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Cursed Blood
Ch. 1

Xan sighed as he watched the curious humans grow in number as they stopped to watch the mail truck burn. Xan shifted, making sure that he was completely hidden from wandering eyes below. There was a slight tap on his shoulder followed by a sweet and familiar voice.

“Tag, your it! I win!”

Xan smiled.

“Rave, you know better then to abuse your powers by making mischief against poor humans.”

Rave huffed in protest.

“I was bored, besides it’s not like they’re innocent, they kill both our race and their own everyday with those pointless wars.”

Xan turned and faced her.

“Not all can be judged that way! Listen to yourself your starting to sound like the every day vampire”

Rave looked down, ashamed.

“Sorry. But I-“

Xan shook his head and stopped her.

“No need. I know you better. You care a lot for the humans; otherwise you wouldn’t have started our group. Now, enough talk, the council has asked for our presence.”

Rave made a face, childish in its anger.

“That’s why you were so easy to tag and don’t you deny it.”

Not waiting for Xan to defend himself, she turned around and disappeared into the shadows. Xan followed her quickly.

Xan and Rave made sure no one saw them as they entered the so-called Abandoned Mansion. Xan took the lead now as they ventured deep into the bowels of the underground passageways.

“Stay close Rave, I don’t want you to get lost.” He murmured to her.

After a few seconds, they reached a huge set of ancient-looking doors. Shadows danced along the walls, seeming to come alive in the flickering firelight. Xan pushed open the doors and walked on, with Rave following close behind. They darted down the short passageway ending in a large room, now hearing the idle banter of hundreds of vampires. They entered the room the talk was coming from, emerging on a raised platform almost like a hangman’s gallows. As soon as they stepped into the light, all talk ceased, and one hundred pairs of eyes were suddenly focused on them.

Rave pressed against Xan’s back, and Xan reached behind and grabbed her hand to reassure her, even though he also had a very bad feeling about this whole situation. Xan took in the room at a glance. It seemed that every one of the vampires that dwelled in the mansion was attending this meeting, and that certainly did not bode well for either of them. The booming voice of the head council sitting in the back of the room interrupted Xan’s thoughts.

“Xan, Rave, you are both hereby sentenced to immediate execution.”

Xan reached back and pulled Rave to his side.

“Under what jurisdiction?” He asked, a note of challenge in his voice.

The head of the council stood up and slammed his hands against the large desk.

“Mine, and you are charged with the murder of the High Elder, plus the deaths of 672 humans! We have evidence that strongly points to you two, as well as witnesses who place you two in the act.”

Xan glanced around and noticed that the exits were blocked by multiple vampires, all with looks of grim satisfaction on their faces.

“Please go peacefully, we don’t wasn’t any more casualties.” The head of the council boomed.

Xan bared his teeth at all assembled there.

“We were framed!” He shouted. “Why would two vampires that have sworn to protect humans and serve the high council do such a thing?” He glared around at all the vampires there, baring his teeth at them. The head of the council smiled.

“Be that as it may, no one else could have done it. You see, it was done in pure daylight.” His grin widened. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you two are the only vampires that can step into the sun and not be harmed.”

Xan looked down in apparent defeat. They hadn’t committed the crime, but what the head of the council had said was true. They were the only vampires that could step into the light and not be harmed. Almost regretfully, Xan reached for his gun.

“You think we will go peacefully?” He asked, his voice filled with contempt at such a thought.

“No, and that is why the situation is such. Vampires!” He boomed suddenly. All the vampires around them tensed, their eyes turning red with battle rage and blood lust, waiting for the command.

“KILL THEM!” The head of the council thundered.

Xan pulled Rave against his chest as the vampires all charged, and started shooting, taking down the vampires with dreadful accuracy. As the bullets entered a vampire’s body, the skin would burst into flame, and the vampire would explode. Xan and Rave’s weapons were harmless to humans but the ultraviolet light that was encased by bullet shaped plastic, which was made to break open as it hit and entered, was in fact lethal to vampires.

