore I wouldn’t fall in love in that year but I ended up falling in love.”
“Is that true?”
“Who knows?”
He smiled. “You are truly different then the others.” He says as he lets me go and sits on the side of the bed.
“Then I guess I’m just kinda special.” I said casually as I sat up.
He laughed. “That may be.”
I smiled. “Look, Hayate. I just want to be friends with everyone here. I don’t do well living with people, well, in this case, with creatures that hate me and all.”
“Don’t worry. I understand.”
There was a small awkward silence between but the sound of the rain hitting down on the glass window.
“So how was everything here while I was gone?”
“Everything is fine. Of course, I’ve been helping with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all that other junk. It’s fun watching them bicker each other. Especially Ein and Ichiro. They’re so childish.”
“Ah yes. True, very true.”
Another awkward silence occurred between us.
“What did you mean when you said if you were to snap and would have an urge to kill someone from your biological family?”
I looked at him, shocked.
He looked at me also. “I am the leader of this group. I’m able to read their minds since they’re my pack. When we were all in the Game Room, I saw the image from that time when you said it to them in the Training Room.”
I came back to reality and I looked down at my hands.
“Miss. Hikari. We need to know these things.”
I looked back up at him with fury in my eyes. “Why?”
“Since you’ll be living with us for a while, we need to know what’s going on. We need to know what you don’t like to talk about. As I just said, I’m the leader of this group and I need to know these things.”
I turned my head and looked out the window. “Okay then. Don’t ever bring up anything that has anything to do with my father or anyone from my family. If you ever find out my real name, then do not speak it.” I turned back to him. He looked at me, full of shock. “If you do, then I’ll most likely snap, loose control, and do something crazy.”
“I understand.” He replies.
Even though he answered me, I could tell that he is still full of shock.
I hopped off the bed and stretched. “Well, I’m off to sleep! See ya in the morning, Hayate.” I waved then exited the room.

~Hayate’s PoV~

I sat there, still in shock, in what I saw in her mind.
Since she’s going to be living here, I could see her mind, for now.
For now, she is part of my pack.
I don’t think she meant to show me those images in her head.
There was a knock on the door.
“Hayate?” a voice asked. Nya.
“Come in.”
I turned to see all of them coming in.
Makoto was the last to enter and he closed the door.
“Hayate, you know we also need to know what you two were talking about.” Hikaru said.
I sighed. I then went on telling them about our conversation and the things we shouldn’t mention in front of her.
All of them stared at me, wide eyed like I did when she told me the things I shouldn’t mention.
“I knew it. Something did happen between her and her family.” Ichiro said.
“I saw it.”
They all looked at me again. “What do you mean?” Haruka asked.
“When she was telling me the things she didn’t want us to mention in front of us, I saw it. Her memories of why she didn’t want us to mention them.”
”WHAT!? Are you serious!?” Ein demanded.
“Damn! Shut up Ein!” Devarion said to Ein.
“What!? I have a reason to yell right now, don’t I!?”
“That’s enough, Ein.” I said in a calm enough voice as I can.
“If you don’t mind, what did you see in her mind, Hayate?” Nya asked, his voice shaking.
Thanks to that question, everyone shut up.
I took a deep breath then let it out.
“I . . . . .I saw blood.” I met each of their eyes then. “Lots of blood.”

