::trots over to his trusty ol' beanbag, and plops down into it, relishing in its cozyness::
Ahhh, me ish back...finally. I'll mostly just be on during the weekends, while I work, and since it's at work, I'll be sporadic.
But hey, at least I'm not just a memory, aye?
::gets up and trots off::
::pokes his head back in::
Oh, and I drew something again finally!!
::gives a smirk::
Zain was right, I still have it in me.
I'll put it up as soon as I get to a scanner.
::trots off into the distance::
![]() infantfinite86 Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
I missed you big brother! I'm not letting go of your leg until you say that you missed me too!