One of the vampires got close enough to Rave to grab her, and reached out to do so. However, the only thing the vampire got was the cold touch of the barrel of a pistol against his head. The vampire’s world went bright before it ended. Xan kicked another vampire to the ground, and started whispering to Rave.

“Rave, once you’re in the halls, run, don’t look back, and don’t worry about me. Understand? Run and don’t look back!” Rave was suddenly snatched into the air. Xan landed next to the great doors, and wrenched them open. At that moment Rave knew what Xan was going to do, and it frightened her.

“Xan, no! I will not le…”

But it was too late. Xan had already thrust her through the door and slammed it shut. She pounded on the door.

“Xan!” She screamed. “They’ll kill you without my help! Xan!!”

Xan’s voice was muffled but she could hear the urgency in it.

“Go Rave! Hide, please! I don’t want to loose you!” There was a great slam against the door, and Rave heard Xan fire his last bullet, then a sickening thud told her that the vampire’s had overwhelmed him. Her eyes swelled with tears.

“I love you Xan.” She cried through the door, and with that she turned and sprinted down the abandoned hallways.

Where was she going to go? How was she going to hide from the vampires? Was Xan going to be ok? Why hadn’t he grabbed her weapons too? How had this all started? Questions flooded her mind as she ran, never ceasing. Before she knew what was going on, she realized that she was outside. It was raining, but still daylight. The sudden light and the multitude of questions made her feel dizzy and nauseous. She stumbled and fell to her knees. She knew she had to get up, to keep running, but she couldn’t find the strength to make her legs move. As she toppled to the side, she saw many pairs of feet. She heard a man yell for someone to call 911, and then everything swirled into blackness.

Rave awoke in a strange environment, and she immediately took notice of the speaking voices. Her eyes were still closed to give the illusion of sleep, and she listened. A girl of about 17 years of age was speaking.

“Dad, is she awake yet? I want her to meet my friends and the school dance is the perfect time.”

The other had a deep voice that she could tell had much experience behind it.

“Now hun, when we found her, she had a fever and was very ill. She was in the hospital for 4 weeks and just recently was taken off the medication and was able to sleep in a real bed. Let her be. Remember, she might want to get back to her family. Now go get the vitamin water, it’s time for her to drink.”

The door to the room Rave was in slowly opened. Rave made sure she was in a sleep-like state as the man stepped into the room and stopped. He just stood there, and Rave wondered what he was waiting for. She heard him turn and face the hallway.

“Clare, on second thought, you can make some ham sandwiches.”

The man then shut the door and turned to face her. He walked over and set a glass of water down on the night-stand that was next to the bed.

“As you may have figured out by now I am quite intelligent. I graduated at the age of 6 and was valedictorian in all my courses. So I can tell a lot of things by just walking into a room. Knowing that, if you still wish to lay there and pretend to be asleep that is understandable.”

Rave pouted her lip and blew at her hair. She sat up and looked at the man. He was approximately 6’4”, was very well toned, wore a white doctors coat and had on a pair of thin glasses. He carried himself as if he had no fear, relaxed and attentive. His eyes were a brilliant green and his hair was silver-ish. Not old silver-ish, but the spunky, sleek silver. His bangs fell to the top of his eyebrows and were straight as an arrow. He wore a knowing smile, which made Rave shift uncomfortably.

He grabbed a chair that was at the base of the bed and placed it next to the nightstand. He sat down in the chair, crossed his legs right over left, and rested his hands on his knees.

He gave Rave a friendly smile.

“I’m surprised your awake, most vampires at this time of day are sill in the amnesia-like sleep state.”

Rave pulled the top of the covers up to her shoulders in fear.

The man chuckled lightly.

“Going into a state of protection! Did my statement startle you that much? There is nothing to worry about here. I judge everyone and everything seperatly. Besides, you don’t seem like the vicious killer most people think of. If I thought that, I wouldn’t have brought you into my house. Now lets put all that to the side for now.” The man extended his right hand towards Rave. “You may call me Doc, that’s what all my friends call me.”