My eyes squinted in the light. I blocked the light from my eyes with my right arm. “Ugh. Too bright.”
I stretched. My body is so stiff.
I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed.
I wore a collar shirt that was white at the sleeves and blue around my body.
I wore a gray skirt, long black socks that went up to my thighs, a black tie around my neck, tied my hair up and wore a black head wrap. (Like the one I have on my Gaia avi)
I went downstairs and into the kitchen. The blinds were also open in the kitchen. Again, I shield the light away from my eyes.
“I smell something good.” I commented.
It was Makoto that was cooking. He’s always the one that’s cooking. He looked at me and smiled a thanks.
I walked over to the dining room and sat down next to Nya. Hikaru, Ichiru, and Haruka were there.
The curtains were also to the side, letting the bright sunlight in.
I groaned and let my head slam down on the table. I was sure that they were all staring at me.
“What’s wrong, Aer?” Nya asked, putting a hand on my back.
“It’s to bright. It’s hurting my eyes.”
“Looks like you’re also having trouble with the bright sunlight, eh, girl?” I heard Ein say.
I lifted my head up to see him sitting on the other side next to me.
He must’ve gotten up way early because of the sunlight.
“Damn sunlight.” Ein mumbled.
I smiled at that comment.
“Hey, Aerean. I have a question for you.” I hear Devarion say. I looked around only to find him sitting in a chair across from me.
“Yeah. What is it?”
“You know those vampire books you’re reading? Twilight?”
I nodded. “Yeah. What about it.”
“Are they affected by the sun? Because just for me, I see the light clearer then everyone else and it blinds me . . . . a lot.
“Yeah they’re affected by the sun.” I said as Makoto walked in, setting the food down for everyone.
“What happens?”
”They sparkle.”
Then there was an awkward silence.
“Sparkle?” Nya repeated.
I grinned. “Yup. Sparkle. ‘Like a million diamonds are shining’ as Bella describes it. ‘You can never forget that sight once you’ve seen it once.’”
“What’s one of your favorite parts in the books?” Nya asks, excitedly and curious at the same time.
“Hmm . . . . I’m going to have to say that I especially loved that one part when Bella punched Jacob in the face only to break her hand because Jake was a werewolf.”
“Is that so?” asks a new voice.
Everyone turned their attention to Hayate who just walked in.
His eyes looked tired and his hair seemed out of place.
“Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Haruka commented, grinning only to be hit on the head as Hayate walked past him to sit at the head of the table.
Everyone took their seats and looked at the food that Makoto cooked.
This time, he cooked some nice sausage and bacon and pancakes with syrup on it.
As everyone was about to dig in, the doorbell rang.
“Hikari, go answer it.” Hayate says as he puts a piece a pancake in his mouth.
I nodded, stood up and made my way to the front room.
I opened the door to find a girl with short light blonde hair that looked silver. She had big red brown eyes. She wore a light red and black plaid short skirt, a white spaghetti strapped shirt with the sleeves are light brown, a long sleeved black turtle neck shirt with sleeves that reached her fingers, long black socks that reaches the thigh, and a red bandana that she used to tie her hair up.
She only reaches up to my shoulders.
“Ara?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
I stared at the girl.
“Hikari, who is it?” Hayate asked from the dining room.
Then, Nya popped up behind me, looking over my shoulder.
I looked at Nya to find him smiling at the girl. Then he turned to me. “It’s okay, Aer. You could let her in.”
“Nya!!” she said gleefully. “Nya! Who is this girl?” I’m surprised she didn’t say human.
“Hey Emiko! This is Aerean.” Nya replies with the same enthusiasm as the girl named Emiko. “Come on! We were just about to have breakfast.”
I stepped aside so the girl could come in. But instead of walking past me, she stopped right in front of me. She stood up on her tippy-toes so she could get a good look at me. She pulled back and smiled big. “Hello! My name is Emiko.”
“Aerean Hikari.” I replied with a slight nod.
She laughed. Her laugh was that a sound of a baby child. “That’s a pretty name, Aer-Onee-Chan! Is it alright for me to call you that?”
I nodded with a smile. “Sure. I don’t mind. And is it alright if I can call you Emi-Chan?”
Then out of nowhere, she jumped and hugged me. “Yay! Of course you can call me that! Nya-Kun also calls me that.” Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the living room after closing the door.
As we entered the dining room, everyone’s face lit up.
“Well look who’s here.” Haruka said, grinning wider.
Emiko laughed. Then her eyes turned to Hayate who was eating peacefully and quietly. “Haya-Nii!!” she shouted with joy.
He looked at us then and smiled at Emiko. “Hello, Emiko. I’m glad to see you again.”
Emiko laughed again and ran to Hayate and hugged him.
“So Hayate has a little sister, eh?” I said more to myself as I smiled.
“Look who understands Japanese.” Ein said, putting the last piece of a pancake in his mouth.
I whacked him on the back of his head as I sat down in my seat. “Of course I would understand Japanese. And of course I would know how to say a big brother and all. I always call my brother ‘Aniki’ or ‘Ryu-Nii’.”
“Ah! Aer-Onee-Chan! You also have a big brother?”
I smiled. “Yup. We’re separated so I don’t know where he is. The last time I’ve seen him was three years ago when we were separated due to family problems.”
“Then I’ll help you find him!” Emiko offered.
“Emiko.” Hayate whispered sharply to her. She looked at Hayate.
“No. It’s okay, Hayate. Ryu-Nii would be at least 17 years old right now. He’s a smart person. He can take care of himself. Besides, he’d rather get beat up then have his little sister protect him. Even now, I don't have any way to contact him."
Everyone looked at me then.
“Do you at least know what kind of environment he’s living in?” Emiko asked, the enthusiasm drained from her voice. When I looked back up at her, she wasn’t smiling anymore but she kept a straight calm face.
“Yeah. He was 15 when we were separated three years ago. The Hayabusa clan took him in and he changed his name to Ryu. The both of us refused to answer to anyone who called our names. So whenever someone says any nickname that involves our real name, we would always snap. The Hayabusa Clan is a clan of Ninjas. Instead of being a true ninja, he became an Assassin.”
”Wait. You said that he’s 17 right now. And it was 3 years ago that you two were separated. Isn’t he supposed to be 18?”
I nodded. “Yes, he’s supposed to be 18. But he became immortal. An evil person attacked his clan. He was on the verge of death but was saved by someone who fed him with an immortal stew. He left to avenge his clan that became so dear to him. It was then he came across a kingdom called Rune-Midgard. He went through the job classes from Thief to Assassin to an Assassin Cross, thus becoming a true assassin. He formed a guild, participated in WOE a.k.a War of Emprium. Also they travel together to kill the kingdom’s most wanted man who is also the person that destroyed Aniki’s clan.”
“Wow. You know a lot.” Devarion comments.
I finished my food and nodded. I stood up. “I have my ways of knowing things.” I took my plate and headed for the kitchen.
Once I was there, I put my plate in the sink and washed, it, putting it in the dishwasher.
I walked up to my room and closed my door.
I opened a drawer and took out a folded paper and opened. The writing was in ink, written in elegant handwriting.
The signature said Ryu Hayabusa.

I hope that everyone enjoyed this!!!

Oh and here's a picture of Emiko!!!
She is so CUTE!!!!

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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 22, 2008 @ 01:48am
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