i am at my mom-mom's, because my parents and my sister went to go see colleges. so, today i got a hamster! its too little- four weeks old!- to tell the gender, and the pet shop lady didn't know how to tell either, cause i guess cause of the age. i named it Skittles. its a cute name, though i would be happier if i knew a specific gender, so i could establish a name without worring about calling my hamster a boy name if its a girl, and vice versa. that would just be odd, don't cha think? Skittles is already mad a me, cause she/he had a squeaking attack cause i wanted a picture. i can already tell that Skittles will not be a very photogenic hamster. who knows, time will tell. Skittles is getting used to its cage. i think its funny cause i had to lower everything, and buy a new water bottle because she/he couldn't reach it! SKITTLES IS SO ADORABLE! lol
summer went by too fast, i know i am not the only one who saids that. next week- not even next week, like in three days- i will be going back to school on tuesday. i am excited to go back, but there is still that paranoia about getting lost and having no friends in your lunch, but i bet i'll be fine. paranoia brings another word to mind. paranormal. like paranormal state! my new all time favoirte show [besides Heroes] and school will mess that up, cause i have to be in bed early, and paranormal state is on at ten at night through eleven. ah, that means i can't see my future husband- Ryan Buell. ^^ eleven years differnce. so what? xD
so, i've decided to write more in the journals on gaia, half for the gold, and half for just mindless typing and letting whatever i am thinking out. its somehow calming...in a way. yea, i am tried.
ooo, another thing. i cleaned out my friends list. so don't PM me and ask why you've been deleted. i think i had like seven pages before, and now i only like have four. so, i deleted you cause i didn't know you/talked to you in a long time, your profile was on private [which means you've deleted me xP] or that you were one of those newbies that log on and ask for friends, but never make anymore contact after that, or there are countless other reasons why i deleted you/kept you on my nifty friends list. cause i am nifty. XD i am more than nifty- i am boss.
yea, forget that i typed that. n.n
my back hurts. i need to sit up straight while on the computer for now on, cause my back hurts when i am on the computer lately. yea, letting you all know about my back pains. ooo, if you have any name ideas, PM me cause i am changing my name when i get my dream avatar.
miiss____x hEor3s
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