Rave took the hand and shook it. “You consider me a friend?” She asked in puzzlement. Then she shook her head, almost as if clearing cobwebs out. “No, that’s not how you introduce yourself.” She muttered to herself. She looked back at him, squarely in the eye, and said, “My name is Rave, it’s nice to meet you.”

Ch. 2

The first thing that Xan noticed was the smell of burnt, rotten flesh. As he tried to open his eyes, a wave of dizziness washed over him, and he tried to grab his head. However, his hand was chained. Both his hands were chained, and his feet as well. He was suspended on a wall, and he wondered how high up on the wall he was. His body was sore and his memory was foggy and indistinct. He was losing consciousness once again, and the last thing his mind registered before going blank was the soft sound of chewing.

Xan awoke a little while later, his grogginess had greatly diminished, and he moaned, feeling as if every bone in his body was bruised. A deep voice echoed throughout the room, making his head hurt even more.

“Welcome back to the conscious world,” said the voice, “a pity you won’t be staying with the living for much longer. My little pet is hungry, and you are the main course. Luckily for you it is enjoying a light snack before getting down to business.”

The blindfold was ripped from Xan’s eyes, and he spoke, though his voice was weak.

“Tell me where Rave is.” He croaked.

Xan’s chain was undone, and he fell several feet to the ground. As he landed, Xan’s body was wracked with pain, and he grunted loudly. The chewing sound paused momentarily, as if whatever made the sound was listening, and then it resumed.

“Tsk, tsk, such bad manners. I barely know you and already you’re demanding answers.” The voice said, with a grin from the sound of it. “Well, if you must know, my pet is finishing up her dead carcass as we speak.”

The voice laughed evilly, and Xan tensed in anger.

“Stop that, I was kidding. I just wanted to gage your reaction. I am a scientist, and I like to see all the different results I get with different circumstances. I have no idea where this ‘Rave’ is.”

Xan relaxed and pushed himself against a wall to rest. The voice seemed to be coming from above him.

“Well pardon me for not being nice to the person who just threw me into his pet’s feeding chamber. By the way, where might that be?”

The voice chuckled again.

“Your grave of course. Oh and it’s futile to escape, since daylight is coming. It has been a while since they brought a vampire to me. Human’s usually die by the first blow from my pet. I am interested to see how well you fare.”

Xan’s body was in shock, and in very poor condition. His ribs were broken and the rest of his body was bruised and scarred.

“Might I inquire as to where my grave might be?” He asked.

“In the dungeons below the catacombs of the mansion.” The voice responded. “You’re sitting in the pit of my prized pet Amelia. You have heard of the experiments that go on in the dungeons have you not?”

The smell of rotting flesh was coming closer, and Xan’s gaze soon locked straight ahead. Two red eyes appeared in the shadows, gleaming maliciously. With every step the monster took came a sickening slap.

“So I’m to be this things lunch, and you’re going to watch?” He asked the darkness incredulously.

“Truthfully, no, the smell that comes from it makes me gag, and watching it eat is the most gruesome sight known to me. Have a pleasant, oh, 30 seconds.” And an iron door clanged shut above, leaving only the echo of his evil laugh lingering in the air.

Xan focused on the incoming danger, the stench quickly becoming unbearable. The creature slunk from the shadows, and Xan almost lost what was left of his stomach. The beast’s flesh was raw and bleeding, and its lips were pulled back in a snarl, the remnants of its previous snack still hanging from its teeth. The thing looked like a cross between a wolverine and a bear, and it opened its mouth to shriek at Xan.

Xan had to cover his ears, and the stench hit him like three semi-trucks on the highway. He leaned over and lost it, the creature slinking closer. As it came within three feet of him, it reared onto its hind legs, and seemed to loom taller than anything Xan had ever seen before.

“With a name like Amelia, I would have thought you were a girl, uh, whatever you are, but now I can see other wise. Either way, you are one ugly son of a…”

The monster came crashing down just as he finished, and he quickly rolled to the side. It came down on nothing but dust, metal, and cement. Xan scooted away and rolled to his stomach when he came face to face with another creature. Xan looked over his shoulder, and the thing called Amelia was gone. He rolled backwards, cursing.

