Your mind is clear, focused, and downright zen like.
You have the amazing ability to almost completely control your thoughts.
Are you sure you're human?
is this possible? o.o
click here to find out how cluttered ur mind is!

why does the snake seem not bad?
i thought when u do quizzes and get snake it's bad *ponders*
click here to see wut reptile u r
You Are Not a Tease
You definitely know how to flirt, but you usually choose not to.
You're not the type of girl who leads guys on - and men appreciate that.
Your charms and sexiness are saved for the one guy you're into...
And for that, he digs you even more!
o.o no comment.. =.=
click here to see if men think ur a tease o.o dont know why i did this one >.>;;
You Are 37% Feminine, 63% Masculine
You are in touch with your masculine side.
You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved.
Occasionally, though, something will get through and touch your heart!
my heart is easily moved!
btw, huzzah! *proud* i got a higher masculine score that one of my guy friends *holds up fist w/ a proud face on, like in a manga* (they really need to make and emoticon like that =.=)
click here to see if ur feminine or masculine
You Are 12% Nerdy
You are definitely not nerdy - in fact, you probably don't know any nerds ((the nerds i know r popular! o.o))
You probably care a little too much about your image. No one will know if you secretly watch Star Trek reruns!
ME!!! scream
n_n;; it's not my desision
if they think i'm nice, let's be friends
if they think i'm annoying, then stay away from me if ya like n_n
click here to see how much of a nerd u r lol
Your Kiss is Pink
For you, kissing is pure happiness... simple as that.
You definitely get a little blissed out from kissing, even if you're a bit shy about it.
You won't kiss just anyone. Your kisses are special!
Young at heart, you still get very excited the first time you kiss someone.
Kissing Type: Generous
People See Your Kisses as: Sweet
You Kiss Best With: A Black Kisser
Stay away from: An Orange Kisser
click here to see wut color ur kiss is
i hate always being the sun
You Are From the Sun
Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!
i might like attention but i DONT like the spotlight eek
and i dont think i'm flirty! am i flirty?!?! someone tell me! scream
click here to see what planet ur from(btw, the sun's not a planet =.=)