“No, it can’t be…”

Xan stopped in mid-sentence as he bumped into something squishy. He didn’t need to look to know that his fears had just been confirmed. So, he thought, this thing is extremely ugly, extremely fast, and most likely extremely hungry.

“Bloody Hell! This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it.” He shouted to the uncaring ceiling.

The ceiling had no time to respond as the creature’s paw met his side. Xan was lifted off his feet and hurled to the side like a rag doll being shot out of a cannon. He exploded into the wall, then slid to the ground, dazed. The creature was instantly in Xan’s face as he gasped for air.

“Wow, that hurt!” He exclaimed. “It looks as though you’re not only ugly, you’ve been pumped with vampire DNA.”

A fleshy paw struck Xan directly under the chin, and again Xan was sent flying. This time however, he was able to twist in the air and cushion the impact with the wall while springing off to land on his feet.

“One warning Amelia,” He cautioned the animal from across the room. “I am not having the best of days. So, if you value your life, back off.” He looked behind him at Amelia, and sighed.

“Figures. I have to give you credit though, you’re fast and powerful. Doesn’t look like you’re smart, however. You really should have killed me when I was weak and broken. You see, I am no ordinary vampire. First of all, I can withstand the sun’s rays. Second, I heal a lot faster…”

The monster swung at him again, and this time when Xan hit the wall, he stood immediately, not even fazed.

“And like you, I am very strong and fast.” He continued, as if nothing had happened. “I guess there is no reasoning with you, however, so I am going to incapacitate you before you kill me.”

Xan grabbed his right arm and pulled it back into place. The creature charged at him, and Xan shifted and as the creature came within striking distance, Xan moved as fast as the thing did and delivered a massive uppercut. The creature was knocked on its back, and Xan hopped around and howled, holding his fist.

“Ow!” He roared. “That was like hitting titanium alloy!”

The creature rolled to its hind legs again, and started swatting at Xan relentlessly. Xan was ready this time, however, and moved swiftly to dodge the incoming blows. He dodged and countered, but his attacks seemed not even to faze the beast.

“Will you go down already? I don’t want to kill you!”

Xan missed a block, and the creature’s paw slammed into Xan’s ribs, sending him skidding towards the wall. Xan grabbed the paw and pulled the creature with him, then twisted and used the arm as leverage to slam the creature up against the wall instead of himself. The creature slid down and became motionless.

“Even you don’t deserve to die.” Xan told the unconscious figure.

Xan got up and dusted himself off, then turned and was sizing up the wall when a roar came from behind him. He ducked as a paw swept above his head, and turned on his heels, flattening his palm. He only put ¾ of his strength into the attack, and his hand sliced through the creature, cutting it cleanly in half. The smell became unbearable, and he completed the turn and jumped in one motion, managing to catch the edge of the ledge and pull himself up. He was now facing a great iron door, so he sat and folded his legs. It was now time to rest and allow his body to heal.

After about a half hour, though it was hard to tell time in this dark, musty place, Xan got up and faced the door.

“Time to get a little payback for that beating earlier. The gloves are off and it’s a race to find Rave.”

Xan grabbed the doorknob and found it to be unlocked.

Ch. 6

Xan’s fever was getting worse. Several weeks had passed since the battle with the stranger. Jim had stayed with Xan afterwards, to watch over him. Jim had tried several times to take Xan to the hospital, but every time Xan had argued and told Jim that the hospitals would just throw him out. Xan’s condition was getting worse and worse, progressing to the point where Xan had started talking in his sleep and hallucinating while he was awake. When Jim tried to calm him down, Xan would retaliate violently. Even though Xan would sometimes hurt Jim severely, Jim would ignore the pain and help his friend.

Whatever Xan was hallucinating about seemed to be serious. Xan would yell about how ‘they’ had paved their own path to corruption and downfall. Jim didn’t know who ‘they’ were, but it seemed that Xan had mixed feelings about them. Sometimes he would yell that they didn’t deserve help and sometimes he yelled, and even went to tears, on how mis fortunate and in bad need of rescuing they had been.

After 23 days Xan’s illness seemed to dissipate completely. Jim was putting a cold cloth on Xan’s head when Xan suddenly grabbed his arm to stop him. Jim was startled but remained calm. Xan had stopped sweating and was now smiling appreciatively at Jim. After seeing the bruises and cuts that covered Jim’s face, tears started to well up in Xan’s eyes.

“Oh Jim, I’m sorry for the pain I caused you…”

Jim held up a hand to stop Xan from apologizing.

“No need to apologize among friends,” he said. Again Xan gave Jim that heart warming smile.

“I’m just surprised at how suddenly you recovered,” Jim continued. Xan picked himself off of the ground, seeming to ignore the question. He seemed to carry himself differently, as if he looked at the world with a new understanding. Xan looked at Jim and chuckled.

“So you can tell the difference in me as well.”

Jim stood and studied Xan as Xan looked up to the sky. The moonlight made Xan look almost heroic, which was a very fitting look for Xan.

“You’re leaving aren’t you Xan? For the girl?” He paused just long enough to collect his thoughts, then continued, “Your on a mission now. Your going to go do that task that you were talking about in your sleep. I wish you well.”

Xan turned and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but changed his mind and rested a hand on Jim’s shoulder.

“You’ve been a better friend than I could ever ask for. I wish you could tag along but the road from here is too dangerous.” Xan dug into his trench coat and took out a powerful looking pendant.

“Here. A friend gave this to me a long time ago. I’m lending it to you, so I’ll be back for it you hear?”
Jim nodded and took the pendant.

“You aren’t who everyone believes you to be are you?” Jim asked knowingly. Xan looked Jim in the eyes. Xan had grown since he fell ill.

“Not everyone believes the same thing. However, you are correct, and some know the truth, that I am not the vampire that even I myself believed me to be, and they are waiting. My illness has shown me that, and much more.”

Xan turned and took two steps, then stopped.

“Jim, you stay safe now ok? I have to go ask a certain vampire why he would betray his kind and doom the rest of this world.”

A tear came to Jim’s eye. When Xan and Jim had first crossed paths Xan was like an adolescent who had just gotten away from their parents. Now after such a short amount of time, Xan was leaving a man who had a purpose, and was determined to set things right.
Xan looked up at the tall building its quiet exterior masking the chaotic interior perfectly. Xan never thought he would have to come back to the vampire filled damnation, which he had once called home. His ears picked up the sound of many horses coming from the inside, a greater amount than usual. If Xan could he would have avoided ever stepping foot in that place again, but he needed answers and fast. Xan checked his equipment one last time before kicking open the great wooden doors. Xan paused only for a second, listening as the once quiet upper levels were now buzzing with life. There was yelling and fighting everywhere, but Xan knew where he had to go. He spun and dodged as he ran through the uproar, plowing through doors and bodies alike. Voices yelled for him to stop, but Xan ignored them as he headed for the elders quarters. It took a long time to reach them, and Xan was forced to dispose of a couple vampires along the way, but finally the door was standing in front of him.

He paused to set himself, then kicked the oak door in and stepped into the room. He tensed as 8 very sharp points belonging to several types of weapons pricked his neck. The new chief council member stood behind his desk, his back to the door. What Xan presumed to be his personal guards were now circled about the door and it was their weapons that were poking his neck in that annoying fashion.

“Well well, I didn’t expect to see your face here ever again.”

Xan bared his teeth at the guards, who were threatening to kill him should he make a wrong move.

“For once I agree with you. Do you mind telling me what all this commotion is about?”

The chief council member turned towards them.

“Oh you noticed that, some vampire rebellion, a fight for leadership.”

Xan started to step closer to the evil traitor, but was irritatingly reminded of his current position.

“So you hid here and let your lap dogs do your fighting for you. You haven’t changed,” he said, with a hint of derision in his voice. The council member laughed.

“And I suppose you have?”

The council member held up an old gun that one would have seen back when the pirates ruled the seas. Xan didn’t flinch.

“I have questions for you and I want you to answer them,” he said in a matter of fact tone.

Again the council member laughed. He pulled back the hammer of the old gun and took aim.

“You think you are in the position to demand such things?”

An anger that Xan had never experienced before burst forth in him. A power that had long been lost to Xan resurfaced, the energy from it so great that the men surrounding him fell backwards. He was too furious to realize what was happening as he walked forward, his voice rising in annoyance at the cowardice of the council member. The new anger in Xan brought fear into the eyes of the vampire and his steady arm began to shake. Xan reached the coward in a few strides and batted the gun from his hand.

“Do not speak to me as if I was one of your vampire lackies! I came here in order to gain information so that I may prevent extinction, and all you do is cower behind you men and bark empty threats!”

Xan spit in rage.

“An earthworm has more courage than you!”

The guards had regained their awareness and now pounced for Xan, weapons ready and poised to kill. A black figure fell from the ceiling and intercepted the attackers. The unknown figure spun the cloak disguising his moves. There was the sound of gunfire and the slicing of flesh. The figure did not stop moving and from what Xan observed was never touched. The 8 guards fell in crumpled heaps never to rise again. The figure stood putting the pistols and sword back to their rightful place. The figure wore what seemed to be black Goth boots and a black swat outfit all topped with a black trench coat that went to the ankles, the perfect cover for all the many weapons that were concealed underneath. The black tinted sunglasses and black street gloves made the set complete. Xan smiled as he stared at the familiar friend, his anger and sudden power now gone.

“Lee! Your alive.”

Xan’s mood quickly changed from happiness to surprise as Lee lifted the desert eagle so that it pointed at Xan’s head.

“Lee? What…”

Lee shot with perfect aim, the bullet passing Xan’s head so close Xan could hear it, and embedded itself in the traitor’s head. Xan turned around just in time to see the council member reel back and shoot the empty ceiling. Lee had saved his life once again, but he had also disposed of Xan’s hope of getting answers. Xan whipped back around towards Lee, who was standing with the desert eagle still smoking in his hand.

“Lee I needed him alive!” Xan yelled indignantly. Lee holstered the desert eagle calmly and turned toward Xan as he spoke.

“No you didn’t. He was better off dead, that coward.”

Xan grabbed Lee’s shoulder.

“Yes I did he was the only one that could…”

Lee whipped around.

“Could what? Tell you why and how you got amnesia? Why the vampires made you believe some fairy tale, or about your past and the days you wore the white garbs of a high arch angel. Oh no, the council member wasn’t the only one that knew.”

As Xan stood there shocked, Lee spoke into the headset.

“It’s done, the traitor is dead. Evacuate all innocent personnel and go back to base. Give my regards to the boss and tell him my time with the organization has expired. It looks like my destiny has finally caught up to me. Oh tell that sweet cheeks Melissa to call me. I’ll show her another good time. She has my number.”

Lee took off the headset and broke it in his palm. He did not turn away from Xan, but kept walking.

“Xan there are more people than you think that know about you and your past.”

Xan stopped, and Lee lit a cigarette then took out a small black box with a red button on it.

“Don’t fall behind, we don’t want you to blow up with this place now do we? You have training to go through and you also have to rescue your key lime pie Rave.”

Xan ran to catch up with Lee.

“Thank you.”

Lee never paused.

“Don’t. Let’s just say I’m paying back a big favor.”

Rave’s head spun as if she had just gotten off “The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party” ride. Rave tried to move her hands to steady her head, but found that she couldn’t. Her eyes snapped open, and though the room was dark, her eyesight adjusted quickly. Rave noticed the musty smell she hadn’t at first, and she found out fairly quickly that she could not move any part of her body with the exception of her fingers, toes and eyes. Rave felt around with what little movement she had, and came to the conclusion that she was strapped to a bed. Rave began to struggle to break lose from her bonds, and there was a soft click as a sound system turned on. Rave stopped struggling to listen.

“Now, now, Rave, the room you are in is highly monitored. You even think wrong and I will know.” The voice was disguised by some type of machine, and Rave listened hard to try to recognize any tone in the speaker’s voice.

“Rave, don’t strain yourself too hard. You most likely have a headache already from hitting you head so hard. It is pointless to try to recognize any part of my voice. I can tell you we have met, but it sees your memory has not come back yet.”

The person paused to adjust something, it sounded like the press of nose pads from glasses.

“So you heard that, yes I wear glasses. That was clumsy on my part, now you are a step closer to figuring out who I am.” The person seemed to be talking as much to himself as to Rave. “The room you are in is square, a 20 x 18 freedom room with the walls made of the metal used on bank walls. Only these walls are three times as thick. The door only opens on the outside and there are no windows so there is no use trying to escape.”

Again the person adjusted their glasses.

“With that in mind, you will find in a matter of time that I can be a very agreeable person with my captives.”

The lights in the room gently flicked on and brightened slowly until the room was well lit.

“Again you are highly monitored. If you want to change you will be watched.” The straps holding her down loosened and retracted into the bed.

“You will find that there is a dresser full of clothing, a bed, and a mirror made of plexy glass material. Your amount of time staying in this room all depends on how long it takes Xan to come and rescue you…or at least attempt to. Your meals will be served to you by means of a small robot that is very close to me as a companion, so try not to hurt him. Sit back and relax. If you wish to talk to someone just say so. If you wish to ask questions, be warned that any that will give the slightest hint of your whereabouts or any other information of that matter will be ignored. If you need anything, again just ask and if acceptable we will deliver it.”

The voice paused.

“So what kind of food do you like?”

Rave figured that the best thing to do was to follow the rules for now. She knew nothing of her captor of what had happened to doc or the girl, but she had a feeling that they may be in a similar situation.

“I like anything. I’m not really all that picky.” Rave got up and studied the room. She walked over to the dresser and looked at the cloths. She was surprised to find that they were in the style she liked down to the color and type of underwear.

“Ah you like the clothes. I will tell you there is no where you can change in private so if you wish to change you will be seen, but I am guessing you don’t mind.”

Rave sifted through the clothes.

“You seem to know me well, so I am guessing that I don’t have to wear them at all if I don’t want to?”

The man chuckled.

“No, you can walk and do things in the nude for all I care. Heck, if you wish I can get a male or maybe even a female for you to have fun with. Or you can have fun with yourself. All will be watched closely however.”

Rave pressed a net shirt to her torso to check the size.

“You seem to even have all the measurements correct as well. Are you some type of jealous stalker? Be truthful now, I don’t mind.” As she conversed with the voice she sifted through the underwear.

“Well yes and no. I may know a lot about you, but I am no jealous. That is not the reason behind all of this. Anything else?”

Rave didn’t really care if anyone saw her or not, she was proud of her body.

“No thank you. That is the shower in the middle of the room correct? Good, thank you.” She then purposefully walked towards that area.

Rave took a long relaxing shower and then got dressed. She wore a black belly button shirt that had a red criss cross, the design in the middle covering some of the shirt. Over that she wore a fish net type shirt. She had arm warmers that were black and silver with chains hacked around them. She had on combat boots and baggy black pants that had silver flames with red lining from the knees down. Chains were also attached to the pants.


Xan flipped through the channels, every station had a news flash concerning the explosion of the mansion. When cops investigated, the news reports said, they had found little evidence of anyone living there or what the cause of the explosion was. Xan, however, knew it was all a lie. The cops that went to investigate were vampires themselves and in section K. The human population didn’t know that Section K even existed, but every other species did. Section K was there to protect the discovery of the other existing races, and usually made up stories to cover up the truth and keep the peace, an easy job to handle at most times. But like all big news, there had to be press, and there was. The newspaper was cut in plain sight for all to read. The catch was that not many believed the stories because Section K made the pictures inside look as if they were photo shopped. Xan clicked the television off.

There was a light footfall behind him.

“Are you ready Xan?”

‘Lee’ had brought Xan to what he said was help, but turned out to be an underground base. Xan stood up and turned to the men in all white. The man had hazelnut colored skin, and his mouth and lower face were covered with a white scarf. His hair was black and spiked in the front, and the man looked as though he were one of the heroes from a well-known anime.

“So you will be the one teaching me to fight. What should I call you?”

The man shifted and turned away.

“The name is Photovath. I can not guarantee that I can train you to your previous level of skill, but I will do my best.”

Xan caught up to the man.

“So you know of my past as well?”

The man chuckled, a laugh that came from the back of his throat.

“Know it? I studied and was a part of it.”

They continued to progress deeper into the base.

“Why do you laugh?”

Photovath nodded his head apologetically.

“Sorry I did not mean to offend you I merely think it humorous that you do not remember you top student of the battles that we shared.”

Xan cocked an eyebrow.

“Really? I was your teacher?”

The man stopped. He was smiling under his scarf.

“Yes you taught *find name(Jesse’s character)* and myself. After your training we went our separate ways. *Jesse* joined the Platinum Wings and I came down to Earth to kick evil’s butt. Well at least as much as I can. The only ones that are out of my league are the three main leaders.”

Photovath cleared his throat.

“Make that two, you and Rave took care of one of them a while ago.”

Xan’s eyes grew wide.

“Oh man…Rave!”

Photovath put up a hand and smiled.

“No worries, you know where she is and we know that she is safe and well taken care of.”

Xan looked at Photovath, puzzled.

“You know where she is?”

Photovath shook his head.

“No you know where she is, well, in your memories you do. But we know the person that has her is keeping her safe and well looked after…we couldn’t identify him but he sent us a tape. She is being basically treated like royalty with the exception of being watched 24 hours a day.”

“So did he say anything like instructions.”

Photovath smiled.

“Yes he did actually. He said to make sure you are your old self again, maybe stronger, if you want to rescue Rave. He said if you did not succeed that he would make Rave his girl.”

Xan blustered a bit and turned red.

“Rave and I aren’t…”

Photovath stopped in his tracks.

“That’s a lie. You two have always been together since the age of 11. You got married when you were 18 and have been together for a very long time. Two of the most powerful and famous Bloodlines joined together in love. And don’t tell me you two don’t love each other even after the memory loss, your eyes twinkle when someone merely mentions her name. She’s waiting for you to save her, do not let her down.”

Xan and Photovath had been going deeper and deeper this whole time and it was at this point that Xan noticed his surroundings were different. It was all natural and flood lamps were hanging from wire.

“I will not deny my feelings for her. How deep are we going?”

Photovath pointed at an elevator.

“Very deep. We don’t want to put people in danger.”

Xan and Photovath got into the elevator.

“Danger? What the heck are we doing?”

Photovath put a key into a lock and twisted it. A button popped up and he pushed it. The elevator started to descend.

“I told you. We’re getting your skills back. Now I must warn you. I am not your only opponent. Your life is on the line down here.”

Xan looked over at Photovath.

“Oh please, do explain, since I heard no sarcasm in your voice.”

Photovath chuckled.

“Well, if I can I keep the demons alive so I or anyone else can train.”

The elevator stopped, but Xan pushed the button to keep the door closed.

“Any rules as in weapons we are able to use, or what we can kill?”

Photovath made sure all his weapons were on him.

“Go ahead, all bets are off, but to tell you the truth, the demons don’t sit around while they are down here, so they all have gotten stronger. If you can kill them do it, don’t hesitate no matter what.” Photovath paused as if thinking. “I have a tattoo on my knee. If I come up to you, make sure I tell you that or show you. Otherwise don’t trust anything you see. I will stay close to you as much as possible. After all the enemies are killed, we will fight and you can show me the skills you have acquired. Good luck and kick butt.”

The door slid open. A lush, beautiful green plateau lay in front of them, the scenery seeming to go on forever.

“And I thought it was going to be dark and clammy.”

Xan stepped out. The air immediately became thicker and the gravity pressed down on his shoulders. A chilling laugh echoed through the air.

“Welcome back Photovath. I see you have brought a friend. Good. You’re going to need the help.”

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